SSL Certificates In Netscape Navigator


    Netscape Navigator & Communicator


    Following is based on ACROS  Security Problem Report.  Their  team
    has discovered a flaw in Netscape Navigator that allows  bypassing
    of warning about  an invalid SSL  certificate.  SSL  protection is
    used in most  major Internet-based financial  services (e-banking,
    e-commerce).  The flaw we  have found effectively disables one  of
    the two basic SSL functionalities:  to assure users that they  are
    really communicating with the intended  web server - and not  with
    a fake one.   Using this flaw,  the attacker can  make users  send
    secret information (like  credit card data  and passwords) to  his
    web server rather  than the real  one - EVEN  IF THE COMMUNICATION

    When a web browser tries  to connect to a SSL-protected  server, a
    so-called SSL session is   established.  At the beginning  of this
    session the  server presents  his SSL  certificate containing  his
    public key.   At this  point, browser  checks the  certificate for
    the following conditions (*):

        1) Certificate  must  be  issued  by  a certificate  authority
           trusted by browser (some are default: Verisign, Thawte etc)
        2) Certificate must not be expired (its expiry date:time  must
           be later than the current system date:time on the  computer
           browser is running on)
        3) Certificate  must  be  for  the  server  that  browser   is
           connecting to (if browser is connecting to,
           the certificate must be for

    All  three  conditions  must  be  met  for  browser  to accept the
    certificate.  For every condition not met, browser should  display
    a warning to the user and then user can decide whether  connection
    should be  established or  not.   These three  conditions combined
    provide user with assurance that his browser is really  connecting
    to the correct server  and not to some  fake server placed on  the
    Internet by malicious individual(s) trying to trick users to  give
    them  credit   card  information,   passwords  and   other  secret

    For example, let's  take a look  at a sample  web e-banking system
    that doesn't use SSL  certificates and requires one-time  password
    tokens   for    user   authentication.      User    connects    to  Browser asks DNS server for IP address  of and gets  Browser then connects to and user is  presented with login form  asking for
    his username and one-time password. He enters this data and starts
    using e-banking services.

    A simple attack (called web-spoofing) on this system is to  attack
    the  DNS  server  and  "poison"  its entry for with
    attacker's IP address  Attacker sets up a web  server
    at  that  web-wise  looks  exactly  like the original server.  User  trying to connect to
    will now instead connect to  the attacker's server and provide  it
    with  his  one-time  password.   Attacker's  server  will use this
    password  to  connect  to  the  real server at and
    transfer all of the user's money to his secret Swiss bank account.

    This attack is  successfully disabled by  using SSL protocol.   In
    that  case,  when  browser  falsely  connects to at rather than to, attacker's server must
    provide a  valid certificate  for,  which it  can't
    unless the attacker has stolen the secret key and the  certificate
    from the real server.  Let's look at three possibilities:

        1) Attacker  could  issue  a  certificate  for
           himself (on his  own CA). That  wouldn't work since  his CA
           is not trusted by user's browser.
        2) Attacker  could use  a stolen  expired key  and certificate
           (those are often  not protected as  strongly as valid  ones
           since one could think they  can't be used any more).   That
           wouldn't work since browser will notice that certificate is
        3) Attacker  could use  a valid  key and  certificate for some
           other site  (e.g. That  wouldn't work
           since  browser  will  accept  only  valid  certificates for

    It would seem  that this problem  of web-spoofing is  successfully
    solved  with  SSL  certificates.    Well,  there  is  a  flaw   in
    implementation of SSL certificate checks in Netscape Navigator.

    Netscape Navigator correctly checks the certificate conditions (*)
    at the beginning  of a SSL  session it establishes  with a certain
    web server.  The flaw is,  while this SSL session is still  alive,
    all HTTPS connections  to *THAT SERVER'S  IP ADDRESS* are  assumed
    to be a part of this session (and therefore certificate conditions
    are not checked again).   Instead of comparing hostnames to  those
    of  currently  open  sessions,  Navigator  compares  IP addresses.
    Since more than one hostname  can have the same IP  address, there
    is a great  potential for security  breach.  This  behavior is not
    in compliance with SSL specification.

