

    Systems running pcnfsd


    PCNFSD  supports  printing  in  which  a  print  job  uses  NFS to
    transfer files from the client to the pcnfsd server.  The  process
    works as follows:

    -   The  client requests a path  to the printer's spool  directory
        from the server,
    -   The client then writes the necessary files for printing,
    -   The client then  informs the pcnfsd server that the  files are
        ready for printing,
    -   Pcnfsd then writes  a subdirectory for  the client using   the
        client's hostname,
    -   This pathname is returned to the clients via the NFS server

    NOTE:  The PCNFSD  server and the NFS  server may or may  not be 2
    different  machines.   PCNFSD  runs  as  root.   It  creates   the
    directories w/ mkdir  and then chmods  them 777 (user,  group, and
    world  readable,  writeable,  and  executable).   If  the   target
    directory  is  replaced  with  a  symbolic  link  pointing  to   a
    restricted  file  or  directory,  the  mkdir  fails, but the chmod
    still succeeds (!).  The  target of the symbolic link  will remain
    chmod 777.   The intruder can  then rewrite the  password file and
    gain root access.

    PCNFSD  calls  the  system(3)  subroutine  as root, and the string
    passed to system  can be "influenced"  by arguements given  in the
    RPC.  Remote  users can execute  any command on  the machine where
    PCNFSD runs.


    Obtain and install the following patched pcnfsd software:

    Ensure that the  mode of the  top-level pcnfsd spool  directory is

        chmod 755 /usr/spool/pcnfs

    Run SecureRPC, or secure and run DCE.

    Patches for AIX are as it follows:

    AIX 3.2
        APAR - IX57623 (PTF - U442633)
        APAR - IX56965 (PTF - U442638)

    AIX 4.1
        APAR - IX57616
        APAR - IX56730