

    Systems running Apache httpd 1.1.1 or earlier


    There is  a serious  vulnerability in  the cookies  module of  the
    Apache httpd, which  makes it possible  for remote individuals  to
    obtain access  to systems  running the  Apache httpd.   Only sites
    which enabled mod_cookies, a nondefault option, are vulnerable.

    Remote individuals can  obtain access to  the web server.   If the
    httpd services requests  as user root,  attackers can obtain  root
    access.   If  the  httpd  is  run  in  a chroot() environment, the
    attacker will be restricted to the chrooted environment.

    To tell which  web server software  you are using,  telnet to port
    80 of the web server, and issue the command:

        GET / HTTP/1.0

    to the web server, followed  by two carriage returns.   You should
    see something which looks like:

        $ telnet localhost 80
        Connected to localhost.
        Escape character is '^]'.
        GET / HTTP/1.0

        HTTP/1.0 200 OK
        Date: Tue, 07 Jan 1997 18:59:31 GMT
        Server: Apache/1.1.1
        Content-type: text/html
        Set-Cookie: Apache=localhost9185266357164; path=/

    The important  lines to  look at  are the  Server: lines,  and the
    Set-Cookie:  lines.  The  Server: line tells you which  web server
    software you are running, and the Set-Cookie line appears only  if
    your  web  server  is  using  cookies  to  track  users.   If  the
    Set-Cookie:    line   appears,   and   the   Server:   line  reads
    Apache/1.1.1,  or  a  number  smaller  than  1.1.1,  then  you are

    In  addition  to  the  Apache  httpd,  some commercial web servers
    derived from  the Apache  httpd are  likely to  be vulnerable.  In
    particular,  Thawte  Consulting's  Sioux  server,  and   Community
    ConneXion's Stronghold server appear likely to be vulnerable.   In
    both  cases,  as  in  the  Apache httpd, a nondefault compile-time
    option must be enabled.  This text is mix of SNI announce and some
    discussion on www-security.

    Apache versions 1.2b0  and later do  not appear to  be vulnerable.
    This is because  of the changes  made to the  cookie handling code
    when it  was moved  to mod_usertrack.   As part  of these changes,
    the  buffer  in  the  make_cookie  function  was  moved off of the
    stack.   Therefore  although  the  overflow  is still present, and
    prevents  users  with  long  host  names  from  accessing  the web
    server, it is not likely to be exploitable.

    The Apache group  suggests that Apache  1.1.1 users do  one of the

    1. Upgrade   to  Apache   1.1.2,  which   can  be   obtained    at,  compile  the  new  version,  then
       kill your currently-running httpd, and start the new version.
    2. Apply the attached  patch to mod_cookies.c, recompile, and kill
       and  restart  your  httpd.   (NOTE:  This  will  break your CGI
    3. Discontinue   the  use   of  mod_cookies,   by  editing     the
       Configuration file, and recommpiling.
    4. Upgrade to the current Apache 1.2 beta.

    Note that  options 2  and 3  do not  fix an  unrelated hole  which
    allows  remote  users  to  obtain  directory  indexes even when an
    index.html is present.

    Users of the Stronghold web server will be able to obtain a fix at

    There will be a new release of Stronghold, fixing the problem.

    Anyway, because of side effects and portability problems, a  1.1.3
    release is imminent.