

    All systems using BIND as their domain name server with  recursion
    Windows NT (server) version 3.51 & 4.0 DNS server.


    The following informations  is based on  Secure Networks Inc.  and
    CORE Seguridad de la Informacion advisories.

    The  usage  of  predictable  IDs  in  queries and recursed queries
    allows for remote cache  corruption.  This allows  malicious users
    to alter  domain name  server caches  to change  the addresses and
    hostnames of hosts on the internet.

    Remote root users  can poison BIND  and Microsoft Windows  NT name
    server caches  by forging  UDP packets.   Note that  unlike  other
    well documented attacks, in this instance it is NOT necessary  for
    the  attacker  to  take  over  a  DNS  server  or sniff the target

    This particular cache corruption  attack requires that the  target
    nameserver be configured to  allow recursion.  Recursion  allows a
    nameserver to handle requests for  zones or domains which it  does
    not serve.  When receiving a  query for a zone or domain  which is
    not served  by the  name server,  the name  server will transmit a
    query to  a nameserver  which serves  the desired  domain.  Once a
    response  is  received  from  the  second  nameserver,  the  first
    nameserver sends the response back to the requesting party.

    The  following  attack  is  outlined  in  the  paper   "Addressing
    weaknesses  in  the  Domain  Name  System Protocol" by Christopher
    Schuba  and  Eugene  Spafford.   The  paper  also assumes that the
    attacker has super-user access  to a primary nameserver,  here SNI
    and CORE demonstrates  that this is  not necessary nor  are source
    routed packets required.

    Using the recursion  feature, one can  poison the cache  on a name
    server with the following procedure:

    The Players

      HOST.ATTACKER.COM is the attacking host.

      DNS.ATTACKER.COM is ATTACKER.COM's  nameserver, we presume  that
      this is the  only name server  for ATTACKER.COM to  simplify the

      DNS.TARGET.COM is the target  nameserver which runs BIND.   What
      we will attempt to do is  add an A (address) resource record  on
      DNS.TARGET.COM that will  resolve WWW.SPOOFED.COM to
      We   are   sure   that   WWW.SPOOFED.COM   is   not   cached  in
      DNS.TARGET.COM's DNS cache.

      DNS.SPOOFED.COM is the nameserver for SPOOFED.COM's domain.   We
      have determined this  before the attack  begins.  Once  again we
      just  presume  its  the  only  one  in  order  to  simplify this

    The Attack

      A.  First  a  query  is  sent  to DNS.TARGET.COM asking for  the
          address  of   UNKNOWN.ATTACKER.COM.   Our   query  has   the
          recursion desired  bit set,  meaning that  if the nameserver
          we  are  querying  has  recursion  enabled,  it  will  query
          another  nameserver  with  our  query  (assuming it does not
          have the information cached).

      B.  DNS.TARGET.COM   will  first  determine   who  serves    the
          ATTACKER.COM domain, then it  will build a query  packet and
          send it to DNS.ATTACKER.COM.

      C.  We sniff  DNS.ATTACKER.COM's local network and  retrieve the
          query  packet  sent  by  DNS.TARGET.COM to DNS.ATTACKER.COM.
          We  can  then  determine  the   query  ID  (qid0)  used   by
          DNS.TARGET.COM.    Chances  are   that  the   next   queries
          generated by  DNS.TARGET.COM will  have query  IDs that will
          fall in the range [qid0,qid0+N] where N is dependent on  the
          amount  of  queries  DNS.TARGET.COM  is  generating  in  the
          period  of  time  on  which  the  attack  takes place.  N is
          usually <= 10 for most cases.

      D.  Once we  have determined  what the  next query ID  generated
          will  be,  we  send  a  query  to  DNS.TARGET.COM asking for
          WWW.SPOOFED.COM's address.

      E.  Then   we   start    sending   spoofed   DNS  replies   from
          DNS.SPOOFED.COM,      telling      DNS.TARGET.COM       that
          WWW.SPOOFED.COM is ''.

      F.  If  we guessed the  query ID used  by DNS.TARGET.COM in  its
          recursed  query  and  our  response  is  received first, our
          response will  be taken  as valid  and the  address will  be
          cached.    Subsequent  responses   will  be   discarded   as
          duplicates.  We can  always send many (N*M)  spoofed packets
          with different IDs in the range (qid0,qid0+N] so we will  be
          sure that at least one  of them will hit DNS.TARGET.COM  and
          have the 'right' ID.  M is a factor dependent of the  amount
          of  UDP  packets  we  expect   to  lose  on  their  way   to

    If the attack  succeeded, any query  to DNS.TARGET.COM asking  for
    WWW.SPOOFED.COM's  address,  will  get  as  a response.
    Thus, any user  on TARGET.COM's domain  will connect to
    if they try to contact WWW.SPOOFED.COM.

    The  usage  of  in  this  description  is of course for
    instructional purposes, any IP address can be used, in  particular
    an attacker could use its own IP address (BADGUY.COM's IP) so  all
    connections   to 'host'  will go  to 'BADGUY'.   The attacker  can
    then  'impersonate'  WWW.SPOOFED.COM.   Given  this  attack, it is
    easy to visualize the effects of impersonating a high traffic  FTP
    distribution site.   This attack  can also  be used  to  intercept
    email traffic,  and bypass  address based  authentication methods,
    including TCP wrappers and firewalls.

    However, this attack depends on a few things to succeed:

    1. The  attacker  has  complete  control  of    DNS.ATTACKER.COM's
       network, he  can both  spoof and  sniff DNS  packets there.  In
       particular, he can sniff DNS packets sent to DNS.ATTACKER.COM.

    2. Spoofed DNS responses sent from the attacker to  DNS.TARGET.COM
       must   be   received   before    the   legit   response    from
       DNS.SPOOFED.COM.  This is very easy to achieve.  In testing  we
       have not  yet encountered  a situation  where we  could not get
       our packets to the nameserver first.

    3. The name server on DNS.TARGET.COM supports recursion and caches
       responses.  This is common  practice.  It should be  noted that
       most nameservers  allow recursion  (unless specifically  denied
       by configuration options).  Root name servers, however, do  not
       allow recursion.

    If DNS.TARGET.COM  caches negative  responses as  well (NCACHE), a
    denial of service attack can  be performed, in this case,  spoofed
    responses  sent  by  the  attacker  will  tell DNS.TARGET.COM that
    WWW.SPOOFED.COM does not exist (and be authorative on this).

    The  existence  of  several  nameservers  for the domains does not
    alter the basic outline of  this attack.  The attacker  would only
    need  to  send  DNS  responses  with  source  addresses of each of
    SPOOFED.COM's  nameservers.   (N*M*I  responses,  where  I  is the
    number of nameservers).


    The Microsoft  DNS Server  has been  modified to  use random query
    IDs.   Random query  IDs reduce  the effectiveness  of this  cache
    pollution attack. Obtain the following  fix, or wait for the  next
    Windows  NT  service  pack.   This  hotfix  has been posted to the
    following Internet location:

    following path:


    The KB article Q159310 says  this was last updated March  31, 1998
    and it says that there is a fix available to correct them.  To get
    a fix that  is not available  from the standard  MS FTP site,  you
    need to contact Microsoft Professional Support Services (PSS)  and
    refer to  the KB  article.   This will  be also  addressed in SP4.
    As for others, apply newest BIND (4.9.7/8.1.2)