

    Systems using SNMP (v1?)


    The following text is in great way based on Paul Danckaert's post.

    Would  you  like  to  be  able  to  identify all of the hosts on a
    network,  without  having  to  even  send  a  packet  to the local
    ethernet?  Would  you like to  have a complete  listing of exactly
    what  hardware  is  on  a  network?   Would  you like to shut down
    network  connections,  modems,  and  other  intelligent   devices?
    Well, you can.   And the protocol that  will bring it to  you is..

    SNMP, or  the Simple  Network Management  Protocol, is  a protocol
    designed for monitoring and controlling devices on a network.   It
    can be  used to  find out  how much  traffic flows through various
    interfaces of  a router  and look  for network  congestion, or  to
    monitor host-specific information on other devices.   Historically
    it has been used  mainly by graphical network  management software
    packages, like  SunNet Manager  for laying  out and  controlling a
    large distributed network.

    Access control  in SNMP  is done  via community  strings, which is
    essentially a shared secret.   (A similar setup is with  NIS where
    clients need  to know  the NIS  domain name  in order  to transfer
    maps.)  Almost  all  SNMP  manageable  devices  use  the   default
    community "public" for read-only access to a device.  Some  others
    will  enable  an  additional  "private"  community  for read-write
    access to the SNMP device.   (Other devices use other pairs,  such
    as read and write, etc..)

    To perform a query, a user simply has to send a udp packet to  the
    destination  host  with  the  community  string, and a variable to
    query for.  For example:> snmpget myrouter public system.sysDescr.0

    Name: system.sysDescr.0 -> OCTET STRING- (ascii):       Cisco Internetwork
    Operating System Software .IOS (tm) GS Software (GS3), Version 10.0(13),
    RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1).Copyright (c) 1986-1994 by cisco Systems,
    Inc..Compiled Tue 20-Feb-96 20:35 by bud

    In this example,  we used the  CMU (or UCDavis)  SNMP utilities to
    query a router for its description.

    The  problem  with  SNMP  is  that  people  don't consider it when
    securing a site  very often, or  to the extent  that it should  be
    examined.   People  will  leave  routers,  modems, hubs, and other
    devices with  readable and  writable communities  enabled.   These
    allow  remote  users  to  query  devices  on  local  networks  and
    discover  quite  a  bit  of  information  about  local systems and
    network layouts.  Consider the following situations:

    Scenario 1:

     A remote user  wants to gain  access to a  network, but wants  to
     break  into  a  machine  that  would  serve  the  most  use.  For
     example, breaking  into a  machine located  on a  network that is
     used  for  connecting  routers,  and  allows  the most profitable
     password sniffing.  By making a few SNMP queries to routers,  the
     network topology  can be  easily mapped  out, and  attacks can be
     concentrated in the best places.

    Scenario 2:

     A user  on the  local network  is running  an NT fileserver, with
     default SNMP enabled.  By sending a query to the host a user  can
     discover the "real"  NT system name,  used in file  sharing.  (It
     does  not  need  to  be  the  hostname,  and  frequently  is not.
     Without this name, you are  not able to get filesharing  access.)
     By using a  remote PC (or  samba on a  UNIX machine), the  server
     can  be  scanned  easily,  checking  for  open  fileshares.    If
     desired, a quick password guessing attack can also be performed.

    Scenario 3:

     A remote user can iteratively scan remote addresses, looking  for
     SNMP managable devices.  Scanning a network and asking each  host
     for  its  system.sysDescr.0  (system  description) will produce a
     nice  list  of  each  system  and  OS  on  the  network  that  is
     manageable.   Many PCs,  Macs, UNIX  systems, Xterminals, modems,
     terminal servers,  printers, print  servers, hubs,  switches, and
     routers  all  have  a  default  public  community  and allow easy

    Scenario 4:

     The  above  situations   have  been  more   passive  and   mainly
     information gathering,  but denial  of service  attacks are quite
     reasonable.  If a writable community string is found, the  system
     settings may be modified.   Network interfaces can be shut  down,
     modems disconnected, and routing tables modified.

    One interesting attack could  be used in conjunction  with network
    spoofing.   If the  interface on  a hub  or router  for a  machine
    could be  shut down,  spoofed packets  from that  machine be sent,
    and the interface restored, blocking unwanted responses from  that
    machine  is  easily  taken  care  of.   (This  would be in the tcp
    sequencing attack, where the spoofed host is flooded with  opening
    connections to prevent a response at an inopportune time.)


    If  I'm  not  wrong,  these  are  problems  with  SNMP v1 which is
    oldtimer  by  now,  but  as  you  know  oldtimers  rules.   A good
    starting point  with a  lot more  info about  it and  solutions is
    Phrack magazine issue 50: