misc. cross site scripting issues


    Most systems


    Marc Slemko found following.  There have been a few random  "cross
    site scripting" related issues in  the past month that people  may
    be interested in.  Summary:

        1. Netscape Enterprise server default 404 page is vulnerable
        2. IIS5 default error pages are vulnerable
        3. Don't forget the javascript entities
        4. IE Ignores MIME types
        5. IE sends cookies via http to every port
        6. IE and Navigator interpret HTML in ftp directory listings

    Netscape Enterprise server default 404 page is vulnerable
    Well, iPlanet or whatever the marketing folks are calling it now:

        marcs@alive:~$ telnet 80
        Connected to
        Escape character is '^]'.
        GET /notthere HTTP/1.0
        Referer: "><B>foo
        HTTP/1.1 404 Not found
        Server: Netscape-Enterprise/4.0
        Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 02:12:56 GMT
        Content-type: text/html
        Content-length: 291
        Connection: close
        <TITLE>Not Found</TITLE><H1>Not Found</H1> The requested object does not exist on this server. The link you followed is either outdated, inaccurate, or the server has been instructed not to let you have it. Please inform the site administrator of the <A HREF=""><B>foo">referring page</A>.

    This can be avoided simply by specifying an explicit 404 document.
    The  disturbing  part  is  Netscape's (erm... iPlanet's?) reaction
    to this.  Shortly after the CERT advisory came out, they had  CERT
    add a link to the bulletin to:

    This page states:

        Web Server Administrators: The  CERT Advisory states that  you
        are "encouraged to apply  patches as suggested by  your vendor
        to address this  problem." There are  no patches required  for
        the  iPlanet(TM)  Web   Server  products  (formerly   Netscape
        Enterprise Server).

    Unfortunately, as  you can  clearly see,  this isn't  true.   Marc
    notified the appropriate people at Netscape about this a few  days
    after  they  posted  this  information,  and  they claimed to have
    updated the  page but,  despite repeated  prompting, it  obviously
    never made it to the website.

    Are there any other related problems in Netscape Enterprise?  Have
    they looked? If they have found any, would they tell you?  If  you
    were a  Netscape customer  using this  product, he  would be quite
    concerned about  why they  left information  that they  knew to be
    incorrect be posted  on their website  for months, and  about what
    other problems the server may be vulnerable to.

    IIS5 default error pages are vulnerable
    Do not know if this applies to any release version of IIS5 or only
    prerelease versions that  various sites such  as
    were running; is  now running  a fixed version,
    not that it particularly matters much for  Marc
    did notify Microsoft about  this a while ago.   IIS5 comes with  a
    bunch of default error pages.  For example, the 404 page  includes
    a suggestion of:

        Open the home

    Where  is  the  domain  you  are  visiting  and  is a
    hyperlink to the root  of the webserver.   This is generated by  a
    javascript function:

        function Homepage(){
          // in real bits, urls get returned to our script like this:
          // res://shdocvw.dll/http_404.htm#
          //For testing use DocURL = "res://shdocvw.dll/http_404.htm#"
          DocURL = document.URL;
          //this is where the http or https will be, as found by searching for :// but skipping the res://
          //this finds the ending slash for the domain server
          serverIndex=DocURL.indexOf("/",protocolIndex + 3);
          //for the href, we need a valid URL to the domain. We search for the # symbol to find the begining
          //of the true URL, and add 1 to skip it - this is the BeginURL value. We use serverIndex as the end marker.
          //urlresult=DocURL.substring(protocolIndex - 4,serverIndex);
          BeginURL=DocURL.indexOf("#",1) + 1;
          //for display, we need to skip after http://, and go to the next slash
          displayresult=DocURL.substring(protocolIndex + 3 ,serverIndex);
          document.write('<A HREF="' + urlresult + '">' + displayresult + "</a>");

    This javascript  appears to  be stolen  from IE5,  without some of
    the security  fixes that  are in  IE5 to  stop it  from having the
    same problem.  You could exploit it using a URL such as:"></A><SCRIPT>alert(document.domain)</SCRIPT>#end

    Marc finds  this bug  an interesting  example, because  of how  it
    works on the  client side, with  the client itself  outputting the
    javascript using  other javascript  and information  local to  the
    client (ie. the "#end" is never sent to the server).

    Don't forget the javascript entities
    No, this  is nothing  new.   But it  bears repeating;  Hotmail was
    vulnerable to this up until  it was fixed.  Interestingly  enough,
    this exact same problem with Hotmail was reported in bugtraq,  yet
    it was never fixed.  Hmm...

