

    Win2000, Ultrix, HpUX, OpenVMS, ...


    Ofir Arkin found following.   Each IP Datagram has an  8-bit field
    called  the  "TOS  Byte",  which  represents  the  IP  support for
    prioritization and Type-of-Service handling.

    The "TOS Byte" consists of three fields.

    The  "Precedence  field",  which  is  3-bit  long,  is intended to
    prioritize the IP Datagram.  It has eight levels of prioritization.

    Higher  priority  traffic  should  be  sent  before lower priority

    The second field, 4 bits long, is the "Type-of-Service" field.  It
    is  intended  to  describe  how  the network should make tradeoffs
    between throughput, delay, reliability, and cost in routing an  IP

    The last field, the  "MBZ" (must be zero),  is unused and must  be
    zero.  Routers and hosts ignore this last field.  This field is  1
    bit long.

    The precedence bits behavior is a problem. RFC 1122, which defines
    the requirements for Internet Hosts,  does not outline the way  to
    handle the Precedence Bits with ICMP.

    RFC 1812, Requirements for IP version 4 routers state that:

    "An ICMP reply  message MUST have  its IP Precedence  field set to
    the value  as the  IP Precedence  field in  the ICMP  request that
    provoked the reply".

    Echoing back the Precedence field value has its logic, because the
    TOS field should  be echoed back  with an ICMP  Query replies, and
    both the Precedence field and  the TOS field were to  dictate very
    explicit types of behavior with certain types of data.

    The fingerprinting method:
    Most operating systems checked will behave as the next  behavioral
    example with AIX 4.3.  With  this example an ICMP Echo request  is
    sent which carries a value for the TOS field.

        [root@godfather precedence_echo]# /usr/local/bin/sing -c 5 -TOS 128 y.y.y.y
        SINGing to y.y.y.y (y.y.y.y): 16 data bytes
        16 bytes from y.y.y.y: seq=0 ttl=239 TOS=128 time=5896.472 ms
        16 bytes from y.y.y.y: seq=1 ttl=239 TOS=128 time=5952.071 ms
        16 bytes from y.y.y.y: seq=2 ttl=239 TOS=128 time=6102.020 ms
        16 bytes from y.y.y.y: seq=3 ttl=239 TOS=128 time=6261.997 ms
        16 bytes from y.y.y.y: seq=4 ttl=239 TOS=128 time=5842.726 ms
        --- y.y.y.y sing statistics ---
        5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
        round-trip min/avg/max = 5842.726/6011.057/6261.997 ms
        [root@godfather precedence_echo]#

    The Host queried is using the value used for the ICMP Echo Request
    with its ICMP Echo Reply.

    Some operating systems are the exception.

    The next example  is with Microsoft  Windows 2000.   The same ICMP
    Echo Request was sent:

        [root@godfather precedence_echo]# /usr/local/bin/sing -c 5 -TOS 128 y.y.y.y
        SINGing to y.y.y.y (y.y.y.y): 16 data bytes
        16 bytes from y.y.y.y: seq=0 ttl=111 TOS=0 time=6261.043 ms
        16 bytes from y.y.y.y: seq=1 ttl=111 TOS=0 time=6422.019 ms
        16 bytes from y.y.y.y: seq=2 ttl=111 TOS=0 time=6572.675 ms
        16 bytes from y.y.y.y: seq=4 ttl=111 TOS=0 time=6282.022 ms
        --- y.y.y.y sing statistics ---
        5 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 20% packet loss
        round-trip min/avg/max = 6261.043/6384.440/6572.675 ms
        [root@godfather precedence_echo]#

    The  ICMP  Echo  Reply  will  not  use  the  value assigned to the
    Precedence Bits with the ICMP Echo Request.

    Which operating systems share this behavioral pattern?   Microsoft
    Windows 2000 Family, and ULTRIX.

    Differentiating  between  Microsoft  Windows  2000  and  Ultrix is
    easily achieved if we examine the IP TTL field value.  With ULTRIX
    the value assigned to the ICMP Echo reply will be 255, with Windows
    2000 it will be 128.

    Another interesting  case is  with HPUX  11.0.   Lets examine  the
    trace and logs:

        [root@godfather precedence_echo]# /usr/local/bin/sing -c 2 -TOS 128 y.y.y.y
        SINGing to y.y.y.y (y.y.y.y): 16 data bytes
        16 bytes from y.y.y.y: seq=0 ttl=242 TOS=128 time=639.274 ms
        16 bytes from y.y.y.y: seq=1 DF! ttl=242 TOS=0 time=310.427 ms
        --- y.y.y.y sing statistics ---
        2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
        round-trip min/avg/max = 310.427/474.850/639.274 ms

    The first reply  from the HPUX  machine echoed back  the TOS field
    value we were  using with the  ICMP Echo Request.   But what  have
    happened between the first and the second reply?

    The first  request was  sent, as  an instant  reply the  HPUX 11.0
    machine  started  its  PMTU  discovery  process  with  ICMP   Echo
    Requests and sent an ICMP Echo Request 1500 bytes long.

    The first ICMP Echo Reply received from the HPUX 11.0 machine  for
    the ICMP Echo Request echoed back the TOS field value.

    The second  ICMP Echo  Reply received  did not  echo back  the TOS
    field  value,  and  set  the  DF  bit.  The PMTU discovery process
    finished its initial stages and  went to regular operation.   From
    now on the ICMP Echo Replies did not echo the TOS field value.

    This gives  us the  ability to  track down  HPUX 11.0  (and 10.30)
    machines when they are using the PMTU Discovery process.

    Changed Pattern with other ICMP Query Message Types
    We can identify change of pattern with OpenVMS, Windows 98,  98SE,
    and ME.  With ICMP Echo  replies they all would echo back  the TOS
    field value, but with ICMP Timestamp replies they will change  the
    behavior and send back 0x000.  Since OpenVMS use 255 as its IP TTL
    field value, and the Microsoft Windows based machines use 128,  we
    can  differentiate  between  them  and  isolate  OpenVMS,  and the
    Microsoft based OSs.

    Further distinction  between the  Microsoft operating  systems can
    be achieved if we will query them with ICMP Address Mask  request,
    which  only  Microsoft  Windows  98/98SE  will  answer  for.   The
    Microsoft Windows ME will not reply, enabling us to identify it.

    Operating systems verified against: LINUX based on Kernel 2.2.x  &
    2.4Tx;  FreeBSD   4.0,  4.1.1;   NetBSD;  OpenBSD;   Sun   Solaris
    2.6,2.7,2.8;  HPUX  11.0;  AIX  4.3,4.2.1,4.1,3.2; ULTRIX 4.2-4.5;
    OpenVMS 7.1-2;  Compaq Tru64  v5.6; DGUX  v5.6; Microsoft  Windows
    98,98SE,ME, NT4SP6a Server, 2000  Pro, 2000 Server, 2000  Advanced


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