    The following  will try  to demonstrate  the flaw.   It is assumed
    that  for  redirecting  user's  web  traffic,  the  attacker  will
    generally use "DNS poisoning"  or reconfiguring routers, while  in
    our demonstration we  will use the  HOSTS file on  client computer
    to get the same effect and make it easier to reproduce the flaw.

    In  this  demonstration,  we  will  make  Navigator  open Thawte's
    homepage  over   secure  (HTTPS)   connection  while    requesting
    Verisign's  home  address  at  Thawte's
    and Verisign's homepages  are used as  examples - this  would work
    just the same on any other secured web sites.

    1) First, add the  following line to the  local HOSTS file on  the
       computer running the Navigator and save it:

       This will  make the  computer (and,  consequently, the browser)
       think that  IP address  of  (which is actually is in fact (which is actually IP
       address of

       At this point  it is important  to note that  SSL, if correctly
       implemented,  provides  protection  against  such  "domain name
       spoofing", because while the browser will connect to the  wrong
       server, that  server will  not be  able to  provide a valid SSL
       certificate and the  SSL session will  not be established  (not
       without user being warned about the certificate).

    2) Close  all  instances  of  Navigator  to  clean  any cached  IP

    3) Open Navigator and go  to  It works  as
       it should -  Thawte's server provides  a valid SSL  certificate
       for its  hostname (  and so  the SSL  session is

    4) With    the    same   instance     of    Navigator,   go     to   Now  watch  the  Thawte's  homepage
       appear again WITHOUT ANY WARNINGS!

    What happened here? In step 3), Navigator looked up the IP address
    for (from the DNS server) and found
    It  tried  to  establish  a  SSL  session with that IP address and
    correctly checked all three  certificate conditions (*) -  indeed,
    if any of them weren't true, a warning would pop up.

    In   step   4),   Navigator   looked   up   the   IP  address  for (this time from  HOSTS file, but it  could easily
    have  been   from  the   same   DNS   server)  and   found   again   Now, since  there was  already one  SSL session
    open with that IP address, Navigator *INCORRECTLY* decided to  use
    that session instead of establishing another one.

    This exploit will show how the flaw could be used to gather user's
    secret  information.    Assume  there  is   a  web  bookstore   at  Users  go  to
    (via normal  HTTP connection),  browse the  books and  add them to
    their  virtual  shopping  baskets.  At  the  check-out,  they  are
    directed     to      a      secure      order     form       (e.g.  where  they   enter
    their personal and credit card information which is then submitted
    (again  via  secure  HTTPS  connection)  to  the server. This is a
    typical  web  e-commerce  concept.   Assume  that  IP  address  of is

    The  attacker  sets  up  his  own  web  server  with  IP   address and installs  on it a  valid SSL certificate  for host (he  could have  purchased this  certificate from
    e.g.  Verisign if he  owns the domain; he  could have
    stolen the certificate or he  could have broken into a  web server
    with a certificate  already installed).   The attacker makes  this
    web server function as a gateway to - meaning
    that  all  requests  are  forwarded  to,  so
    virtually  this  server  "looks  and  feels" exactly like the real   There  is  just  one  difference: the page
    before  the  order  form  (eg.
    contains    a     small    (1x1)     image    originating     from (secure HTTPS connection).

    Then, the attacker "poisons" a heavily used DNS server so that  it
    will return for  requests about
    (normally it returns

    What happens then?  All users  of that DNS server who will  try to
    visit (via normal  HTTP) will  connect
    to  instead  of  but will not notice
    anything  because  everything  will  look  just the way it should.
    They will browse the books and add them to their shopping  baskets
    and  at  check-out,  they  will  be  presented with the order form

    But the previous HTML page  containing the hyperlink to the  order
    form  will  also   contain  a  small   (1x1)  image  with   source    Navigator   will   successfully
    download this image and for  that it will establish a  SSL session
    with   This session then  stays open.   When the
    order form is accessed,  Navigator tries to establish  another SSL
    session,  this  time  to   Since DNS server
    claims this  server has  the same  IP address  as
    (, Navigator  will use  the existing  SSL session with and will not check the certificate.

