

    Award BIOS


    Bluefish posted following.   Some of passwords  on BIOS are  false
    or 'duplicates'.  This advisory is intended to aid maintainers  of
    such lists to advoid listing such.

    These passwords are fundamental tools for in numerous  situations,
    everything  from  doing  security  reviews  (verify  if  you   are
    vulnerable to them), fixing computers after password loss or  cmos
    corruption, to simplify malicious attacks.  Any way around,  error
    free lists makes everyones life easier.

    There are three  kinds of misstakes  in published lists  regarding

    (a) softwares  incorrectly  listed  as  passwords. "KILLCMOS"  and
        "BIOS310" was noted which are wellknown "anti-password" tools.
        So, feel  free to  doubt that  any manufacturer  uses them  as
        passwords...   If  they  do,  their  engineers  sure got weird

    (b) "duplicates" of one and the same Award password. A "duplicate"
        is a password which has an equal Award hash as other, allready
        listed, passwords.  More about this later in the advisory.

    (c) Award hashes accidently listed as plaintext passwords.   1EAAh
        is such an example, it is not a password, it is an Award hash.

    Introduction to the Award Hash (message digest algorithm)
    As  the  main  developer  of  "!BIOS",  one  of  the BIOS Password
    recovery widely  available, Bluefish  investigated the  Award BIOS
    years ago and  it was one  of his first  attacks against a  simple
    cryptographic system.

    It turns out that it is extremly weak, the message digest is  only
    16 bit and the algorithm used is made up of two rotations and  one
    addition for each character.

    To the best of his knowledge, "!BIOS" was the first cracker  which
    cracked this version of Award, but since then several others  have
    successfully  attacked  it,  most  successfully  the  code  by Jan
    Stohner,   "pwdigit",   which   now   is   included   in  "!BIOS".
    Additionally,  we  later  reverse  engineered  some parts the F000
    memory segment and derived a copy of the original algorithm.

    On Award,  these passwords  aren't merely  default passwords,  but
    backdoor passwords which will override any admin or user password.
    On some  systems this  hash is  readable at  FEC60, "!BIOS"  among
    other tools  can try  to decipher  it.   In some  newer Awards the
    algorithm  is  only  used  for  user/admin  passwords  and another
    routine (one  to one  cipher, not  a hash)  is used  to store  the
    backdoor password.

    List of "duplicate" Award passwords
    Bluefish identified the following "duplicates":
    - Duplicates with hash 1EAA: 01322222, 589589, 589721, zjaaadc, AWARD_SW
    - Duplicates with hash 16AA: g6PJ, h6BB, j09F, j256, j262, j322
    - Duplicates with hash 7409: CONCAT, djonet, efmukl
    - Duplicates with hash BEA2: TTPTHA, ttptha, ZAAADA

    You have to  type AWARD?SW on  a German keyboard  to get AWARD_SW.
    Award  does  a  flawed  conversion  to  ASCII.   Maybe  it assumes
    american keyboards.  Then maybe  we have to assume that  with some
    keyboards  award.sw  is  allright   too.   Anyway  around,   those
    passwords gives hash 1EAA, so they  can be replaced by any of  the
    other passwords with that hash.

    Tool used to identify "duplicates":
    Bluefish created a simple program in java which takes a password
    from the command-line and then tell you the hash corresponding to
    it.  He used it together with the following command:

        cat awpass.txt | awk '{ print "java ptToAw " $1 }' | sh

    There may be some minor bugs in the software.

    public class ptToAw {
      public static short awardEncipher(String s) {
        short ax, bx, cx;
        ax = bx = 0;
        s = s.trim().toUpperCase();
        for (cx=0; cx<s.length(); cx++) {
          ax = (short) s.charAt(cx);
          bx = rol_1(rol_1(bx));
          bx = (short) (ax+bx);
        return bx;
      private static short rol_1(short x) {
        return (short) ((x<<1)^((x>>15)&1));
      public static void main(String[] argv) {
        int md, i;
        for (i=0; i<argv.length; i++) {
          md = awardEncipher(argv[i]) & 0xFFFF;
                                     " :: "+argv[i]);


    Nothing yet.