    The  issue  is  that  Netscape  supports  a  horrid concept called
    "javascript entities" that  can appear in  attribute values.   For

        <B &{alert(document.domain)};>
        <IMG SRC="&{alert(document.domain)};">

    IE doesn't  support this,  nor should  it.   But it  is definitely
    something that many sites miss  out on, and is another  example of
    why trying to filter out bad things instead of only allowing known
    good things is very very very hard to get right.

    IE Ignores MIME types
    No, this is nothing new and has  long been known as an "IE is  too
    silly  to  follow  standards"  thing.   But  it is also a security
    issue.   IE will  try to  guess what  MIME type  to use to display
    content, even if the server specifies a perfectly good one.   Lets
    use the  Apache printenv  script as  an example;  current versions
    output as text/plain, which means there is no encoding of  special
    characters necessary or possible.  Yet IE will decide, under  some
    situations,  that  it  knows  better  and  that  the output should
    really be interpreted as HTML.  There is nothing that can be  done
    to encode this, since there  is no encoding of special  characters
    for text/plain.  This is caused entirely by IE's broken behavior.

    There is no excuse for IE acting  this way.  It makes life a  pain
    for IE users,  not only because  it makes them  see bogus content,
    but also because if they use IE to make sure webpages they  create
    work, then they are done  a disservice by not noticing  that their
    server may be sending the incorrect MIME type.  They lose out  all

    IE sends cookies via http to every port
    If you set a  normal (ie. non-secure) cookie  in IE, then IE  will
    send that cookie back to the server when making a HTTP  connection
    on any port, not just the port it was sent on.  It is fairly  well
    known that IE does the same thing with HTTP authentication,  which
    is another security issue, but that is another problem.

    The issue here is  somewhat interesting; there are  various common
    non-HTTP  servers  that  I  can  _almost_  convince  to  send back
    responses  to  a  HTTP  request,  including  the request URL in an
    error message, that IE  will display as HTML.   So you can  almost
    use a non-HTTP  server to exploit  the cross site  scripting issue
    by having  IE make  a HTTP  request to  it that  will result in it
    spitting back error messages  because it doesn't understand  HTTP.
    We say  "almost" because  there are  some special  conditions that
    are necessary to make it work, and I haven't found a way to  quite
    make it work with most  common non-HTTP servers.  Marc  could make
    it work with Navigator due to  its bug that lets you make  it send
    newline  characters  in  a  request,  but Navigator won't send the
    cookie to  other ports  so it  is of  limited use.   Maybe someone
    else could come up with a realistic exploit of this.

    When combined with the fact  that IE sends cookies to  every port,
    this means it may be possible to exploit a non-HTTP server running
    on a machine to steal  cookies, or even HTTP basic  authentication
    info.  Yet another evidence of how disturbing the current way that
    security is  implemented using  HTTP is,  and how  deep the issues

    IE and Navigator interpret HTML in ftp directory listings
    The  heading  says  it  all.   If  you  can  create  a filename or
    directory name on  a ftp server  with the appropriate  characters,
    IE and Navigator will  interpret them as HTML.   They will do  the
    same thing for files; the former isn't too reasonable, the  latter
    is unfortunately reasonable.

    IE5 appears to not  treat it as being  in the same domain  as http
    access to the site for cookies.  That is good.

    Navigator, however, does  send cookies meaning  you can use  a ftp
    document to steal cookies.  This  is similar to the NNTP issue  in
    Navigator.  But wait, it gets worse.  With Navigator, you can  use
    a URL such as:<script>alert(document.cookie)</script>/../../

    and Navigator  will execute  the javascript  when it  displays the
    directory  listing,  because  it  includes  "Current  directory is

    This, however, depends on the ftp server returning success when  a
    command like:

        CWD /<script>alert(document.cookie)</script>/../../

    is sent to it.  Some do, some don't.  In particular, Marc  noticed
    a  few  NT  ones  that  do.   However,  he thinks you can probably
    combine this  with the  Navigator bug  that lets  you send newline
    characters  to  trick  the  server  into  sending  responses  that
    Navigator  will  think  mean  that  changing  into  the  directory
    succeeded,  so  that  it  will  display the directory listing that
    lets you exploit it.


    So add ftp servers (at the very least, ftp servers with  anonymous
    logins) to the list of things you may not be able to safely run on
    the same server  as web sites  where cross site  scripting related
    issues matter.