    The result: Navigator  is displaying a  SECURE ORDER FORM  that it
    believes   to   be   originating    from   the   genuine    server  while  in  fact  it  is originating from the
    fake one.   No warning about  an invalid certificate  is issued to
    the user so he  also believes to be  safe.  When user  submits his
    secret information,  it goes  to (through)  the attacker's  server
    where it is collected for massive abuse.  For users to notice  the
    foul play they  would have to  look at the  certificate properties
    while  on  a  "secure"  page  The
    properties would  show that  the certificate  used was  issued for

    Also, monitoring network traffic would show that the server is not
    at where it  should be but rather  at
    It is  a very  rare practice  to check  any of  these when nothing
    suspect is happening.

    It should  be noted  that in  the previous  exploit, if  the users
    tried to access over secure  (HTTPS)
    connection from the very  start, Navigator would issue  a warning.
    It is imperative for the  exploit to work that some  time *before*
    the  first  secure  connection  to a
    successful secure connection is made to
    That's   why   a   valid   certificate   must   be   installed  on  Also, it  should be noted that  Navigator's SSL
    sessions don't  last forever.   Authors of  advisory haven't  been
    able to  predict the  duration of  these sessions  (it seems to be
    depending on many  things like inactivity  time, total time  etc.)
    and  we  also  haven't  investigated  the  possible effects of SSL
    session resuming.

    Tests were performed on:

        Communicator 4.72 - affected
        Communicator 4.61 - affected
        Navigator 4.07 - affected


    Netscape has provided a Navigator Add-on called Personal  Security
    Manager (PSM), freely downloadable at:

    Installation of  PSM, as  far as  we have  tested it, corrects the
    identified flaw.  Netscape Communicator (v4.73) currently includes
    the fix for this vulnerability.  It is available for download at:

    Navigator/Communicator users  who can't  or don't  want to install
    PSM can  use a  "manual" method  to make  sure they  are not under
    attack: when visiting an  SSL-protected site, double click  on the
    lock icon (bottom left corner) or the key icon (in older browsers)
    and see whether the certificate used for the connection is  really
    issued   for   the   correct   hostname.   E.g.   If   you   visit,  make  sure  the  certificate  used   is
    issued  for  and  not  for  some other hostname.
    Netscape Navigator/Communicator  users who  are also  users of any
    critical  web  services  employing  Secure  Sockets  Layer   (SSL)
    protection  to  provide  secrecy  and  integrity of browser-server
    communication are  strongly advised  to install  Personal Security
    Manager  or  upgrade  to  Communicator  4.73 and thus disable this

    Main examples of such critical web services are:

        - web banking systems (especially the ones using passwords for
          authentication - even one-time passwords),
        - web stores (especially the ones accepting credit card data)
        - other web-based e-commerce systems.

    Providers of web services
    Providers of critical web services employing Secure Sockets  Layer
    (SSL)   protection   to   provide   secrecy   and   integrity   of
    browser-server communication should advise their users to  install
    Personal Security Manager or upgrade to Communicator 4.73 and thus
    disable this vulnerability.   Since this vulnerability allows  for
    the type of  attack that can  completely bypass the  real/original
    web server, there are no technical countermeasures which providers
    of web services could deploy at their sites.

    Web services using client SSL certificates for user authentication
    This vulnerability does NOT  allow the attacker to  steal client's
    SSL  key  and  thus  execute  the  man-in-the-middle attack on web
    services using  client SSL  certificates for  user authentication.
    It still does, however, allow the attacker to place a fake  server
    (an  exact  copy)  and  collect  other  information  users provide
    (including the data in their client SSL certificates).

    For RedHat:






    For Red Hat Linux 5.0 and 5.1, use the Red Hat Linux 5.2 packages.
    For Red Hat Linux 6.0 and 6.1, use the Red Hat Linux 6.2 packages.

    As  for  Caldera  Systems,  OpenLinux  eDesktop  2.4  previous  to
    communicator-4.73-2  has  been   found  vulnerable.   The   proper
    solution is to upgrade to the fixed packages: