Apache httpd


    Systems running Apache 1.2.x (up to .5) and earlier (?)


    Jan Wedekind  discoverd a  DoS attack  in Apache  and (eventually)
    other / all  (?) httpd's (thanks  to Bernard "sendmail"  Steiner).
    For apache 1.2.x (and very sure all versions before), the DoS  may
    be exploited if both of the following conditions are true:

        - the intruder has (at  least FTP) write access to  (at least)
          one HTML directory
        - per   directory    access   (AccessFileName    configuration
          directive)  is  enabled  and  the  filename  is known to the
          intruder (default is .htaccess)

    This configuration will be  found very often at  private homepages
    with FTP-Upload accounts.   Now just put  a new .htaccess  file to
    the Server with the following contents:

        AuthType Basic
        AuthName DoS Attack
        AuthUserFile /dev/zero
        <Limit GET POST>
        order deny,allow
        allow from all
        require valid-user

    If you're now trying to  open this directory (or any  file within)
    and enter any  user / password  combination, you'll get  a hanging
    (death running) client.   This is, because it's  reading /dev/zero
    and searches for a colon (':') to separate the user name from  the
    password field (mod_auth.c, get_pw(), line 127).  Now the intruder
    may stop this  request in the  browser (the server  client process
    will still continue) and start a new one. The next client will  be
    forced to read /dev/zero.  Repeat this, until 'MaxClient' will  be
    reached.  Not only this server will stop to work (e.g. the  parent
    will wait  for all  further requests  for any  of it's child), but
    also the  machine will  going almost  to hang  with a  CPU load of
    about MaxClient.


    One workaround is to  disable .htaccess in srm.conf  by commenting
    out AccessFileName  (default is  NULL in  the apache distribution,
    e.g. disabled):

        #AccessFileName .htaccess

    Another  workaround  is  patch  apache  source  because also other
    authentication methods may be exploitable you may prefer to  patch
    it in a  way that it's  no longer be  available to open  /dev/zero
    (or any  other device)  for reading,  so Jan  patched fpopen()  in

    kirk: ~/src/apache_1.2.4/src> gdiff -uw alloc.c.orig alloc.c
    --- alloc.c.orig        Thu Jan  8 14:14:13 1998
    +++ alloc.c     Fri Jan  9 13:37:21 1998
    @@ -839,9 +839,14 @@
       FILE *fd = NULL;
       int baseFlag, desc;
    +  struct stat buf;


    +  if (   *mode != 'r'
    +      || (strcmp(name,"/dev/null") == 0)
    +      || stat(name, &buf) == 0 && ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG))
    +  {
       if (*mode == 'a') {
         /* Work around faulty implementations of fopen */
         baseFlag = (*(mode+1) == '+') ? O_RDWR : O_WRONLY;
    @@ -854,6 +859,7 @@
       } else {
         fd = fopen(name, mode);
    +  }

       if (fd != NULL) note_cleanups_for_file (a, fd);