

    Systems running portmap


    Michal Zalewski  found following.   It's possible  to perform  DoS
    attack by sending small amount of junk to tcp port 111 of  machine
    running portmap 4.0 (and older;  this was tested under Linux  with
    portmap 4.0-8).  Simple exploit follows (only to send a few random
    8-bit chars):

        telnet -E 111 </dev/random

    It will affect specific operations/services on attacked host, like
    login - depending on system  speed, login attempt on idle  machine
    (LA=0.01,  Linux  2.0.x,  x86)  will  take  from  over  10 seconds
    (k6/200MHz) to  long minutes  (486dx/80MHz).   During attack, many
    select()  calls  will  fail  (timeout),  so  complex programs will
    become much slower (especially  when resolving domain names),  but
    LA  will  not  change  significally.   Smarter  attacks   (without
    /dev/random) are probably  much more effective.   More about  this
    read in 'rpc applications' under mUNIXes section.


    This is  bug in  (g)libc and  rpc developers  don't see any simple
    solution yet.