SunOS 5.3, 5.5, 5.5.1, 5.6
Stanley Stasiak found following. The bug manifests itself in
in.ftpd process instance 'spinning' i.e. consuming a lot of CPU
resource. This was tested on:
2.5.1 SPARC sun4u & sun4m
2.6 SPARC sun4u & sun4m
2.6 x86
Here's how to reproduce:
$ telnet 21
220 some FTP server (SunOS 5.6) ready.
Now get another term and look for the telnet process.
$ ps -ef | grep telnet (for all SysV)
$ ps -aux | grep telnet (for all BSD systems)
Say PID was 12345. Now send it a SIGINT or SIGQUIT followed by
$ kill -2 12345
$ kill 12345
At this stage in.ftpd on starts chomping on
the CPU. The victim can be local or remote as long as its a
Solaris box. Note that in.ftpd must be Sun's native. If the
machine runs say wuftp then it will not exhibit this. The bug
only seems to work at the server greet so no need to log in. In
fact it probably will not work if you do log in. The server
implements a timeout for all connection logged in or not. It will
thereafter "clean up" its beserk in.ftpd process. The effect is
cummulative... connect 20 times like this and watch the load
Aggelos P. Varvitsiotis added few more points. When the in.ftpd
was left in this "hung" state, doing "truss -p" revealed that ftpd
keeps on read(2)ing zero bytes from the network socket in a tight
loop, hence the CPU time consumed. The most plausible scenario
(without any kind of access to the source code) is that the client
telnet, when receiving SIGINT/QUIT, creates an "exception"
condition in the receiving socket, which is not examined as it
should by ftpd. The next kill is bogus, you might just as well
shut down the telnet connection (^]-close - tried it out
successfully). It just creates an EOF condition on ftpd's input,
which is not handled appropriately.
The following patches are available in relation to the above
SunOS Patch ID
----- ---------
SunOS 5.6 106301-01
SunOS 5.6_x86 106302-01
SunOS 5.5.1 103603-08
SunOS 5.5.1_x86 103604-08
SunOS 5.5 103577-08
SunOS 5.5_x86 103578-08
SunOS 5.4 101945-59 (to be released in 6 weeks)
SunOS 5.4_x86 101946-52 (to be released in 6 weeks)
SunOS 5.3 104938-02