



    Following  is  based  on  ISS  Security  Alert.   A  new  form  of
    Distributed Denial  of Service  (DDoS) attack  has been discovered
    following the release of the trin00 and Tribe Flood Network  (TFN)
    denial of service programs.  For more info, see:

    These  attacks  are  more  powerful  than  any  previous denial of
    service attack observed on the Internet.  A Distributed Denial  of
    Service attack  is designed  to bring  a network  down by flooding
    target machines with large amounts  of traffic.  This traffic  can
    originate  from  many  compromised  machines,  and  can be managed
    remotely  using  a  client  program.   ISS  X-Force considers this
    attack a high risk since it can potentially impact a large  number
    of organizations.  DDoS attacks  have proven to be successful  and
    are difficult to defend against.

    Over  the  first  two   months  of  2000,  several   high-capacity
    commercial and  educational networks  have been  affected by  DDoS
    attacks.   In  addition  to  the  trin00  and  TFN  attacks,   two
    additional  tools  are  currently  being  used  to  implement this
    attack:  TFN2K  and Stacheldraht.   Both of these  tools are based
    on the original TFN/trin00  attacks described in the  December ISS
    Security Alert.  Description of Stacheldraht can be found at:

    Attackers can  install one  of these  DDoS programs  (trin00, TFN,
    TFN2K, or  Stacheldraht) on  hundreds of  compromised machines and
    direct  this  network  of  machines  to initiate an attack against
    single or  multiple victims.   This attack  occurs  simultaneously
    from these machines, making it more dangerous than any DoS  attack
    launched from a single machine.

    The terminology  used in  DDoS analyses  is often  confusing.  For
    clarity, we use the following:

    Client - an  application that can  be used to  initiate attacks by
             sending commands to other components (see below).

    Daemon - a  process running on  an agent (see  below), responsible
             for  receiving  and  carrying  out  commands  issued by a

    Master - a host running a client

     Agent - a host running a daemon

    Target - the victim (a host or network) of a distributed attack

    TFN2K  allows  masters  to  exploit  the  resources of a number of
    agents  in  order  to  coordinate  an  attack  against one or more
    designated  targets.   Currently,  UNIX,  Solaris,  and Windows NT
    platforms  that  are  connected  to  the  Internet,  directly   or
    indirectly,  are  susceptible  to  this  attack. However, the tool
    could easily be ported to additional platforms.

    TFN2K is a  two-component system: a  command driven client  on the
    master and  a daemon  process operating  on an  agent. The  master
    instructs its agents to attack a list of designated targets.   The
    agents respond by flooding the targets with a barrage of  packets.
    Multiple agents,  coordinated by  the master,  can work  in tandem
    during   this   attack   to   disrupt   access   to   the  target.
    Master-to-agent  communications   are  encrypted,   and  may    be
    intermixed with any number of decoy packets. Both  master-to-agent
    communications  and  the  attacks  themselves  can  be  sent   via
    randomized TCP, UDP, and  ICMP packets.  Additionally,  the master
    can  falsify  its  IP  address  (spoof). These facts significantly
    complicate development of effective and efficient  countermeasures
    for TFN2K.

    TFN2K - The Facts
    * Commands are  sent from the  master to the  agent via TCP,  UDP,
      ICMP, or all three  at random.  Targets  may be attacked with  a
      TCP/SYN, UDP, ICMP/PING, or BROADCAST PING (SMURF) packet flood.
      The daemon may also be instructed to randomly alternate  between
      all four styles of attack.

    * Packet headers between master and agent are randomized, with the
      exception  of   ICMP,  which   always  uses   a  type   code  of
      ICMP_ECHOREPLY (ping  response).   Unlike its  predecessors, the
      TFN2K daemon is completely  silent; it does not  acknowledge the
      commands it receives.   Instead, the client issues  each command
      20 times, relying  on probability that  the daemon will  receive
      at least one.  The command packets may be interspersed with  any
      number of decoy packets sent to random IP addresses.

    * TFN2K  commands are  not string-based  (as they  are in  TFN and
      Stacheldraht).  Instead, commands are of the form "+<id>+<data>"
      where <id> is  a single byte  denoting a particular  command and
      <data> represents  the command's  parameters.   All commands are
      encrypted using a key-based CAST-256 algorithm (RFC 2612).   The
      key is defined at  compile time and is  used as a password  when
      running the TFN2K client.

