Netscape Enterprise Server


    Systems running Netscape Enterprise Server 3.0


    Daragh  Malone   found  following.    Livewire  applications   are
    basically server-side Javascript applications that behave similiar
    to Active  Server Pages.   The main  difference is  that  Livewire
    applications are  compiled to  a proprietary  byte executable that
    contains all the pages in the application.  These applications are
    generated with .web  extensions.  In  their own example,  the game
    hangman is accessed as

    and the application is hangman.web.  So accessing

    will download the application to your browser.  The second problem
    lies  in  the  fact  that  all  the  pages  are readable, and that
    database username/passwords  are unencrypted,  unless specifically
    encrypted in your  application.  These  two problems combined  can
    compromise  security.   This  problem  occurs  regardless  of  Web
    directory permissions from a server level.


    You will have to protect your Web applications using the  Wildcard
    protection feature. It's mentioned at Netscape's Developer site in
    the Technotes/FAQ at:

    Deny acces to all  *.web requests.  You  may also rename the  .web
    application to something cryptic  like G6r$79k9.web and make  sure
    that the  directory it's  in isn't  a document  directory.  Better
    workaround is  by  putting the actual web   file in  a   protected
    directory above the website's directory (more secure than renaming
    file).   The  problem  with  the  default  setup (and the renaming
    system)  is  that  the  .web  file  lies  in  a  publicly-readable
    directory.  Put it somewhere where the OS can protect it instead.