Brock Tellier found several holes in the Solaris 2.7 SPARC/x86
dmispd daemon that will allow malicious users to do various DoS
attacks and probably more. This was tested only on 2.7 with the
latest patches as of this writing. dmispd is the "DMI service
Vuln #1 - local/remote users can use all /var disk space
By using "dmi_cmd", any user on any other Solaris machine (or
anyone who cares to port dmi_cmd) can use the "dmi_cmd -CI
sp.mif" command to add the sp.mif files to the /var/dmi/db
database. A user can repeat this process again and again until
all of /var's (or wherever the conf file is placing these files)
disk space has been used up. sp.mif appears to be installed by
default and no user authentication is done. An attack of this
sort could be a prelude to another, more serious attack, since
most of Solaris's system logs reside on /var. The interaction
with dmispd does not appear to be logged in any way.
Vuln #2 - local/remote users can crash the dmispd daemon
By using the same "dmi_cmd -CI" command, users can specify their
own file to add. If this file contains enough bites on the first
line, we can cause the daemon to segfault and crash. We can do
this using the reverse directory transversal problem as shown:
# any more than 1024 characters in here and dmispd reports an error
# and exit()'s without segfaulting.
echo `perl -e "print 'A' x 1000"` > /usr/home/btellier/my.mif
dmi_cmd -CI ../../../usr/home/btellier/my.mif
The client hangs, then reports an error. The daemon has
segfaulted and died. Brock has been able to overwrite ONLY the
%o4 register and nothing more. In addition to this, it seems
that the daemon will only accept regular letters/numbers/symbols
and all other characters are discarded, which greatly reduces our
chances of making this exploit anything more than a DoS.
He tried specifying ../../../etc/shadow and other files to see if
they are written to the /var/dmi/db database, but dmispd parses
the files for correct format and reports an error if they are not
what was expected.
Nothing yet.