

    Solaris 2.3...2.6, HpUX, NEC


    NIS+  and  NIS  are  designed  to  assist in the administration of
    networks by providing  centralized management and  distribution of
    information  about  users,  machines,  and  other resources on the
    network. NIS+ is a replacement for NIS.  A buffer overflow  exists
    in some  versions of  NIS+.   The rpc.nisd  program is  an ONC RPC
    agent that implements the NIS+ service.  Generally, the data  sent
    to an  RPC daemon  has explicit  maximum length,  ensuring that it
    will not overflow  buffers of any  reasonable size.   However, one
    NIS+ argument:  nis_name, has no specific maximum length.  In this
    case the  max length  defaults to  an unsafe  value.  Because NIS+
    copies this argument  onto fixed length  buffers in the  stack, an
    attacker can  corrupt the  stack and  cause the  daemon to execute
    arbitrary  machine  code.   This  problem  was  discovered by Josh
    Daymont of ISS.

    Additionally, if your NIS+ server is running in NIS  compatibility
    mode and  if an  intruder is  able to  crash the  NIS+ server, the
    intruder  may  be  able  to  masquerade  as an NIS server and gain
    access to machines that depend on NIS for authentication. Finally,
    if an  intruder is  able to  crash an  NIS+ server  and there  are
    clients on the  local network that  are initialized by  broadcast,
    an  intruder  may   be  able  to   provide  false   initialization
    information to the NIS+  clients. Clients that are  initialized by
    hostname may also be vulnerable under some circumstances.

    To determining if you are  vulnerable do following.  On  a Solaris
    machine,  issue  the  following  commands  to determine if you are
    running rpc.nisd:

        solaris% rpcinfo -p localhost | grep 100300

    If you  see the  following output,  or something  similar, and you
    have not installed a patch then you are vulnerable:

        100300    3   udp  32773  nisd
        100300    3   tcp  32771  nisd


    Until  you  are  able  to  install  the  appropriate  patch, it is
    recommended  to  disable  NIS+.   If  you  must  operate  with  an
    unpatched version  of NIS+,  the risk  may be  mitigated using the
    following  strategies.   (1)  Limit   external  access   to   your
    portmapper by  blocking access  to port  111 at  your firewall  or
    router  or  (2)  configure  your  system  to  mark  the  stack  as
    non-executable.  For example, on Solaris systems running on sun4m,
    sun4d and sun4u platforms,  the variable noexec_user_stack in  the
    /etc/system file can be used  to mark the stack as  non-executable
    by default. (3)  Initialize  newly installed NIS+ clients using  a
    method that does not rely on unauthenticated network  information.
    For   example,   on   Solaris    systems   you   can   copy    the
    /var/nis/NIS_COLD_START file from an already existing NIS+ client,
    and use that file as input to the nisinit command.

    HP's patches are in process.

    Some NEC systems are vulnerable. Patches are in progress and  will
    be available from:

    Sun  Microsystems,  Inc.  released  patches  for Solaris 5.4, 5.5,
    5.5.1, and 5.6.   The patch numbers are as follows:

        5.3     sparc   101318-91
        5.4     sparc   101973-35
        5.4     intel   101974-35
        5.5     sparc   103187-38
        5.5     intel   103188-38
        5.5.1   sparc   103612-41
        5.5.1   intel   103613-41
        5.6     sparc   105401-13
        5.6     intel   105402-13

    Sun estimates  that a  patch for  SunOS 5.3  will be  available in