    * All encrypted data is Base  64 encoded before it is sent.   This
      holds  some  significance,  as  the  payload should be comprised
      entirely of  ASCII printable  characters. The  TFN2K daemon uses
      this fact as a sanity-test when decrypting incoming packets.

    * The daemon spawns a child for each attack against a target.  The
      TFN2K  daemon  attempts  to  disguise  itself  by  altering  the
      contents of argv[0], thereby  changing the process name  on some
      platforms.  The falsified  process names are defined  at compile
      time  and  may  vary  from  one  installation to the next.  This
      allows TFN2K  to masquerade  as a  normal process  on the agent.
      Consequently, the daemon (and  its children) may not  be readily
      visible by simple inspection of  the process list.  All  packets
      originating from  either client  or daemon  can be  (and are, by
      default) spoofed.

    * The UDP packet length (as it appears in the UDP header) is three
      bytes longer than the actual length of the packet.

    * The  TCP header  length (as  it appears  in the  TCP header)  is
      always zero.  In legitimate TCP packets, this value should never
      be zero.

    * The  UDP  and  TCP   checksums  do  not  include  the    12-byte
      pseudo-header, and are consequently  incorrect in all TFN2K  UDP
      and TCP packets.

    Detecting TFN2K - The Signature
    All  control  communications  are  unidirectional,  making   TFN2K
    extremely problematic to detect by active means.  Because it  uses
    TCP,  UDP,  and  ICMP  packets  that are randomized and encrypted,
    packet  filtering   and  other   passive  countermeasures   become
    impractical  and  inefficient.   Decoy  packets  also   complicate
    attempts  to  track  down   other  agents  participating  in   the
    denial-of-service network.

    Fortunately,  there  are  weaknesses.  In  what  appears  to be an
    oversight (or  a bug),  the Base  64 encoding  (which occurs after
    encryption)  leaves  a  telltale  fingerprint  at the end of every
    TFN2K packet (independent  of protocol and  encryption algorithm).
    We suspect it was the  intent of the author to  create variability
    in  the  length  of  each  packet  by  padding with one to sixteen
    zeroes.  Base 64 encoding of the data translates this sequence  of
    trailing zeros into a sequence  of 0x41's ('A'). The actual  count
    of 0x41's appearing at the end of the packet will vary, but  there
    will always be  at least one.   The padding algorithm  is somewhat
    obscure (but predictable) and  beyond the scope of  this document.
    However, the presence of this fingerprint has been validated  both
    in  theory  and  through  empirical  data  gathered  by dumping an
    assortment of command packets.

    A simple scan for the files  tfn (the client) and td (the  daemon)
    may also reveal  the presence of  TFN2K. However, these  files are
    likely to be  renamed when appearing  in the wild.  In addition to
    this, both client and daemon contain a number of strings that  can
    be found using  virus scanning methods.   Below is a  partial list
    of some of the strings (or sub-strings) appearing in TFN2K  (NOTE:
    Scanners should look for  pattern combinations unlikely to  appear
    in legitimate software)

    TFN2K Client (tfn)

        [1;34musage: %s <options>
        [-P protocol]
        [-S host/ip]
        [-f hostlist]
        [-h hostname]
        [-i target string]
        [-p port]
        <-c command ID>
        change spoof level to %d
        change packet size to %d bytes
        bind shell(s) to port %d
        commence udp flood
        commence syn flood, port: %s
        commence icmp echo flood
        commence icmp broadcast (smurf) flood
        commence mix flood
        commence targa3 attack
        execute remote command

    TFN2K Daemon (td)


    TFN2K Daemon and Client (tfn and td)

        D4 40 FB 30 0B FF A0 9F
        64 64 64 64 ...

    The  TFN2K  binaries  may  be  stripped  of  clear-text method and
    variable names, making it  difficult to definitively identify  the
    daemon by conventional string-based scanners.

