



    Tymm  Twillman  found  following.     It  was tested on Linux with
    standard RedHat 6.0  install (w/glibc 2.0  compatability), proftpd
    installed with configure/make/make install...

        - ftp to host
        - login (anonymous or no)

        ftp> ls aaaXXXX%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%653300u%n

        (replace the X's with  the characters with ascii  values 0xdc,
        0x4f, 0x07,0x08 consecutively)

    Lots of other nasties can easily be easily done with this.   Since
    proftpd will pass on user input data to snprintf, argument attacks
    are easy.  The  a's at the beginning  are just for alignment,  the
    %u's to skip bytes in the stack, the %653300u is to increment  the
    # of bytes that have been  "output", and the %n stores that  value
    (whose LSBs have  now flipped over  to 0) to  the location pointed
    to by the current "argument" -- which just happens to point  right
    after the a's in this string.  The bytes that replace the X's  are
    the address where proftpd keeps the current user ID...

    Logging in as  an anonymous user,  you are still  restricted as to
    some  of  the  things  you  can  do.   With  a  local  login, root
    compromise at this point is trivial.   And it is very possible  to
    modify this exploit for other systems, and for nastier attacks.


    Hm, another upgrade or another ftpd?  It's up to you.  Here's  the
    patch.   Note that  there are  other potential  problems.  Anyhow,
    here's the patch:

    --- proftpd-1.2.0pre6.old/src/main.c	Fri Sep 10 15:49:32 1999
    +++ proftpd-1.2.0pre6/src/main.c	Thu Sep 16 01:50:43 1999
    @@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
       /* We can overwrite individual argv[] arguments.  Semi-nice.
    -  snprintf(Argv[0], maxlen, statbuf);
    +  snprintf(Argv[0], maxlen, "%s", statbuf);
       p = &Argv[0][i];

       while(p < LastArgv)

    Proftpd 1.2.0pre7 should be out ; please UPGRADE ASAP.  There  are
    also other issues  addressed in this  release that may  or may not
    have serious security implications.  Location is: