

    qpopper 3.0 fc2, qpopper 2.53....


    3APA3A  found  following.    Malicious  user  can  remotely   post
    message with  spoofed  or incorrect headers (including "Received:"
    one) and in some  cases bypass virus checking.   This can be  used
    for sending trojans or to attack vulnerabilities in MUA.

    In most unix  systems e-mail delivered  to user is  usually stored
    in  his  mailbox,  which  has  predefined  format (so-called "unix
    mailbox" or "berkley  mailbox").   This mailbox holds messages  in
    plain format separated by  empty line ("\n") and  specially formed
    "From " header.   The pattern of  the next message  in mailbox  is
    "\n\nForm ".

    Then local  mail programs  (f.e. mail.local)  delivers message  to
    user's  mailbox  it  searches  for  this  pattern  and  if message
    contains one "From" will  be  commented out by '>' and  additional
    '\n' will be added to message if necessary.  This assumes  mailbox
    integrity and protects from e-mail spoofing.

    qpopper  has  vulnerability  which  allows  for  malicious user to
    generate  his  own  "From"  with  followed email headers and text.
    The problem is in the way qpopper reads data from mailbox. Qpopper
    uses fgets() or fgets()-like  routine, mfgets(), which reads  data
    from mailbox into the fixed 1024 byte buffer and returns string in
    case either '\n' character received or 1023 bytes read.  Malicious
    user can put text like (without leading spaces):

        AAAA...AAA(string of 1023 symbols)\n
        From user Wed Dec  2 05:53 -0700 1992

    In this case fgets() will return 3 strings:

        "AAAA...AAA(string of 1023)symbols", without '\n',
        "From user Wed Dec 2 05:53 -0700 1992"

    and this will be recognized as  a beginning of the new message  in
    the mailbox.

    Text after "From " string will be recognized as a headers and text
    of the next  message, allowing to  generate any headers  and text.
    Additionally,  this  "internal"  messages  will  be treated by any
    software  as  a  plain  text  inside  message,  without  any  MIME
    attachments.   This  allows  to  bypass  virus  checking  in  case
    antiviral tools scans only attached files.

    mail.local   also   uses   fgets() for  reading input message, but
    default buffer   size is 2048,  so "From "  will not be  commented
    and problem can be   exploited.  If another  local mailer is  used
    with same behavior and buffer  size 1024 or mailer splits  strings
    of 1024 bytes this problem couldn't be exploited.


    Vendor contacted,  bug scheduled  to be  patched in  next release,
    FreeBSD port patched.  Possible temporary fix for qpopper 3.0  fc2
    (not tested):

    --- pop_dropcopy.c      Sat Mar 18 02:31:11 2000
    +++ pop_dropcopy.c      Wed Apr 12 18:11:11 2000
    @@ -205,6 +205,8 @@

     int newline = 1;
    +int isbreaked = 0;
    +int wasbreaked = 0;

      *  0 for not a from line
    @@ -229,6 +231,14 @@

         /* If the previous line was not a newline then just return */
         /* From message separators are preceeded by a newline */
    +    if (isbreaked) {
    +       wasbreaked = 1;
    +       return ( 0 );
    +    }
    +    if (wasbreaked) {
    +       wasbreaked = 0;
    +       return ( 0 );
    +    }
         if ( *cp == '\n' ) {
             newline = 1;
             return ( 0 );
    @@ -1593,9 +1603,13 @@
         if( size <= 0 ) {
         return NULL;
    +    isbreaked = 1;
         while( --size && ((c = getc(stream)) != EOF) ) {
         if( (*p = (char)c) == '\0' ) *p = ' ';
    -    if( *p++ == '\n' ) break;
    +       if( *p++ == '\n' ) {
    +           isbreaked = 0;
    +           break;
    +       }
         if( p == s ) return NULL;
         *p = '\0';

    This  problem  has  been  fixed  in  Qpopper 3.0.1b2, which is now
    available.   Note  that  the  problem  does  not  occur on Solaris
    systems  (which  use  Content-Length),  nor   on systems which use
    mail or certain other local delivery agents.  Also, note that  the
    patch  supplied  above  may  not  function correctly and may cause
    messages to not be recognized.