Systems running procmail v3.11pre4 (only?)
Jamie Batsy found following. In the procmailex man page there is
an example of a simple fileserver.
The recipie in the man page sets up the fileserver so that
incoming mail with the subject: request <filename> returns the
file from $HOME/fileserver. If someone were to use this recipe,
all a villain would have to send would be:
Subject: request /etc/passwd
and procmail cheerfully returns the passwd file, or any file that
is readable by the user that procmail suid's to. This could be
particularly bad if someone happened to have an infobot owned by
On a more practical level, an unscrupulous cad could just request
/var/mail/username and recieve the unsuspecting users mailfile.
The infinite possibilities to the creativity are left to gentle
reader. Below is included the offending text for your perusal.
* !^X-Loop: yourname@your.main.mail.address
* !^Subject:.*Re:
* ^Subject:.*request
MAILDIR=$HOME/fileserver # chdir to the fileserver directory
:0 h # extract the requested filename(s)
FILES=| sed -n -e 's/^Subject:.*request \(.*\)/\1/p'
:0 f # reverse the mailheader
| formail -rA "X-Loop: yourname@your.main.mail.address"
| (cat; cat $FILES) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t
Solution: change that last subject (see above) to read:
* ^Subject:.*request [0-9a-z]
and add the condition:
* ! ^Subject:.*[/.]\.
That will protect you from ".."s and keep dot files in general
from being fetched.