    The original HTML version of this document can be obtained at:

    Tfn2k  asks  for  a  password  during  the build, which is used to
    prevent someone from  recovering the password  from the td  or tfn
    binaries.   Simple Nomad  wrote a  program that  will recover  the
    password.  It will compile and run on Solaris and Intel-based free
    Unix  systems  (didn't  test  it  elsewhere).   It can extract the
    password from  a Sol,  Intel-based Linux,  or Intel-based  FreeBSD
    binary td or tfn (also probably others but just tested these).  In
    other words, you can extract  passwords from a Linux td  binary on
    your Sol 2.7 box.  Uses for this include:

    Scenario #1
    You are a hot cybersleuth, extracting the password as a part of  a
    forensics effort.   If the  password matches  some other  forensic
    stuff (like  the password  of a  suspected script  kid, or the DES
    key that  unlocks a  cache of  hacker tools  in a  tar file),  you
    might catch that elusive cyberterrorist.

    Scenario #2
    You  have  discovered  a  cache  of  tfn2k  binaries on your large
    network.   By recovering  the password,  you can  compile your own
    tfn and  send a  command to  be rexec'd  to each suspected system,
    such as:

        echo "0wned!! Clean me!!" | mail

    Optionally if  you discover  you are  flooding someone,  you could
    send the command to stop the flood from your new tfn binary.

    Scenario #3
    You are under attack and Zombie Zapper didn't help (ZZ only  works
    against tfn, trinoo, and stacheldraht).  Send the sites  attacking
    you this software and ask them to send you the password. Once  you
    have it, compile your own  tfn and start telling those  zombies to
    leave you alone!  Okay, this last one is a little far-fetched  and
    won't work if the attack lasts  just a couple of hours and  if the
    addresses are forged, but it is better than nothing.

     * tfn2kpass - tfn2k Password Recovery. Extract password for tfn2k from a
     * td or tfn binary.
     * Written by Simple Nomad [] 21Feb2000
     * More fun stuff at, licensing at end
     * of file.
     * Should compile and run fine on any Intel/Sun-based system:
     *    gcc -o tfn2kpass tfn2kpass.c
     * Example usage:
     *    ./tfn2kpass tfn-binary-file
     * Tested against binaries compiled on Intel Linux, Intel FreeBSD, and
     * Solaris. Thanks for the help, Jordan <>
     * and Paul <> from the RAZOR team.

    /* includes */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>

     * Main program....
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      FILE *ftd;
      int i, search = 0, search2, found = 0, rew = 32;
      unsigned char recover[32];
      unsigned char password[32];
      unsigned char offset;
      char close[]="@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@";
      char check[sizeof(close)];

      /* Say hello... */
      printf("tfn2kpass - Recover the password from tfn2k's 'td' or 'tfn'\n");
      printf("Comments/bugs: Simple Nomad <>\n");

      if (argc!=2)
        fprintf(stderr,"USAGE: tfn2kpass <td_filename>\n\n");
        fprintf(stderr,"  tfn2kpass renamed_td\n");

      if (ftd == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open file %s.\n",argv[1]);

      /* first we search the file for the first marker that we
         are close to the password -- the 40 @'s should be right
         after the password */
        if (!strncmp(check,close,40))
          found = 1;

      if (found)
        found = 0; /* reset our flag for next 'find' */
        search2 = search;
        /* Now we'll search backward looking for the first non-zero
           value, which is the offset used to mask the password.
           The amount of zeroes depends upon platform as well as the
           daemon type (td or tfn), so we move back one at a time.
           Also it allows us to examine daemons compiled on a freebsd
           box from our linux box, for example. */
          /* Sol bins have the needed "offset" right before the string
             of @'s as well as at the end of the password field, so we
             need to skip that byte. Also, if we do not shorten the
             amount of bytes for a Sol bin by one, we end up with one
             extra char at the beginning of the password. Go figure. */
          if((offset) && (search2 == search))
          else if(offset)
            found = 1;
        if (found) /* if we found the offset, grab and print the password */

          for (i=0;i<32;i++) password[i]=recover[i] - offset;
          printf("The password is - ");
          for (i=0;i<32;i++)
            if (isprint(password[i]))
      if(!found) printf("The password was not found\n\n");

     * BindView License -

    Copyright (c) 2000 BindView Corporation.  All rights reserved.

