

    Systems running expect 5.14 (others too?)


    Expect is  used frequently  to automate  login sessions  on remote
    machines. This is done via a pseudo tty opened bidirectionally  to
    allow  interaction  with  programs  either  suited  to  or needing
    terminal behavior.   This pseudo tty  is (under Linux  and Solaris
    at least) owned by root and  mode 666. It is possible to  obtain a
    password passed  to the  login process  by reading  from the slave
    end of the tty.  Example:

        expect1.1> spawn ssh
        spawn ssh

    Now on another window as a different user:

        $ ps -u tex | grep ssh
         22239 ttyp1    0:00 ssh
        $ cat < /dev/ttyp1

    Now back at the original window:

        expect1.2> expect ":"
        tex's password: expect1.3> send "Hrd2Cr@k\r"

    At  which  point  the  username  shows  up  on  the second window.
    Normally this  would be  automated and  someone trying  to exploit
    this would  have to  make a  decent educated  guess as  to when to
    read from the tty.

    Credit goes to Tex (Austin Schutz).


    The reason this  occurs is because  Expect never makes  the handle
    inaccessible to other processes. AFAIK there are only two ways  to
    do this:  change the ownership/permissions of the tty or lock it.

    The former seems to be  possible to do on some  platforms. Solaris
    includes  a  grantpt()  C  function  which  changes  the ownership
    (temporarily?) of  the tty  pair. This  function is  probably used
    normally by login to change permissions on a tty for use by users.
    The methods for accomplishing this seem to be completely different
    from Unix  to Unix.   The other  method would  be to  lock the tty
    before spawning  the process.  Note that  there are  some programs
    that get very angry if  you keep them from accessing  /dev/tty. If
    you know the  program you're spawning  doesn't require the  use of
    /dev/tty then maybe  it's possible to  lock it on  a case by  case