Process-table attack


    Most unices


    Simson L. Garfinkel posted following.  The Process Table Attack is
    a [relatively] new  kind of denial-of-service  attack that can  be
    waged against numerous network services on a variety of  different
    UNIX systems.   The attack  is launched  against network  services
    which fork() or otherwise allocate a new process for each incoming
    TCP/IP connection.   Although the  standard UNIX  operating system
    places limits  on the  number of  processes that  any one user may
    launch, there are  no limits on  the number of  processes that the
    superuser can  create other  than the  hard limits  imposed by the
    operating system.  Since  incoming TCP/IP connections are  usually
    handled by servers that run as root, it is possible to  completely
    fill a target machine's process table with multiple instantiations
    of network servers.   Properly executed, this attack  prevents any
    other command from being executed on the target machine.

    In the book  Practical UNIX and  Internet Security, Gene  Spafford
    and  Simson  observed  that  the  UNIX operating system originally
    contained  few  defenses  to  protect  it from a denial-of-service
    attack.  This is changing.  With the growth of the Internet, there
    has been  a concerted  effort in  recent years  to strengthen  the
    operating system and its network services to these attacks.   Each
    time a network  client makes a  connection to a  network server, a
    number  of  resources  on  the  server  are  consumed.   The  most
    important resources consumed are memory, disk space, and CPU time.
    Some  network  services,  such  as  sendmail,  now  monitor system
    resources  and  will  not  accept  incoming network connections if
    accepting them  would place  the system  in jeopardy.   One system
    resource that has  escaped monitoring is  the number of  processes
    that are currently running on  a computer.  Most versions  of UNIX
    will only allow a certain number of processes to be running at one
    time.  Each process takes up a slot in the system's process table.
    By filling  this table,  it is  possible to  prevent the operating
    system  from  creating  new  processes,  even when other resources
    (such as memory, disk space,  and CPU time) are widely  available.
    The implementation of many network services leaves them open to  a
    process table  attack that  is, an  attack in  which the  attacker
    fills  up  the  target  computer's  process  table  so that no new
    programs can be  executed.  The  design of some  network protocols
    actually  leads  the  programmer  into  making these mistakes.  An
    example of such a protocol  is the finger protocol (TCP  port 79).
    The protocol follows this sequence:

        1. The client makes a connection to the server,
        2. The server accepts the connection, and creates a process to
           service the request,
        3. The client sends a single line to the server consisting  of
           the name of the entity that the client wishes to finger,
        4. The server performs the necessary database lookup and sends
           the information back to the client,
        5. The server closes the connection.

    To launch  a process  table attack,  the client  need only  open a
    connection to the server and not send any information.  As long as
    the client holds  the connection open,  the server's process  will
    occupy a slot in the  server's process table.  On  most computers,
    finger is launched by inetd.  The authors of inetd placed  several
    checks into the  program's source code  which must be  bypassed in
    order  to  initiate  a  successful  process  attack.  If the inetd
    receives more than 40 connections to a particular service within 1
    minute, that service is disabled  for 10 minutes.  The  purpose of
    these checks was not to protect the server against a process table
    attack, but to  protect the server  against buggy code  that might
    create  many  connections  in  rapid-fire  sequence.   To launch a
    successful process table attack  against a computer running  inetd
    and finger, the following sequence may be followed:

        1. Open a connection to the target's finger port,
        2. Wait for 4 seconds,
        3. Repeat steps 1-2.

    The  attack  program  is  not  without technical difficulty.  Many
    systems limit the number TCP connections that may be initiated  by
    a single process.  Thus, it may be necessary to launch the  attack
    from multiple  processes, perhaps  running on  multiple computers.
    This was tested in a variety  of network services on a variety  of
    operating systems.  It is  believed that the UW imap  and sendmail
    servers are also vulnerable.   The UW imap contains no  checks for
    rapid-fire  connections.   Thus,  it  is  possible  to shut down a
    computer by  opening multiple  connections to  the imap  server in
    rapid  succession.   With  sendmail  the  situation  is  reversed.
    Normally, sendmail  will not  accept connections  after the system
    load has  jumped above  a predefined  level.   Thus, to initiate a
    successful sendmail attack it is necessary to open the connections
    very slowly, so that the process table keeps growing in size while
    the  system  load  remains  more  or  less constant.  There also a
    variety  of  problems  on  BSD-based  machines  being  used as the
    attacker.   When  the  target  machine  freezes  or  crashes,  the
    attacker machine sometimes  crashes as well.   Apparently the  TCP
    stack does not  gracefully handle hundreds  of connections to  the
    same  port  on  the  same  machine  simultaneously  going into the
    FIN_WAIT_2 state.  There are variants of this attack:

        1. Use IP spoofing so that the incoming connections appear  to
           come from many different  locations on the Internet.   This
           makes tracking considerably harder to do,
        2. Begin the  attack by sending  50 requests in  rapid fire to
           the telnet,  rlogin and  rsh ports  on the  target machine.
           This will cause  inetd to shut  down those services  on the
           target  machine,  which  will  deny  administrative  access
           during the attack,
        3. Instead  of initiating  a new  connection every  4 seconds,
           initiate one every minute or so.  The attack slowly builds,
           making it more difficult to detect on packet traces.


    There are several ways to defend against the attack:

        1. inetd and other programs should check to see the number  of
           free  slots  in  the  process  table  before  accepting new
           connections.  If there is less than a predefined number  of
           free slots, new connections should be accepted,
        2. Alternatively, if  there are more  than a preset  number of
           network daemons for the service running, incoming  requests
           should be queued rather than serviced,
        3. Network  services  (such   as  finger)  should    implement
           timeouts.   For example,  the statement  alarm(30) could be
           inserted into  the finger  daemon source  code so  that the
           program would stop running after 30 seconds of execution.

    You may use tcpserver as a replacement for inetd for many  months.
    It is at:

    and allows limiting the *_number_* of concurrent processes  forked
    out of the inet facilities,  as opposed to the *_rate_*  of forked
    processes.  Also, optionally, allows logging by port, with  access
    control via a  fast database, by  IP, and user.   Also, xinetd  is
    recommended to everyone!

    Interesting paper on a possible solution: