



    Bubonic posted  following.   He had  just downloaded  this program
    off of freshmeat  to test it.   He decided to  change it to  go on
    port 21  (ftpd.h).   After doing  that he  configured and made the
    program.  Than he  ran it on his  system (Linux 2.2.9 RH  6.0) and
    the following logs tell the rest:

        bash-2.03# ./betaftpd --enable-xferlog --enable-fullscren --enable-upload --enable-shadow &
        [1] 4753
        BetaFTPD version 0.0.8pre7, Copyright (C) 1999 Steinar H. Gunderson
        BetaFTPD comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see the file
        COPYING. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
        under certain conditions; again see the file COPYING for details.

        BetaFTPD active

    Then he decided to ps -aux to find out how it was running

        bash-2.03# ps -aux
        root      4753  0.0  1.2  1308  384 pts/6    S    17:27   0:00 ./betaftpd

    Now this seemed all good and dandy running as root as he wanted it
    to be. (this is before testing the --enable-nonroot flag).  So  he
    decided to test the stability of the program by ftping to it.   So
    he did:

        bash-2.03# ftp
        Connected to
        220 BetaFTPD 0.0.8pre7 ready.
        Name ( bubonic
        331 Password required for bubonic.
        530 Login incorrect.
        Login failed.
        Remote system type is UNIX.
        Using binary mode to transfer files.
        ftp> bye
        221 Have a nice day!

    He gave the a  wrong password on purpose  so je go eat  dinner and
    not goof around anymore  but before he went  to eat he listed  the
    process one more time and noticed something a little strange:

        bash-2.03# ps -aux
        bubonic   4753  0.0  2.1  1360  672 pts/6    S    17:27   0:00 ./betaftpd

    By not having a sucessful login with the login bubonic the process
    was now  under my  user bubonic.   This could  cause a  DoS for an
    intruder who could kill your FTP service. Indeed a big bug.  Since
    it is now bubonic's  PID then that user  is able to kill  this PID
    which could result in a mess.


    Nothing yet.