

    Solaris 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.6 (sparc and x86)


    Following info is based on  RSI Advisory (#5).  Vulberability  was
    discovered by Matt Conover.  Several buffer overflows exist in Sun
    Microsystem's libnsl  networking library.   While overwriting  the
    buffer, the attacker  can manipulate the  stack and execute  their
    own commands, possibly gaining root access on your server.
    Functions we have found vulnerable:

        Vulnerable key functions:
        extract_secret ()       : Buffer overflows while copying
                                  data into a local buffer
        getkeys_nis ()          : Buffer overflows if key value
                                  is larger then the buffer
        getpublickey ()         : Calls getkeys_nis ()
        getsecretkey ()         : Calls getkeys_nis ()

        Vulnerable RPC functions:
        authdes_seccreate ()    : Calls getpublickey ()
        rpc_broadcast_exp ()    : Buffer overflow if allowed to
                                  specify network protocol type
        rpc_broadcast ()        : Calls rpc_broadcast_exp ()
        clnt_create_timed ()    : Buffer overflow if allowed to
                                  specify network protocol type
        host2netname ()         : Buffer overflow while specifying
        getnetname ()           : Calls host2netname ()
        clnt_create ()          : Calls clnt_create_timed ()
        rpc_call ()             : Buffer overflow if allowed to
                                  specify network protocol type
        authdes_pk_seccreate () : Calls getnetname ()

        Vulnerable NIS functions:
        __nis_init_callback ()  : Calls getpublickey ()
        __nis_core_lookup ()    : Buffer overflow while copying
                                  paramaters into a local buffer
        nis_make_rpchandle ()   : Calls host2netname ()
        nis_dump_r ()           : Calls nis_make_rpchandle ()
        nis_dump ()             : Calls nis_dump_r ()
        __nis_auth2princ ()     : Buffer overflow while specifying
                                  machine name
        __nis_host2nis_server (): Buffer overflow while specifying
        nis_name_of_r ()        : Buffer overflow while copying
                                  paramaters into a local buffer
        nis_old_data_r ()       : Buffer overflow while copying
                                  paramaters into a local buffer
        nis_list ()             : Calls __nis_core_lookup ()
        nis_add ()              : Calls nis_nameops ()
        nis_remove ()           : Calls nis_nameops ()
        nis_modify ()           : Calls nis_nameops ()
        nis_mkdir ()            : Calls nis_make_rpchandle ()
        nis_rmdir ()            : Calls nis_make_rpchandle ()

    Potentially vulnerable programs:

        Calls vulnerable RPC functions:
        1. nfs mount
        2. nfs share
        3. rpc.rexd
        4. autofs

        Calls vulnerable key functions:
        1. chkey
        2. keylogin
        3. setkey
        4. newkey
        5. keyserv
        6. libscheme

        Calls vulnerable NIS functions:
        1. rpc.nisd
        2. rpc.nisdpasswdd
        3. nisping
        4. nisaddent
        5. nisupdkeys
        6. nisaddcred
        7. sendmail
        8. volcheck
        9. vold

        Calls vulnerable YP functions:
       1. vacation
       2. ypwhich
       3. yppush


    The current patch list for this problem by OS is below.

        SunOS 5.6           105401-14
        SunOS 5.6_x86       105402-14
        SunOS 5.5.1         103612-43
        SunOS 5.5.1_x86     103613-43
        SunOS 5.5           103187-39
        SunOS 5.5_x86       103188-39
        SunOS 5.4           101973-36
        SunOS 5.4_x86       101974-36
        SunOS 5.3           101318-91       (to be released soon)