^[[1J reboot


    Solaris 2.5.1


    Tobias Oetiker found following.  How to reboot a sun ultra running
    Solaris 2.5.1 from the console,  when being logged in as  a normal
    user, without touching STOP-A (tested on ultra1 140m)?

    Try executing:

        perl -e 'print "\e[1J"'

    on the  console without  starting X11.  This will  send your ultra
    to kingdom come and only a power-on reset can get it back...  This
    can be tricky because  some users like to  telnet to a VAX  system
    from the sun  console without starting  up X11 (OK,  let's imagine
    that situation).  On the VAX they use their favorite editor, which
    uses above escape sequence to clear the screen. Unfortunately  the
    screen clearing is a bit to effective on a ultra.


    The bug is in the Sun  bug-database under ID 4039619 (that is  the
    number  quoted  by  Tobias's  sun  service  rep)  The   workaround
    according to  sun is:   "Don't log  into the  VAX without starting
    X." Obvious yes...