    By using this software, YOU AGREE to the following license terms.  IF YOU

    1.  BindView believes that this software is safe for use in normal
    circumstances, and has performed what it believes to be reasonable but
    non-exhaustive testing to verify this.  The software is intended for use
    only by experienced and knowledgeable computer professionals; IT IS
    PROVIDED "AS IS, WITH ALL FAULTS," including source code so that the user
    can study the source code and independently determine the software's
    suitability.  BindView makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied,
    software is entirely at the user's own risk.

    from or relating to use of the software, whether such damages are direct,
    indirect, incidental, consequential, exemplary, or any other kind, and
    whether arising under contract, tort (including negligence), strict
    liability, or otherwise.

    3.  BindView will not object to your distribution of complete, unmodified
    copies of the distribution package of the software as provided by
    BindView, PROVIDED that you do not charge a fee other than a reasonable
    fee for distribution services.  You may charge a fee for any warranty or
    support services that you offer to purchasers of copies of the software.

    4.  You may modify the software and distribute copies of the modified
    software, PROVIDED:

	    (a) that you distribute, together with the executable code of the
                modified software:

 		    (1) the source code of the modified software, which must
		     contain the BindView copyright notice set forth above (in
		     addition to your own copyright notice if any); and

 		    (2) a copy of the complete, unmodified distribution
		    package of the software as provided by BindView; and

 	    (b) that you clearly indicate in the source code and in an
 	        accompanying documentation file that the software is based on
	        BindView's software and was modified by you; and

 	    (c) that you grant users of the modified software the same rights
	        as are granted to you by this license.


    Stacheldraht consists of three  parts: the master server,  client,
    and agent programs.

    The Client:
    The client is used to connect  to the master server on port  16660
    or port 60001.  Packet  contents are blowfish encrypted using  the
    default password  "sicken", which  can be  changed by  editing the
    Stacheldraht  source  code.   After  entering  the  password,   an
    attacker  can  use  the  client  to manage Stacheldraht agents, IP
    addresses  of  attack  victims,  lists  of  master servers, and to
    perform DoS attacks against specified machines.

    The Master Server:
    The master  server handles  all communication  between client  and
    agent programs.   It listens  for connections  from the  client on
    port 16660 or 60001.   When a client connects  to the master,  the
    master waits for the  password before returning information  about
    agent  programs  to  the  client  and processing commands from the

    The Agent:
    The agent listens for commands from master servers on port  65000.
    In addition to this  port, master server/agent communications  are
    also managed  using ICMP  echo reply  packets.   These packets are
    transmitted and  replied to  periodically.   They contain specific
    values  in  the  ID  field  (such  as  666, 667, 668, and 669) and
    corresponding  plaintext  strings  in  the  data fields (including
    "skillz", "ficken", and "spoofworks").  The ICMP packets act as  a
    "heartbeat"  between  agent  and  master  server, and to determine
    source IP spoofing capabilities of  the master server.  The  agent
    identifies master servers using  an internal address list,  and an
    external  encrypted  file  containing  master server IP addresses.
    Agents can be  directed to "upgrade"  themselves by downloading  a
    fresh copy  of the  agent program  and deleting  the old  image as
    well  as  accepting  commands  to  execute  flood  attacks against
    target machines.

    The Attack:
    Like TFN/TFN2K,  Stacheldraht can  be used  to perform  ICMP, SYN,
    and  UDP  flood  attacks.   The  attacks  can  run for a specified
    duration, and  SYN floods  can be  directed to  a set of specified
    ports.  These flood attacks cause the target machine to slow  down
    because of the processing required to handle the incoming packets,
    leaving  little  or  no  network  bandwidth.  Possible methods for
    detection  of  these  flooding   attacks  are  discussed  in   the
    TFN/trin00  ISS  Security  Alert   published  December  7,   1999.
    Stacheldraht runs on Linux and Solaris machines.

