Netscape Fasttrack Server


    Netscape Fasttrack Server 4.1 for Windows NT 4.0


    Peter Grundl (Defcom  Labs Advisory def-2001-05)  found following.
    The Fasttrack  4.1 server  has problems  with its  caching module.
    The problem can result in all the server memory being consumed and
    thus causing the server to perform very sluggishly.

    The Fasttrack  4.1 server  caches requests  for non-existing  URLs
    with valid extensions (eg. .html).  The cached ressources are  not
    freed again (at least not after half an hour), so a malicious user
    could cause the web server  to perform very sluggishly, simply  by
    requesting a lot of non-existing html-documents on the web server.


    Vendor  replied  that  the  Fasttrack  server  is  not  meant  for
    production environments and as that, the issue will not be fixed.