suidperl (sperl)
Any system that Perl versions 4 and 5 can be compiled and
installed in such a way that they will be vulnerable.
suidperl attempts to emulate the set-user-ID and set-group-ID
features of the kernel. Depending on whether the script is
set-user-ID, set-group-ID, or both, suidperl achieves this
emulation by first changing its effective user or group ID to
that of the original Perl script. suidperl then reads and
executes the script as that effective user or group. To do these
user and group ID changes correctly, suidperl must be installed
as set-user-ID root.
On systems that support saved set-user-ID and set-group-ID,
suidperl does not properly relinquish its root privileges when
changing its effective user and group IDs. On a system that has
the suidperl or sperl program installed and that supports saved
set-user-ID and saved set-group-ID, anyone with access to an
account on the system can gain root access.
Obtain and install the appropriate patch according to the
instructions included with the patch. If you have installed Perl
from source code, you should install source code patches. Patches
are available from the CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)