Netscape Communicator


    Linux, Win95 & NT, Solaris (2.5)


    'nocarrier'  found  following  bug  in  HTML  Parser  of  Netscape
    Communicator 4.x.  Result is  that can crash the browser  and make
    you crazy  after few  times.   The following  code is  all that is
    necessary to crash  the browser.   Intermixing different tags  may
    render this  bug benign,  so the  specific order  is required. The
    <HTML><HEAD>...<BODY> and closing tags are not necessary.
    Under NT Communicator won't crash if you access it as:


    (by "double clicking" on it or something), but it does crash if
    you access it by say:


    <HEAD><TITLE>Crash me!</TITLE></HEAD>

    Here's some text. The following  IMG tag can be valid  or invalid,
    it didn't matter in the tests I ran.

    <IMG SRC="">

    Some more text. Following  the IMG tag, you  must have at least  a
    TABLE and TD tag. The existance of the TR tag is not necessary  to
    cause the crash.




    Nothing so far.