    The source code for "stacheldraht" was published on Packet Storm:

    Below  are  the  differences  (which  affect packet signatures and
    some minimal strings in the  binary images) between the code  that
    analyzed   (http://oliver,
    and the  current 4.0  release.   (Hmm.   Jumping from  1.1 to  4.0
    because of #define changes).

        diff stacheldrahtV4/config.h reg-orig/config.h
        < #define ID_SHELL  88	/* to bind a rootshell */
        < #define ID_ADDR  616    /* ip add request for the flood server */
        > #define ID_SHELL   1	/* to bind a rootshell */
        < #define  ID_SETPRANGE 8008 /* set port range for synflood */
        < #define   ID_SETUSIZE 8009 /* set udp size */
        < #define   ID_SETISIZE 9010 /* set icmp size */
        < #define    ID_TIMESET 9011 /* set the flood time */
        < #define     ID_DIEREQ 6663 /* shutdown request of the masterserver */
        < #define   ID_DISTROIT 6662 /* distro request of the master server */
        < #define ID_REMMSERVER 5501 /* remove added masterserver */
        < #define ID_ADDMSERVER 5555 /* add new masterserver request */
        < #define SPOOF_REPLY 1016   /* spoof test reply of the master server
        < #define ID_TEST  6268      /* test of the master server */
        < #define ID_ICMP  1155  	   /* to icmp flood */
        < #define ID_SENDUDP 6	   /* to udp flood */
        < #define ID_SENDSYN 9	   /* to syn flood */
        < #define ID_SYNPORT 8	   /* to set port */
        < #define ID_STOPIT  3	   /* to stop flooding */
        < #define ID_SWITCH  5	   /* to switch spoofing mode */
        < #define ID_ACK     4	   /* for replies to the client */
        > #define ID_ADDR  699     /* ip add request for the flood server */
        > #define  ID_SETPRANGE 2007 /* set port range for synflood */
        > #define   ID_SETUSIZE 2006 /* set udp size */
        > #define   ID_SETISIZE 2005 /* set icmp size */
        > #define    ID_TIMESET 2004 /* set the flood time */
        > #define     ID_DIEREQ 2003 /* shutdown request of the masterserver */
        > #define   ID_DISTROIT 2002 /* distro request of the master server */
        > #define ID_REMMSERVER 2001 /* remove added masterserver */
        > #define ID_ADDMSERVER 2000 /* add new masterserver request */
        > #define SPOOF_REPLY 1000   /* spoof test reply of the master server
        > #define ID_TEST  668       /* test of the master server */
        > #define ID_ICMP  1055  	   /* to icmp flood */
        > #define ID_SENDUDP 2	   /* to udp flood */
        > #define ID_SENDSYN 3	   /* to syn flood */
        > #define ID_SYNPORT 4	   /* to set port */
        > #define ID_STOPIT  5	   /* to stop flooding */
        > #define ID_SWITCH  6	   /* to switch spoofing mode */
        > #define ID_ACK     7	   /* for replies to the client */
        Common subdirectories: stacheldrahtV4/leaf and reg-orig/leaf
        diff stacheldrahtV4/mserv.c reg-orig/mserv.c
        < #define SALT "dRFWfIGlF0zrE\0"
        > #define SALT "zAHp635Fd0u/g\0"
        < #define   MSERVERPORT 65512
        > #define   MSERVERPORT 16660
        < #define   SERVVERSION "[*]stacheldraht[*] mserver version: 4.0\n"
        > #define   SERVVERSION "[*]stacheldraht[*] mserver version: 1.1\n"
        < /* masterserver handles up to 6000 bcasts */
        < #define     MAXBCASTS 6000
        > /* masterserver handles up to 1000 bcasts */
        > #define     MAXBCASTS 1000
        < #define BCASTFILENAME ".bc"
        > #define BCASTFILENAME "bcasts"
        < #define LOCALIP ""
        > #define LOCALIP ""
        < #define COMMANDPORT 65513
        > #define COMMANDPORT 65000
        < #define CURPROMPT "stacheldraht"
        > #define CURPROMPT "regulate"
        Common subdirectories: stacheldrahtV4/telnetc and reg-orig/telnetc


    ISS SAFEsuite  intrusion detection  solution, RealSecure,  detects
    the Denial of  Service attacks that  these distributed tools  use,
    providing  early  warning  and  response capabilities.  RealSecure
    can reconfigure firewalls  and routers to  block the traffic.   On
    some firewalls this  can be as  granular as blocking  a particular
    service or  protocol port.   In conjunction  with the  December 7,
    1999 ISS Security Alert,  RealSecure 3.2.1 included signatures  to
    detect the  communications between  the distributed  components of
    TFN and trin00.   RealSecure will add  signatures to detect  TFN2K
    and Stacheldraht in its next  release, which will also include  an
    X-press Update capability to speed future signature deployment.