

    Systems running


    David  Weins  found  following.   By  following  WWWBoards install
    instructions exactly, you can leave  yourself open to the risk  of
    possible abuse through  the script.   Matt Wright  was
    at least smart  enough to include  some type of  username/password
    checking,  but  he  didn't  have  the  idea  to force the wwwboard
    administrator to pick/create a  password for the webadmin  account
    before  the  board  would  work.   Instead  he  created  a default

        Username: WebAdmin
        Password: WebBoard

    Well, at least he does  suggest that you change this  password the
    first time  you login  into wwwadmin.   Now most  people are smart
    enough  to  change  the  default  password  to  something at least
    halfway more secure, but thanks  to Matt Wright your new  password
    is written into passwd.txt and it has to remain readable/writeable
    for the server to change the  file.  The password in this  file is
    at leasted encrypted with crypt,  but just being able to  view the
    file will allow a cracker to  sit down and run a dictionary  crack
    against it.


    If you haven't looked over the scripts or at least read the entire
    ADMIN_README file  to begin  with (which  you should  do when  you
    download any  program) you  can see  that there  is a  variable to
    where to store/name  the password file.   This variable is  called
    $passwd_file.   Since the  file needs  to be  open to writings and
    readings your best bet would be to move the file into a  directory
    where it cannot be  access from via the  world wide web.   You can
    do  this  easily  by  changing  the  $passwd_file  variable   from
    passwd.txt  to  "/path/to/non-web/dir/brdpass.txt"  -- then rename
    passwd.txt to  brdpass.txt and  move into  that directory.   It at
    least provides you with a little more security than this  insecure
    program does for you, or even suggests for you.

    Sometimes you won't be able to do this - for example if your  home
    directory is  your htdocs  directory, which  is the  case for some
    ISPs.  A  workaround is to  prevent the web  server from returning
    the  passwd.txt  file,  whilst  still  permitting  the  file to be
    read/written by the  CGI script.   In Apache you'd  configure this
    as follows:

        <Files passwd.txt>
        deny from all

    or put it in some directory inside your web home and configure

        <Limit GET>
        deny from all

        <Limit POST>
        deny from all

    for this  directory.   It's more  safe, because  some text editors
    leave backup copy of the  file, for example passwd.txt~.   In this
    case  you  are  safe  even  if  you  forget  to  remove this file.
    However, you should not use <Limit...> unless for some reason  you
    want your security to only apply to GET and POST methods.

    The CyberArmy webmaster has  patched most of WWWBoard's  holes and
    added some of his own features.  You can find it at:

    It seems most of the wholes resulted in denial of service attacks.